Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

2CA Finally Advertise!

It’s taken an awfully long time, a failed format change and an unfortunate failure of their AFL coverage, for 2CA to realise that in order to get people to know that you exist, you have to tell them that you exist.

2CA have launched a competition in conjunction with The Canberra Times to find “The Best Songs Of All Time”. Admittedly the list will be skewed towards 2CA’s target demographic and be more likely to feature older songs than newer songs, but for my taste in music that is a good thing, and we’ve already got plenty of lists skewed towards newer music on some of the more youth focussed FM stations.

The final list will be published in The Canberra Times on Thursday, and counted down across the upcoming long weekend.

Sadly some people just can’t accept that not everything is aimed at them, and even whinge about them after leaving town. It seems that Capital Radio Network hater Johnboy from The RiotACT can’t even ignore The Canberra Times or 2CA now that he is hundreds of kilometres away. Instead he is trying to sabotage the entire promotion by getting as many people as possible to submit a vote for a band that very few people have ever heard of, it might be a good band, but the fact of the matter is that most people have never heard of them, which is a stark comparison to the bands 2CA will be likely to feature.

I’m no fan of the local ABC radio station, or the music they generally play, but if they were to run a similar competition I certainly wouldn’t try to sabotage it…I would ignore it as much as possible and probably mumble about it under my breath…but there is no way I would try to sabotage it…but then again, I don’t post when I’m drunk.

Back to 2CA for a moment though, it’s good to see them advertising their product again, hopefully they will continue to do so as they are, in my opinion, an awful lot better than their nearest rival station, Mix 106.3. I’m glad that more people will have the opportunity to experience it now that they have been alerted to the presence of 2CA.

And for those of you who are wondering, 2CA are 1053 on the AM dial.


June 4th, 2007 at 06:26am

Peter Leonard Returns

I’ve had five people email me this story, and a further half a dozen point me towards RiotACT’s coverage of the story (where they somehow manage to link it in with the really old news about Bert’s Family Feud being cancelled), so thank you to you all, but you may now desist.

Peter LeonardIt’s not terribly exciting news but it is interesting to note that Peter Leonard has not retired, but has instead returned from a lengthy and well deserved break. Jessica Good, who, for the most part, did a good job filling in for Peter, has now returned to the weather.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I am currently working during both WIN News bulletins, I did not see it.

I do have a question for anyone who was watching it on Friday though. Phil Small was hosting 2CC’s coverage of the Raiders V Dragons match at Canberra Stadium on Friday night…was he presenting the sport on Win News on Friday? If so then that was either a pre-recorded segment, or some very nifty work to get between venues, and find parking, so quickly.


2 comments May 29th, 2007 at 10:12am

Words from Clive Robertson

Here is what Clive Robertson had to say about this website:

“You have a strange website…you should see a physician about it.”

He later added “the fact that you can’t see what is strange about it is a worry”.

Thanks Clive!


4 comments May 29th, 2007 at 05:44am

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Unless you’ve been avoiding the media in the last week, you would probably be aware that in July, ABC Television will screen an excellent documentary from British film maker Martin Durkin called “The Great Global Warming Swindle”, which quite brilliantly proves, with the aide of many prominent scientists, including some from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that global warming is not caused by carbon emissions, but rather by variations in solar activity. In fact, the history of global warming and cooling drives the changes in carbon levels in the atmosphere, not the other way around.

It also shows that, far from being an apocalyptic disaster, we have been through many much warmer and much colder periods, and somehow all the polar bears and humans managed to survive.

Unfortunately the version which will be screened on ABC Television in July will be a shortened version of the 75 minute documentary screened by Britain’s Channel 4 in March, and unfortunately I really can’t see how they will achieve that without leaving out important parts of the documentary. They will still prove everything, but leaving bits out may leave a few holes in the story, which would be most unfortunate as this documentary is very comprehensive, even going so far as to explain where Al Gore’s peculiar “documentary” “An Inconvenient Truth” went wrong by skipping important facts and figures.

