Text Message Greetings Your first song of the night

Rain again!

December 30th, 2006 at 05:17pm

There has been more rain in Canberra today, but thankfully it appeared to be void of strong winds and hail.

Today I’ve recorded another rain video, I’m going to see if Google Video can handle it properly.


Update 6:20pm: I had a nap and came back to the computer to find my face staring at me from a Google Video upload successful screen!

The rain is now gone and there is a bit of blue sky. The rain is good, but we, along with many other parts of the nation, need more.

End Update

Update 6:44pm: And for those who prefer the original video, click here. (One reason that I place the original video online is that it is otherwise impossible for the video to be preserved by the National Library’s PANDORA Archive, as Google and YouTube videos are not “on site”).
End Update

Update 7:54pm: ABC’s Television news had pictures of hail in southern Canberra…it looks like the hail situtation was reversed today. Yesterday the hail was up my end of town, with virtually no rain or hail in southern Canberra, today it was hailing in southern Canberra, and merely raining in northern Canberra. Incidentally the rain started again while I was taking Nattie for her evening walk, we enjoyed it, although I didn’t start “singing in the rain”! End Update

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  • 1. John B1_B5  |  December 30th, 2006 at 8:58 pm

    Well that worked better than the ‘YouTube’ attempt .

    Looks like you got a lot more rain than where Iam.
    I didn’t get any hail at all, and only about 3mm of rain ( I was hoping for a nice heavy downpour) !

  • 2. Samuel  |  December 30th, 2006 at 9:23 pm

    Absolutely, and Google have improved their flash based video player as well!

    Incidentally a present to the whole family that I bought for Christmas was a 1GB SD (Secure Digital) memory card for the digital camera, which means that I can shoot videos at a higher quality (most noticeably a smoother frame rate) without worrying about the space left on the card. I also have minimal chance of ever running out of space for photos, something which I have come close to doing on a few occasions (John Kerr’s 2005 Christmas Cruise for example).

    The weather is a funny creature John. Better luck with tomorrow’s forecasted “afternoon showers and isolated thunderstorms”.

  • 3. John B1_B5  |  December 30th, 2006 at 9:58 pm

    Oh well, I’ll just battle on with my $100 Kodak ‘Easyshare’ digital camera.

  • 4. Samuel  |  December 31st, 2006 at 2:52 am

    As long as it does the job! I had an Easyshare camera until a bit after the halfway mark of 2005, it was a good camera, but it really knew how to chew through batteries. It may have been faulty though as it would drain batteries within 10 photos.

    I’m actually considering getting a “cheapie” camera just so I can carry it with me at (almost) all times, as I often see things I would like to photograph, sometimes discreetly, and it just isn’t possible to carry the main camera with me like that, and it is definitely not a discreet camera.

    One thing I don’t want though is a camera phone, as I prefer mobile telephones to be telephones, with basic Short Message Service capabilities, and a nice basic monochrome display!

  • 5. 2CC-Senior Cleaner  |  January 1st, 2007 at 12:44 pm

    Hello Sambo, twas quite a glorious downpour. Only found one puddle in the studio’s toilet block, so i am quite pleased with 2CC’s choice of location in Mitchell. Wayne didnt put the toilet seat up though, so a few drips of urine were apparant on the nice white Caroma brand seat. This sent me into convulsions, leaving a much more solid mess to clean up. A cleaners life is hard and undervalued, but all things going to plan, i will be sitting infront of the mike in 12.5yrs professing my wisdom to many Canberran listeners.
    Well Sambo time is nigh, i must let you reclaim your audience.
    Cheerio, Bill.

  • 6. Samuel  |  January 1st, 2007 at 1:28 pm

    I’m not entirely sure why I allowed that comment Bill, but who is this Wayne you speak of, last time I checked there were no people by the name of “Wayne” working for Capital Radio’s Canberra operations.


December 2006

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