Search Results for ‘Bill Grady’

Samuel on You Are The Guest with Bill Grady

A few days ago I mentioned that I was interviewed by Bill Grady, host of the You Are The Guest podcast.

Earlier today Bill sent me an email to notify me that the episode (episode 52) had been released. During the interview we covered many topics including forum bullies (and my ordeal with The Spin Starts Here), the war between Israel and Hezbollah (just thinking, can we choose one of the multitude of spellings for that name and stick to it?), Australian news and Canberra news, and a couple other things, including weird dreams, and advice for budding podcasters.

I’m sure we could have covered more, but if we’d done that we could still be talking now.

Anyway, the episode goes for 40 minutes and 50 seconds, is a 37.4MB download, and can be downloaded by clicking here. Alternatively, Bill has a streaming audio player on the You Are The Guest website.

Here’s a screenshot of Bill’s show notes (Click to enlarge):
Show notes for You Are The Guest #52

It was great being interviewed by Bill…I get the feeling that I’ll have to have him on Samuel’s Persiflage at some stage.

It is worthwhile noting that the interview was recorded last week, and as such certain aspects of topical discussions are now out of date…but it’s worth a listen none-the-less.

In semi-related news, the question that I submitted to the Security Now! podcast (mentioned in article linked at the top of this article) did not get read out on their 52nd episode, but may be read on their 56th episode, as they had too much security news to deal with, and as such did not have their usual question & answer episode.


1 comment August 14th, 2006

Hello from cold South Bend, Indiana, and an impending radio appearance

As I write this, South Bend is well on track to reach the predicted overnight low of -10 Fahrenheit (about -22C), and the prediction is for wind chills to make the early part of the morning feel like -20F (about -28C). Thankfully it’s warm in the hotel.

Here’s a photo I took on my first day in South Bend from the window of my hotel room. There had been a bit of direct sunlight on the window so it felt warm from my side, but it definitely was not warm on the other side.
South Bend, Indiana

During the day on what has recently become yesterday I went to Hillsdale in Michigan and saw Hillsdale College, including some of the statues of great historical figures. Here’s a photo of the Margaret Thatcher statue.
Hillsdale College's Margaret Thatcher statue on Liberty Walk

And of course before South Bend I was in Fort Dodge, Iowa, which was also quite cold but not as cold as South Bend is right now.
Part of the Fort Dodge Fort Museum

This one might interest the music buffs. The Laramar Ballroom in Fort Dodge is where Buddy Holly performed just three days before his death in a plane crash. Legend has it that bad weather in the region made it difficult to drive to wherever he was next going, and caused him to take the fatal flight instead. Here I am at the front doors of the Laramar Ballroom.
Samuel at Fort Dodge's Laramar Ballroom
Photo credit: Bill Grady

As I’m sure you can imagine, I have a lot of photos to post from this trip. The forecast is for a decent bit of snow over the weekend so between that and the generally cold weather, I’d say there’s a good chance I’ll have time to upload some or most of the photos before I leave South Bend.

Radio appearance
Today, Friday, Casey Hendrickson returns to his show on News/Talk 95.3 MNC (WTRC for those of you who like callsigns) between 3pm and 6pm Eastern (12pm and 3pm Pacific/7am Saturday and 10am Saturday Canberra). At this stage the plan is that I’ll join Casey during the final hour or half-hour, and MNC’s stream is available internationally so if you want to listen in, please do.

I’ll record this like I did when I was on Alan Stock’s show on KDWN in Las Vegas, but I get better reception of MNC than I did of KDWN so I shouldn’t have any problems sharing the audio with you later.

For now, as it is nearly 1:30am, I shall bid you a good night.


February 28th, 2014

At long last, I’m going on a trip to the US

Over the last couple of days I’ve posted some very heavy stories on this blog, so it was great timing that I received official confirmation of my annual leave application being approved, and therefore today I can finally make the details of my trip publicly known.