Thankfully, the full version of The Great Global Warming Swindle is doing the rounds on Google Video and bittorrent, and a DVD with the full documentary and even more information will be on sale soon.

For your information, here is the full version as provided on Google Video. It is quite long for a web video at 75 minutes, but it is well worth the investment in time, and I would urge you to watch it when you have some spare time.

It’s about time that there was a documentary showing the logical side of the global warming debate, and it has arrived.

I would like to thank 2CC’s Mike Jeffreys for bringing this fantastic documentary to my attention, it’s good to have something like this to confirm my long held belief that global warming being caused by human activity is a complete and utter nonsense.


19 comments May 26th, 2007 at 03:03am

Stuart Bocking gets a 2CC Promo

Fresh from his appearance on a rather peculiar beat-up of a story on Media Watch earlier this week, Stuart Bocking is the latest 2UE based presenter to get a 2CC promo.

It’s great to see 2CC putting in the time and effort to promote their programs as I’m sure there are plenty of people who tune in for one show and ignore the rest, and it’s good to see 2CC finally recognising that.

The logical next step, and one they may undertake closer to the next ratings period, is promote their programs in other media. One does have to wonder if we will see a few ads here and there on commercial television for 2CC. It would be quite a stretch from the usual budget, but would be a good idea, especially during news and current affairs programming.

Update: Add Sharina’s Psychic Boredom to that list. Looks like 2CC aren’t sparing any show from the promo extravaganza. End Update


7 comments May 24th, 2007 at 02:42pm

Queanbeyan Community radio Station 2QBN Breaches Licence Conditions

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has found that Queanbeyan Community Radio Inc, the licensee of community radio service 2QBN Queanbeyan, breached the condition of its licence that requires it to encourage members of the community it serves to participate in the operations and programming of the service.

2QBN also breached the Community Broadcasting Codes of Practice 2002 by not having volunteer guidelines or a written conflict resolution policy in place.

ACMA investigated complaints that 2QBN had rejected a number of membership applications, denied access and equity to community members, discriminated against members of the community it serves, engaged in inadequate management practices, did not have guidelines in place regarding the principles of volunteering and did not have a written policy and procedure in place in relation to internal conflict resolution within the organisation.

In light of these breaches of the licence condition and code, ACMA will now move to pursue compliance measures addressing the potential for future breaches of the relevant licence condition and code provisions. ACMA will be writing to Queanbeyan Community Radio Inc shortly about the proposed compliance actions, details of which will be announced when finalised.

A copy of the investigation report is available on the ACMA website.

Thanks to Irene in Brisbane for the tipoff. Article courtesy ACMA.


1 comment May 22nd, 2007 at 08:04pm

2CC’s Afternoon and Drive Show Promos

About a week ago whilst listening to 2CC I had the immense pleasure of hearing a promo for their afternoon show, Afternoons with John Stanley. It was one of their short pre-news promos, but it pleased me immensely as it is, as far as I can recall, the first time they have ever had promos for the afternoon show.

Later on I heard some full-length promos for John Stanley’s show. 2CC are using the same promos as 2UE for John Stanley’s program, with their own station ID tacked on the end.

These promos are long overdue in my opinion, and I am very pleased that 2CC have decided to run them.

Also, 2CC have started running promos for the upcoming drive show with Mike Welsh during John Stanley’s show, this is a great idea as previously the first chance anybody had to find out what was planned for the drive show was after it had already started.

In the last Canberra ratings 2CC’s drive show gained 0.5 of a ratings point to reach 5.8% of the available audience, and logic would say that this kind of promotional activity should bring in more listeners who may have otherwise switched off at the end of John Stanley’s show, which can only be a good thing.

Incidentally, in the Canberra ratings, The Mike Jeffreys Breakfast Show also gained .5 of a ratings point, to claim 9.5% of the available audience.


