Adult offspring living with their parents
An email to 2GB’s Warren Moore in response to an interview he had on the subject of children who continue to live with their parents well in to their adult years
G’day Warren,
I’m 24 and still living at home for both convenience and economic reasons. I get along just fine with my parents and enjoy their company, and it’s reciprocated…and then there’s the dog who I wouldn’t want to leave as she gets in to her senior years.
I’m paying board at a rate which is probably about what I would be paying if I moved in to a share house with friends…but I’ll be honest, I don’t really want to live with other people my age. If I were to move out, then I would be moving out on my own. I’m saving towards that goal and it will happen eventually, but I think this works both ways. My parents have been good to me and have allowed me to stay in their home…and one day if it’s necessary when they’re older, I will allow them to move in with me.
For the moment though, unless I leave town, it makes no economic sense for me to move out until I’m in a better position to get myself set up to at least a half-decent standard of living.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
3 comments October 21st, 2011 at 04:28am