The pleasing automated email I received yesterday

Long-term readers of this blog would know that I have a keen interest in US politics and the country in general, and have wanted to make my way over there for quite some time. For various reasons I had a few false starts and couldn’t go before now, and had falsely raised the hopes of a few friends over there when I thought I could go, but ended up not being able to go. (My annual leave application has been unofficially approved for months, but to avoid disappointment I didn’t want to go public until it was definitely official)

In late 2012 I saw that it looked like it was finally going to be possible and started forming a few vague plans and saving up my annual leave (hence the reason I can take so much time off work). It quickly became apparent that, as people I know in the US had spread out across the country quite a bit of late, visiting most or all of them was going to be best accomplished by doing something else I’ve wanted to do…go for a driving holiday in a foreign country.

I started planning the trip based on driving everywhere and stopping in interesting places along the way. This plan, due to time and budget constraints, turned out to be a “go go go” trip with minimal time in each location, so then I started dropping some of the places that were of a lower priority (I can always see them at a later date) and then with a solid basis for a plan, added a little time in some places to give me more time to account for possible weather delays and a public holiday.

What I ended up with is this.

Click map to enlarge

This map shows all of the main destinations for my trip. How I plan for it to unfold is like this:

Tuesday 11 Feb
Depart Australia. Flying from Canberra to Sydney, then Sydney to Los Angeles, and Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Thanks to the time difference I should get to San Francisco around the middle of the day, however I am not staying in San Francisco as I am hiring a car and driving straight to Petaluma which is a small town about an hour north of San Francisco.

With all going well, I should get to the hotel with a couple hours left before sunset.

Wednesday 12 Feb and Thursday 13 Feb
On the Wednesday I’m going to visit the studios of, Leo Laporte’s technology podcast network (I interviewed Leo when TWiT was just starting to grow back in 2006) and am planning to use the rest of my time in Petaluma getting over any jet lag and doing some sightseeing around Petaluma and San Francisco.

Friday 14 Feb
The full day is set aside (and will be needed) for a drive to Las Vegas. I’m sure there will be a few stops along the way, and I plan on ensuring Bakersfield is one of them.

Saturday 15 Feb – Thursday 20 Feb
This time will be spent in Las Vegas with the possibility of some brief trips to nearby places of interest. People who have been reading this blog for a long time will know that I have quite a few friends in the Las Vegas area…my visit to Vegas is probably not going to be the normal visit of a tourist but I’ll still be doing some of the “tourist things”. I have arranged to meet some friends in Vegas already and hope to make many more plans as well.

Friday 21 Feb
On this day I will be returning the car I have hired and will be flying to Kansas City. I could not get a direct flight to Kansas City and so this trip will take most of the day, but is quicker than two full days of driving. Upon arrival in Kansas City I will be picking up another hire car…one more suitable for the rather cold locations which make up the rest of the trip.

Saturday 22 Feb
I’m looking forward to seeing the interesting sights of Kansas City and meeting a friend who used to live in Vegas.

Sunday 23 Feb
I’ll be driving to the town of Fort Dodge, Iowa on this day. This should only take a few hours so I may have a bit of spare time in Kansas City in the morning and some in Fort Dodge in the afternoon.

Monday 24 Feb
This will be a day for some sightseeing in Fort Dodge and meeting Bill Grady (Bill and I interviewed each other a few times in 2006 and have kept in touch since). Bill is a really good guy who now runs a news website for Fort Dodge and to whom I give lots of credit for sparking a lot of my interest in US news and politics, and being the first person to properly explain to me the 2nd amendment and its historical reason for being.

Tuesday 25 Feb
I’ll be driving to South Bend, Indiana on this day. Given the distance and the fact that I lose an hour by crossing from Central Time to Eastern Time along the way, the full set of daylight hours has been allocated to this.

Wednesday 26 Feb – Sunday 2 March
South Bend, near the Indiana/Michigan border will my base for this time.

Long-term readers of this blog would be familiar with the name Casey Hendrickson. Casey now resides and works near South Bend and I’m looking forward to meeting Casey and some other friends in Indiana during this time.

Other highlights will hopefully include a trip to the nearby town of Hillsdale, Michigan where the fantastic Hillsdale College is (seeing their life-size statues of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and other historical figures is something I’m very excited about), and I’m looking forward to trying out a new shooting range at Rocket Guns in Goshen, Indiana.

Monday 3 March
Another one of my full day drives…this time to Arlington, Virginia which is just outside Washington D.C.