2 comments May 21st, 2007 at 02:53pm

Happy 50th Birthday Mike Frame

Congratulations to 2CC’s Mike Frame who today is celebrating his 50th birthday.

One does have to wonder if Framey would like a watermelon cake? If so, that would explain why he was weighing a watermelon.
Mike Frame weighing a watermelon
(Anybody want to guess where that photo came from?)

Another reason Mike Frame is celebrating today is that it is his first full day off work since Saturday May 5, as he has filled in for the holidaying Mike Welsh on 2CC’s drive show for the last two weeks whilst continuing to fulfil his weekend programming commitments for the station.

Framey deserves a break, and I’m sure that the break combined with his 50th birthday will make it a day to remember.

Happy Birthday Mike!


14 comments May 21st, 2007 at 04:27am


Just a quick reminder that Grass Roots screens on ABC Television at 12:05am (see this post from last week for details). Don’t worry if you missed the first episode, you’ll catch up fairly quickly.


1 comment May 13th, 2007 at 08:32pm

Grass Roots

Whilst perusing the television guide yesterday I noticed something which pleased me, at 11:40 last night ABC Television were screening a repeat of their excellent political drama series Grass Roots. When I eventually tuned in at 11:50 after remembering that it was on, I was even more pleased to note that it was the first episode of the first series, meaning that I am now able to watch the entire first series once again, albeit at a peculiar hour. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why television stations insist on screening great programs late at night and junk during prime-time, but I suppose I should be thankful that they bother to screen great programs at all.

Grass Roots focuses on the internal rumblings of the fictional Arcadia Waters council, in a suburb of Sydney. The show is in my view the Australian version of Yes Minister, showing a masterful grip on the politics and bureaucracy of local councils, with the necessary addition of mild but biting satire to make sense of it all.

The series currently being shown by the ABC was originally screened in 2000, and the second series was produced in 2003. It was unfortunate that the show never got a third series as the second series (without giving too much away) ended with many open questions, however it could quite legitimately be argued that enough plot points were wrapped up to justify the end of the show, whilst leaving things open in much the same way that politics never really ends.

Prior to the days of Quizmania on Channel Nine I was quite partial to the repeats of another brilliant Australian drama, Water Rats, which used to screen at 1am on Tuesdays, and I’m glad to finally have another Australian drama to enjoy in the wee hours.

Grass Roots currently screens at 11:40pm on Sundays on ABC Television and runs for a bit under an hour.


3 comments May 7th, 2007 at 08:58am

Fantastic Super 14 Rugby Results!

It’s a glorious day today, for the Brumbies are not in the Super 14 Rugby finals. Despite having lived in Canberra all my life, I do not support the local side, in fact I can’t stand them. I’m a Canterbury Crusaders fan (that’s a short but interesting story that I’ll get to in a minute), and despite not following the Super 14 all that closely, I can honestly say that I am very pleased with the way the premiership season has ended.

The Brumbies needed a few things to go their way to get in to the finals. They needed to defeat the Highlanders, which they did 29 points to 10, but they also needed a rather large victory by last placed Queensland Reds over the Bulls. The match got under way at around 3am Canberra time, and before long it was obvious that the Bulls were going to easily win the match and rub the Brumbies out of the finals. The Bulls did so in style, convincingly thrashing the Reds 92 points to three. A perfect way to end the Brumbies’ season from distant Pretoria, South Africa in my opinion.

Also interesting (and good for the team involved) is the news that the Sharks are the first ever South African team to finish on top of the ladder in the Super 14. Admittedly the Super 14 hasn’t been going for all that long, but it’s an important record which will be carried with pride by the Sharks.

The finals consist of the Sharks, Bulls, Crusaders and Blues, which means that no Australian team is in the finals.

