Archive for August, 2005

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Do I sense that it is time for another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot?…..Yep, I do.

Well, it looks like a picture of a computer to me….slightly futuristic for 1857, but not to worry.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 8th, 2005 at 07:07pm

Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

Well, this week it goes to Mary Chapin Carpenter, and whilst it is hard to pick just one song, I have gone with this one.

The Hard Way
(Mary Chapin Carpenter)

Show a little inspiration, show a little spark
And show that things that drew me to you and stole my heart
And tell me something I don’t know instead of everything I do
And look at me as if I mean something to you
Our hearts are beating while we sleep, but while we’re wide awake
You know the world won’t stop, and actions speak louder
Listen to your heart, and what your heart might say
Everything we got, we got the hard way

Show a little passion, baby, show a little style
And show the knack for knowing when and the gift for knowing how
And have a little trust in us when fear obscures the path
You know we got this far, darling, not by luck, but by never turning back
Some will call on destiny, but I just call on faith
That the world won’t stop, and actions speak louder
Listen to your heart, to what your heart might say
Everything we got, we got the hard way

Caught up in our little lives, there’s not a lot left over
I see what’s missing in your eyes; you’re searching for that field of clover
So show a little inspiration, show a little spark
Show the world a little light when you show it your heart
We’ve got two lives, one we’re given and the other one we make
And the world won’t stop, and actions speak louder
Listen to your heart, and your heart might say
Everything we got, we got the hard (everything we got, we got the hard way)
Everything we got, we got the hard way
(Because the world won’t stop) hang on, baby…


Add comment August 8th, 2005 at 06:59pm

Schnappi reaches 9

Yes, Schnappi Das Kleine Krokadil is now 9th on the ARIA singles chart.


Add comment August 8th, 2005 at 06:49pm

Happy Birthday Lawsie!

Today is Monday the 8th of August, 2005. The day which marks Lawsie’s 70th birthday.

Congratulations Lawsie, I hope you have a fantastic day.

John Williamson dropped into the studio today while Lawsie was on-air to wish him happy birthday and sing for him, it was quite a good moment, and will probably be on Lawsie’s website later today.

I tried to ring his show this morning to wish him a happy birthday, but ringing that show is always difficult as so many people want to talk to him. I ended up leaving a message for him with one of his producers. I also sent him a birthday card.

Happy Birthday Lawsie!


Add comment August 8th, 2005 at 12:29pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Before I get angry emails asking me why I haven’t produced today’s episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot, here it is.
In today’s episode, Samuel gets harrassed by about five troopers all asking for the same documentation.

As part of the gold game, a certain number of people chose to be troopers instead of gold diggers for half of the time, they had the job of going around and asking to see certain documents which showed if you had been shopping or kept your digging licence up-to-date, or been cheating.

On this particular day, five troopers visited Samuel (and most of the other gold diggers) to check their shopping documents, this sparked a number of complaints by the gold diggers about the troopers.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 7th, 2005 at 07:57pm

The Weekend Wireless Show

Last night I found myself having trouble getting to sleep. In fact, I ended up being awake for most of the night and sunlight-free portion of the morning.

One of the many benefits of talk radio is that, when you do have trouble getting to sleep, the radio is capable of keeping you company. Last night I found myself listening to much more of New Day Australia with George Gibson than usual, and eventually became rather intrigued by his lateral thinking question.

I don’t remember all the details of the question, but I do remember this much of it:
In the 1960’s an East German woman swam the 100M freestyle in a record time of 59.(something, forgot exact number) seconds, but it was never officially recognised, why?

At about 3:30am I felt rather compelled to ring and try to answer the question, I thought that perhaps she had been swimming the Australian Crawl before it was officially recognised. (Contrary to popular belief, freestyle allows the swimmer to choose which swimming style they wish to use, the style that you usually see is the Australian Crawl).

unfortunately, my answer was incorrect, but I did manage a couple games of Reversi on the computer while I was waiting on hold. The conversation I had with George Gibson was rather interesting too.

We started by discussing the temperature in Canberra, which was certainly colder than it was in his studio. Then I gave him my answer, the following dialogue is worthy of transcribing.
George: No, that’s not correct.
Samuel: Are you sure?
George: Yes.
Samuel: Well, do you think you could make that the answer?
George: (Laughter), I don’t think anybody’s ever asked me that before!