Tuesday 4 March – Friday 7 March
I’m very much looking forward to seeing D.C. and a lot of the nearby spots including Baltimore and Leesburg. If time permits, I might also make a day-trip out of a visit to a friend in New Jersey.

Saturday 8 March
This is the day that I depart from the US. I’ll drop off the rental car and fly out from Reagan International Airport, heading to Canberra via airports in Los Angeles and Brisbane. I’ll be back at home late on Monday the 10th of March, leaving me the better part of two weeks at home before I have to go back to work (and probably make up for my absence with Pebbles).

I’m looking forward to it very much and will provide some more details before I go. I also hope to keep this blog updated with details from my trip while I’m over there.


January 8th, 2014

Samuel’s Persiflage #14

Samuel's Persiflage
The new and “evolved” Samuel’s Persiflage has arrived, with episode number fourteen just waiting to be downloaded . There is also a low quality version for the bandwidth impaired here.

If you so desire, you can even listen to it online, just click the play button below.


The new feature is an editorial, slightly based on the format of Editorial Echoes, and I have even used the Editorial Echoes intro for the Persiflage Editorial, except that it is now in stereo! The editorial for the month focuses on telemarketers.

De facto US correspondent Bill Grady and I discuss the Virginia Tech shootings, how the media affects peoples perceptions, security for world leaders, the world of advertising, and the new feature involving listeners…one could say that Bill is actually a bit of an expert in the new feature…the feature word of the interview is “crazy”.

Bill Grady’s podcast is You Are The Guest, and his other website is Create Ads That Work.

There are two ads this month, and both are promoting advertising on radio. It’s quite interesting to compare how the US and Australian radio industries promote themselves to advertisers.

There is also a bit of feedback, including someone calling me a scoundrel.

All listeners are invited to send in more feedback, both in written and audio format. As per usual feedback can be sent to (text, MP3, Wave or Ogg Vorbis), spoken feedback by clicking here or on the button below would be great, or leave a comment below.

You can also send feedback by post

Samuel’s Persiflage
PO Box 1272
Dickson ACT 2602

Send Me A Message

The Samuel’s Persiflage #14 file itself is available here, and is 1:15:35 in length (69.2MB) at 128kbps stereo. The 128kbps format is used so as to provide you with a high quality and good sounding podcast. I do, however, acknowledge that this is just unreasonable for dial-up, so a 16kbps mono file is also available here. The sound quality isn’t as good, but is much better for those on dial-up or with small download limits. The low quality version is 8.65MB

For those of you who are using podcast software to receive your podcasts, the feed can be found here and if you are using iTunes you can subscribe to Samuel’s Persiflage by clicking here.

The next episode of Samuel’s Persiflage will be in a couple weeks.

Enjoy the show!


May 23rd, 2007


I can hardly say that I’m surprised, but Samuel’s Persiflage is now officially delayed until tonight.

A number of reasons including technicial difficulties have forced this, and I apologise. I will not sleep until it is online, however I do have to go to work.

Update: Who wants to hear a story? I have a bit of time to elaborate on the rushed text above, so I will. At about 4:30 this morning I interviewed Bill Grady, this was fine apart from a few technical glitches which resulted in multiple files and more editing being required than I originally expected. The interview itself was a bit under an hour in length, but we didn’t finish up until just after 6am, at which time I decided to finally go to bed and get some sleep. A bit before 11am I got up and did a number of things I needed to do, which meant it was a bit after midday when I finally got back to the podcast. There was some editing to do, a few script changes, more editing, lunch during the times when the computer was processing bits and pieces, and I even got the show notes done during processing times…3:45pm was my deadline, I had to be out the door by then, everything was going to plan and I was to start the upload of the mp3s when I noticed something rather odd…the mp3s were saved, but then blanked. The plan had been to start the upload from home and then post all the show notes remotely, but that plan was no longer plausible.

There is one good thing to come from this delay. In my haste I used the wrong intro for one segment and I can now go back and fix that. As I won’t be in a position to even access those files until a bit after midnight, it will be a bit after that when the show gets online.

I think it will be worth the wait as I have taken a lot of the feedback from the last year and a half of podcasting on board in an effort to make Samuel’s Persiflage more of what the listeners want…there are still a few changes to come and I’m happy to receive more constructive feedback from listeners.