Now, the story about why I follow the Crusaders…it dates back to when my age could still be expressed in single digits, I was about three or four at the time when Dad asked me who I wanted to follow in the AFL, after listening to a list of teams I picked out the Bulldogs (then Footscray, now Western), and subsequently chose the same team mascot in the Rugby League, effectively choosing the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs. Moving on to when I was about seven or eight years old, it was a Sunday night and National Nine News was on the television, and they were reporting on the Rugby Union results, they said that Canterbury had won, I latched on to the name thinking that it was the same area as the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs, and despite it not being the same area, and instead being across the Tasman Sea, the name stuck and I have followed them ever since.

This could be why I despise the Brumbies so much…they are the local team and the local media treat them with some bias, and it is something peculiar about Canberra that we have so few local teams that they all get treated with some favourable bias, but I think the Brumbies are a special case. In the NRL the Raiders get some favourable bias, but the media tend to accept that a lot of Canberrans don’t give two hoots about the Raiders and support other teams, however the Brumbies, being one of only two teams within hundreds of kilometres, get treated like they are the entire competition (RiotACT provide roughly the same amount of Brumbies bias as the rest of the local media, see the linked article for an example), they are an annoying waste of excess media time in this town, and I for one just can’t stand them. The news that a thrashing of another team many thousands of kilometres away has directly affected and destroyed their hopes of a finals berth has made my day, and possibly my week!


May 6th, 2007 at 11:42am

Channel Ten’s AFL coverage worth watching for a change – Clinton Grybas on free to air in Canberra

Hooray! For some inexplicable reason Channel Ten are doing two fantastic things tonight. Firstly, they are broadcasting a Saturday night AFL match live rather than on delay, and secondly, they aren’t using their horrible commentary team.

For some reason they are rebroadcasting Fox Sport’s coverage of the Kangaroos V Swans instead of using their own commentary team. Fox do a much better job than Ten, their graphics are better, the camera work is better, and best of all the commentary team is better.

And as a bonus for the Canberra based AFL fans who enjoyed 3AW’s brilliant AFL coverage for the last two years before 2CA canned it, 3AW’s Clinton Grybas is the lead commentator for Fox on Saturday night.

For once I can actually sit down and enjoy a match being broadcast by Channel Ten…they should consider sub-contracting all of their coverage out to Fox Sport!


May 5th, 2007 at 07:36pm

Laura’s Law on 2GB

It’s a perfectly legal coup for 2GB. 2UE reporter Laura Tunstall has jumped ship and is now the police reporter for 2GB, reporting on all the alleged matters that the alleged police were allegedly involved in, and making sure that the persons alleged to have been listening to a radio know what the alleged police allege was done by the alleged offenders. (Didn’t make sense? Neither do Police Media press releases). Numerous people, including another 2UE to 2GB convert James Goodwin, have filled in on this role since Brett Zarb left the station a while back.

Laura is another person I can add to the list of great reporters who I won’t be hearing again on 2CC any time soon. That being said, 2CC have recently been using 2GB news on an intermittent basis during their NRL coverage, which of course comes from 2GB.

2GB news can also be heard in the morning on 2KY in Canberra, 2KY is 1008 on the AM dial.


5 comments May 3rd, 2007 at 12:21pm

FM 104.7’s New Breakfast Show

Today was Sarah Robinson’s (half of Breakfast with Chris and Sarah) last day at FM 104.7. The new breakfast show is called “The C Team” and is hosted by Scotty and Nige who have up until now been doing other shifts, and filling in on the breakfast show over Christmas.

I do find it interesting that somebody suspected of trying to defame an ex-2CC manager on this site has taken over one of the other weekday shifts. I’m not going to name them, but they know who they are.


May 1st, 2007 at 05:42pm

Clive Robertson returns to 2UE on Wednesday

Hooray! Fresh from a lengthy absence (possibly a trip to Broken Hill), Clive Robertson returns to 2UE and many stations around the nation on Wednesday morning at 12:05. Clive will be hosting New Day Australia on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning, John Kerr will be back for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and after that…chuck some names in a hat and hope for the best when you pull one out…at least I think that’s what 2UE management are doing.


10 comments April 30th, 2007 at 10:02am

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