Archive for July 9th, 2008

A (completely made up and silly) history of 2CC’s Mike Welsh

2CC’s new website was launched earlier this week, almost in conjunction with the updates station imaging that I was expecting but couldn’t say anything about. Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to write anything about either of these things this week, but I will do shortly.

Anyway, today for a bit of fun, Mike Welsh is running a competition, asking people to submit a fabricated history of him. The reason for this is that a listener suggested that the presenter profiles should have a bit more biographical information, and Mike decided that it would be more fun to have his listeners invent a biography.

I submitted an entry earlier this hour, purely for fun:

The history of Mike Welsh

Mike Welsh was born somewhere in remote Tasmanian bushland during the mid-20th century, in what is rumoured to have been the result of immaculate conception. To this day, scientists have been unable to pinpoint the exact location of the birth, but have narrowed the area to a set of crop circles which spell “2cc”.

Mike’s school life was made difficult by his natural tendency to talk a lot. One day in 1967, Mike’s teacher Mrs. Arquette Polonium told him to go outside until he stopped talking, however Mike did not stop talking and started terrorising the entire state with his incessant chatter. The Tasmanian government, in a desperate effort to rid their state of this menace, set fire to the state, a move which forced Mike to swim to mainland Australia.

Mike has been taking over radio stations across the country since then, with 2CC the latest station to be called “the home of Mike Welsh”.

When Mike isn’t busy giving the transmitter grief, he can be found writing songs about talking, and producing documentaries about the people who talk to him.

If you think you can out-talk 2CC’s smallest big-mouth Mike Welsh, you are invited to call him on the open line…but be warned, if you get him talking, there is no way to make him stop!

Incidentally, I noticed that one of 2CC’s new promos mentions that it is the “home of the Mike Jeffreys breakfast program” and the rest of the day’s lineup through to Stuart Bocking. I’ve always wondered about this phrase of a station being the home of someone…it makes it sound like they live in the studio. I like the phrase, probably because it always brings a smile to my face. I suppose that’s one way to make sure that the message sticks in my head!


July 9th, 2008 at 03:55pm


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