I’m sorry about the delay, this is one project where I really did try to meet my self imposed deadline, and then when I saw that it wasn’t going to be possible I tried to get things done within a few hours of the deadline…I even had a plan devised to allow me to get some of it done from elsewhere, but in the end a bunch of inconvenient technical problems prevented it.

One of the big changes is that the podcast is going to be shorter (after this episode…I had far too much to discuss with Bill to shorten this episode), probably around 40 minutes per episode. This will allow me to easily have more regular episodes…I’m hoping that you will take part in some of them…although that gives away a bit too much information about an announcement in the episode, so I’ll stop writing and let you hear it for yourself.
End Update

Further update: Looks like it’s a good thing everything went pear shaped earlier as it looks like I didn’t use the wrong music to introduce the editorial segment…I didn’t include the editorial segment! Everything has been fixed up now and I am on track for a 3am release.
End Update


May 22nd, 2007

Samuel’s Persiflage #11

Samuel's Persiflage
Samuel’s Persiflage Episode Number Eleven has sprung into life (possibly chased by singing sheep), and is waiting for you to download it. There is also a low quality version for the bandwidth impaired here.

HTML Transcript coming soon
PDF Transcript coming soon

This month’s Persiflage Puzzle has three words of nine, three, and five letters respectively. The clue is “The first person to write about Santa’s wife, Mrs. Claus”.

As we rapidly approach Christmas, it is hard not to talk about it, and this month we chat with Bill Grady, host of You Are The Guest about what Christmas means to him, and how it affects people around the world. Bill shares a funny Christmas story from his childhood, and the interview is quite possibly the first purposefully “networked” interview in the history of podcasting, having previously appeared in a slightly different version on You Are The Guest #68

Samuel seems to have found some Christmas music to replace the normal music, and the original Samuel’s Persiflage intro is in there somewhere.

There is also some feedback.

All listeners are invited to send in more feedback, both in written and audio format. As per usual feedback can be sent to (text, MP3, Wave or Ogg Vorbis), spoken feedback by clicking here or on the button below would be great, or leave a comment below.
Send Me A Message

Samuel also updates the school closures discussed in Episode seven, and the Plain English Awards from the Plain English campaign, who we chatted with in Episode one.

The Samuel’s Persiflage #11 file itself is available here, and is 1:08:49 in length (63.0MB) at 128kbps stereo. The 128kbps format was decided upon because it produces a very good sound quality, and doesn’t “flatten” any music used in the podcast. I do, however, acknowledge that this is just unreasonable for dial-up, so a 16kbps mono file is also available here. The sound quality isn’t as good, but some people like it. The low quality version is 7.87MB

For those of you who are using podcast software to receive your podcasts, the feed can be found here and if you are using iTunes you can subscribe to Samuel’s Persiflage by clicking here.

Podcast related questions and comments can be sent to or left in the comments section of this post. Spoken feedback is preferred (but not mandated) and can be sent either in MP3, Wave or Ogg Vorbis format, or sent even more easily by clicking the button below and following the prompts.
Send Me A Message

The Best of Samuel’s Persiflage for 2005/2006 will be released on New Years Day (in theory), with regular episodes resuming later in January. From the Samuel’s Persiflage production team (OK, so there is only one person, and he is the executive producer and presenter) have a great Christmas and New Year, take it easy, and I look forward to your company on Samuel’s Persiflage in the new year.


2 comments December 22nd, 2006

More news

I feel like writing something briefly about some upcoming podcasts. Firstly, later today or early tomorrow, Security Now! episode 52 should be released, this will be a question and answer episode, and if I’m lucky my question about stored passwords may be anwered.

Secondly, the interview I had yesterday at 6am was with Bill Grady, host of You Are The Guest podcast, for episode 52 of You Are The Guest, due for release over the weekend or thereabouts. I get the distinct feeling that I was rambling a bit too much and not thinking clearly during that interview, but we’ll see what happens. Perhaps in my current confused state of mind I am not remembering the interview clearly.

Also, the headaches aren’t nearly as bad as they were…at this rate I should be back at work tomorrow…that would be nice. If I am back at work tomorrow, I start early and finish early, which would then give me time in the afternoon to take photos for the Section 84 development update which I was going to do yesterday…we’ll see what happens.


