Multiple Votes Per Election
For the last week or so I've been considering the rather naughty possibility of voting multiple times at the upcoming ACT election to help ensure my desired outcome, however as I like to be informed of the potential consequences of my actions, I decided to find out what the penalty for this could be. According to the ACT Electoral Act 1992, Section 130, the maximum penalty for this is $5000 or six months imprisonment. This is in stark contrast to the fine for failing to turn up at a polling place to get your name ticked off, which is $20 according to the electoral commission or $50 according to the act.
Needless to say, I have decided that spending my whole day voting as many times as humanly possible just isn't worth the trouble…although I have to admit that I find it amusing that the commission will take people to court who fail to pay the $20 fine for not voting…the court costs on that must be astronomical.
Enjoy your night.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
1 comment September 17th, 2008 at 10:23pm