Twitter Updates for 2012-05-05
May 5th, 2012 at 09:00pm
- @craighutchy @talkthetolldown @scrawf9 glad to see you've got streaming up again. Is it permanent? (please say yes, AFL Live is awesome!) in reply to craighutchy #
- @talkthetolldown @craighutchy @scrawf9 Awesome! You just made my day…although I'll probably dream about that "boing" sfx tonight! in reply to talkthetolldown #
- @SCrawf9 "I kissed a fish, and look what happened!" in reply to SCrawf9 #
- Hot on the heels of the Bendigo Chrysanthemum and Goat show! “@2CC: Collector Pumpkin Festival is on tomorrow #2cc #
Entry Filed under: Twitter posts