August 10th, 2006

Middle East Conflict

It has certainly been interesting to watch the latest middle east crisis develop on the news from all the way over here in Australia, but it is even more interesting to here directly from people in the middle of it all over in Israel.

This week’s You Are The Guest podcast (episode 49) is an absolute “must listen” for anybody who wants a better understanding of the current conflict, or just wants to hear about what’s happening from people who are right there on the spot, and have lived there for many years.

This week Bill Grady interviews Charley and Carol from Israelisms Podcast, and it is compelling listening. If you listen carefully you can hear some fighter jets flying overhead around the 26 minute mark.

The show notes from Bill Grady:

Charley and Carol from Israelisms Podcast are back and give us an amazing insight to what is going on in Israel during the current war with Hezbollah. You’ll find out what your not seeing when you watch the American and international news networks, who’s is covering the war the best and who is the worst. Charley and Carol also describe how worthless the U.N. is, what everyday life is like since the war started, how they see the connection between Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, and why you shouldn’t be considered a civilian if you have bombs in your basement. Charley and Carol also have a special message for Americans and to our listeners around the world. Charley and Carol ask me what is my favorite rock group of all-time, what daytime talk show host I would like to interview, and who I thought did the best news interviews.

Download episode | Visit | Visit


July 27th, 2006

Other Podcasts

I’ve received and email from somebody going by the name of “Spacious Lossless” asking me about what podcasts I listen to.

You have a podcast but do you listen to other podcasts?

I’ve replied to “Spacious Lossless”, but I though I would share the answer will all of my readers.

Naturally, I listen to my own podcast (Samuel’s Persiflage), often multiple times due to the fact that I have to do all the production work, and I must say I am very proud of turning a raw product into a fully fledged podcast episode.

I also listen to This Week In Tech with Leo Laporte and a cast of many alternating others, as well as Security Now! with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte. I’ve grouped these two together as they are both really Leo Laporte productions.

Insatiable Banalities with Jim Boots, Johnboy, Candy A, Gertrude and extras, another Canberra based podcast is also on my listening list, although I would have to admit I listen more for the talk than the music. (Warning, some people may find this podcast offensive).

You Are The Guest with Bill Grady, containing one listener interview per episode, with the interviewees being from all corners of the globe.

I also watch the twice weekly video podcast, DL.TV, a tech podcast containing Patrick Norton, Robert Herron and occasional guests.

There is no RSS feed for The Best Of The John Laws Week, but it fits the criteria of a podcast in every other way, so it counts. I have class during the broadcast copy of this, so I listen to it online.

That pretty much sums it up!


3 comments February 18th, 2006

Samuel’s Persiflage

Samuel's Persiflage
Current Episode: Number 15 (Info) (Download) (Low Quality Version) (HTML Transcript) (PDF Transcript)
Syndication Feed: (
iTunes Subscribe Link: (Click Here)

About Samuel’s Persiflage
Samuel’s Persiflage is an interview and chat based podcast from Canberra, Australia, talking about various topics and issues. Hosted by Samuel Gordon-Stewart, Samuel’s Persiflage is an interesting podcast in a talk radio style format.

Each episode features different interviews talking about different subjects, a mildly light-hearted editorial from Samuel, as well as a classic advertisement, and a look at listener feedback. There may be more from time to time, but that’s a surprise!

Samuel’s Persiflage will soon be inviting listeners to take part in the show via skypecast every few episode. More details soon.

Here at Samuel’s Persiflage I love to get your feedback. As this is a podcast I would like to encourage you to send spoken feedback as it fits into the podcast extremely well, but I am more than happy to receive written feedback as well. The email address for your written and audio feedback (in MP3, Wave or Ogg Vorbis format please) is
There is also an easier way to send spoken feedback, and that is to click the “send me a voice message” button below. This will take you to the Odeo website where a small flash applet will record your message and send it to me.
Send Me A Message
You can also send feedback by post:
Samuel’s Persiflage
PO Box 1272
Dickson ACT 2602

I look forward to hearing from you on Samuel’s Persiflage!

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Add comment December 30th, 2005


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