Nobody was able to answer the lateral thinking question overnight, so it will be there again on Saturday morning from 5 past Midnight when George Gibson present the “Weekend Wireless Show” New Day Australia on 2UE and network stations.

I eventually drifted off to sleep at about 5:15am


Add comment August 7th, 2005 at 03:17pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Roughly four hours later than usual, here is today’s Samuel In Dolgnwot

Samuel has a rather rigid feeding routine, and on this particular day, he is enjoying his morning tea, which is 1 Litre of Corn Soup, he will probably have a cup of coffee when he is done.

The feeding routine is another bit of paper I should dig out of the archive boxes.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 6th, 2005 at 10:22pm

SmoothWall forums fit to burst!

If you have a question about SmoothWall, the answer is probably in one of the 101,000 threads on the SmoothWall forums. Go and check it out.


Add comment August 5th, 2005 at 09:56pm

Man watches No Right Turn sign while ANU explodes

Only Canberra could produce a headline like that, and it is all true, even if slightly exagerated.
No Right Turn road signThis afternoon on my way into Civic I noticed somebody staring at a No Right Turn sign, which was a rather unusual sight. There didn’t appear to be anything unusual about the sign…maybe they hadn’t seen one before.

Also this afternoon, an explosion at the Australian National University.
In the Research School Of Chemistry, probably the result of an experimental accident.

ABC Online
says “A laboratory explosion blew out three windows and sparked a fire at the Australian National University’s (ANU) science building this afternoon. The fire is understood to have burned through the roof of the building. It is not clear what caused the explosion, which hit the third floor of the science building at 1:45pm AEST. Ambulance officers assessed four people from nearby buildings but they did not need treatment. The fire brigade says smoke from the blaze was non-toxic. Investigations into the cause are under way, as the clean-up continues.”

This comes just two days after a suspicious package was found at the Jolimont Centre in Civic, sparking a closure of some roads, including Nourthbourne Ave. The police belw up this bag to destroy it, I’m not sure how safe this is when they don’t know what is in the bag, but it turned out to be a forgotten bag of clothing.


Add comment August 5th, 2005 at 07:40pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

And here we have another one of those irresistible episodes of Samuel In Dolgnwot.

In today’s episode you can see Samuel enduring another one of those days where he isn’t able to search for gold. He does appear to be making the most of a bad situation by watching TV & listening to the radio simultaneously.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 5th, 2005 at 07:31pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Time for another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot
Samuel has had another big gold find today, and has decided to call the animals at his house to tell them about it.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 4th, 2005 at 07:18pm

Search Term

It would appear from the Blog View Stats that every few days, somebody lands on this blog by using the search term “samuel blog 2CC”. This strikes me as a rather odd set of words to combine as a search term, I mean, sure I’m a 2CC listener, but I think you would have to know me or be a regular reader to know that, so I would like to request that the person who is using that search term to please let me know why you use it.

There is nothing wrong with you using it, I’m just curious as to why you use it. Could you please leave a comment or email me?


6 comments August 3rd, 2005 at 10:01pm

Blogger or WordPress?

I must say that is starting to irk me, it does it’s job, but it isn’t exactly useful. It does tend to create some of the most appalling HTML on the planet, working with more than two images is pretty painful, and everything is STATIC! It also doesn’t provide me with a way to edit comments (keep or delete is all I get), I can’t assign categories to posts…in fact, pretty much all I can do is type.

I am seriously considering moving this blog to paid hosting and WordPress, which is a very nice, dynamic blogging utility (utility is probably the wrong word, but I like it). It probably won’t happen instantly, maybe my next holidays in a couple months would be a good time…but eventually this blog is not going to be on servers using software and’s strange version of HTML.

(Postscript Addendum Thingy: I accidentally clicked on the insert image button and then decided to click cancel because I didn’t want it….so blogger inserted the latest Samuel In Dolgnwot image…..grrrrr)


Add comment August 3rd, 2005 at 07:25pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

More Samuel In Dolgnwot! Yay!
Today you can see Samuel having fun with his lights and fans in his futuristic truck.

Turning them on and off constantly is obviously quite a good quality source of enjoyment for Samuel, and he is the only person on the goldfields in 1857 with the ability to do it.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 3rd, 2005 at 07:09pm

Blog View Stats for July

Due to inane difficulties with images and formatting, the previous post containing the stats from July has been removed, and I have instead uploaded the various reports in PDF format to



Add comment August 3rd, 2005 at 12:05am

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