Archive for October 5th, 2008

Another Broken Labor Promise?

A few day ago, ACT Labor pledged pledged to “release no new policies on grandfinal day and would not run political advertisements on stations broadcasting the game, for the duration of the game”. Perhaps it’s just me that sees it this way, but it’s my opinion that the lower grade grand final matches count as “the game” as many people spend the majority of their day watching and enjoying each of the three games.

As such, I’m very disappointed that Labor candidate for Molongolo Mike Hettinger was advertising his vision for a “greener Canberra” during the half time break of the NSW Cup grand final. I’m already disappointed that Mike has decided to try to become part of a Labor government that he has previously accused of using policies which are against “core Labor values”. Sorry to burst your bubble Mike, but (deliberately) bringing them down from the inside doesn’t work when you’re a backbencher.

Update 4:28pm: There’s another one! I wonder if Mike received the communiqué as he seems to be the only Labor candidate running ads today. End Update

Update 4:42pm: Somebody just said to me “but the Liberals are advertising too”. True, but the Liberals didn’t promise to not advertise, whereas Labor did. End Update


October 5th, 2008 at 12:21pm

And yes, I’m still here

I’ve just been busy and highly unmotivated to post anything here. I think that’s changing and I’ll have a bit more to say tonight.


October 5th, 2008 at 11:22am

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Ray, Andrew, Blocker, Daryl, et al,

Thanks for another great entertaining year of rugby league…I know it’s a bit late to organise, but I would love to have both Ray and Andrew commentating the big match. Perhaps an early request for next year?

Anyway, go the Sea Eagles, the Broncos (I’m still after some revenge for the Raiders defeating the doggies in Round 26) and the Jets.

And I’m willing to put money on Melbourne Bellamy declaring that the referees cheated after the match.

Enjoy your summer and catch you next year.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

I did, quite unsuccessfully, attempt to leave the “N” out of Melbourne in an effort to refer to Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy as “Melboure Bellamy” as per the “Big League” spelling of Melbourne. Still, he’s being sued by the NRL judiciary for his comments the other week, so I’ll leave it at that.


October 5th, 2008 at 11:21am


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