Archive for May, 2012

Wayne Swan can bribe the voters all he wants…it won’t help him or the country

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore

Good morning Andrew,

I see that Wayne Swan is reportedly going to start handing out more so-called “one-off payments” after tonight’s budget.

I remember when the federal government was not in debt and claimed that the best way to stimulate the economy was to plunge the government in to debt by sending everyone a one-off $900 cheque, along with the various other spending debacles like the pink bats, school shade cloths and overpriced digital set top boxes. It didn’t help…the Australian economy is worse now than it was in 2009, mostly due to the government’s actions.

Now the government is in serious amounts of debt, and Wayne Swan promises a surplus which might make the surplus smaller, except for the fact that most, if not all, of the surplus comes from budget tricks rather than actual savings. But instead of doing the responsible thing and paying off as much of the debt as is feasible, he wants to hand out more one-off cheques…he must sense an election coming soon.

It just proves that these payments, like the stimulus payments, had nothing to do with responsible economic management, and everything to do with bribing voters to overlook serious incompetence in the government. I’ll tell you right now Andrew, the man who once told Alan Jones that “traffic jams cause inflation” will not be the Treasurer once the people have had their say at the ballot box, no matter how much money he borrows to bribe the voters.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 8th, 2012 at 03:56am

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-07

  • @larryemdur I miss the bidding before the main games, but I like the 40 second showcase, and am happy Cliffy survived his first contestant. in reply to larryemdur #

May 7th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-06

  • Coalition now have more members in Parliament than Labor 72-71. RT @australian: National MP Tony Crook joins Coalition. #
  • Hey @larryemdur, If @glennwheeler's intro would take the whole episode, imagine how late the news would be if he announced the prizes too. #
  • @SCrawf9 scratch my other suggestion, I'm going with "I kissed a fish and I liked it", preferably sung to the tune of the Katy Perry song. in reply to SCrawf9 #
  • Listening to the Kentucky Derby via WLXO-FM. The Internet is a wonderful thing. #
  • Cycle paths are good as long as they are not on roads. RT @9NewsOnline: WA govt to spend $28m on cycling paths #
  • Channel Seven selling sporting merchandise through the "7 Shop" today. The phone number has no sevens, and a bunch of nines. #

May 6th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-05

May 5th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-04

  • Remember how ANU climate scientists claimed to have received death threats from climate sceptics? Well, they lied. #

May 4th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-02

  • @GordonDeal Sorry to hear that Gordon. My best wishes and prayers from Down Under. Samuel in reply to GordonDeal #
  • Is it just me, or does the music on the Obama ad sound just like the start of the NBC Meet The Depressed theme music? #

May 2nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-01

May 1st, 2012 at 09:00pm

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