Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Telstra mobile sales

Good afternoon John,

Telstra mobile sales have just succeeded in driving me nuts. Over the last 24 hours I have received four calls on my mobile from a private number…I missed three of them, but caught the last one just before 2pm. It was Telstra mobile sales trying to offer me a "better" plan. I don’t mind them offering the plan, but the fact that they knew and informed me that I’m currently with Vodafone, and called four times, has really irritated me.

I don’t know what makes them think that they have the right to work out which telco I’m with, and use that information as part of a sales pitch. I’m not with Telstra mobile, and that’s all they should know.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments October 26th, 2006 at 02:30pm

Sleeping with the radio

Hi Stuart,

Just thought you might like to know that you kept me awake until about 3am. Usually I can fall asleep with the radio on, and struggle to get to sleep without it, but this morning I just couldn’t get to sleep with your show on. I eventually fell asleep when my radio turned off just before 3am and I was too tired to turn it back on…it turned off in the middle of a very interesting conversation too…but that summarises the whole show…it’s no wonder that I’m tired today!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 24th, 2006 at 10:30am

Rain Rain Rain

Good Morning Lawsie,

I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that we had a bit of a downpour not long ago here in Canberra…only problem…the torrent of water travelling through the storm water system will run away…surely we could process at least some of the storm water for human consumption…a catchment area the size of Canberra makes a bit of sense to me.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments October 18th, 2006 at 10:00am

What drives me nuts

Good afternoon John and friendly staff,

Fire drills where everyone knows it’s a drill drive me nuts, because nobody treats it as an emergency…you might know where to exit if no doors are blocked by fire, but nobody gets any idea of how people will cope if they think the building really is on fire.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have calm practice evacuations, but we also need "real" evacuations where only the chief warden knows it’s a drill…overly calm wardens are a dead giveaway.

Anyway, have fun with your Friday the 13th fire drill…you said the notice states that all staff are to evacuate…surely this doesn’t include Lawsie and the newsroom…networked dead air or beeping noises!

Have a great day John and staff,

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments October 12th, 2006 at 01:30pm

Somebody working in his seventies

Good morning John,

Lawsie is working actively in his seventies, although I must say that I am becoming increasingly concerned about his health, and have to wonder how long it will be until Tim Webster takes over completely…over the last few weeks Lawsie has been away that much that it has felt like Tim’s show, with Lawsie filling in once or twice!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 8th, 2006 at 12:30am

Telstra take two

Morning again Tim,

Telstra already are trying out an "operational seperation" between wholesale (equipment) and retail…so I see no problem with keeping the wholesale section in government hands and selling off the retail section.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 6th, 2006 at 10:30am


Good morning Tim,

I’m not in the least bit surprised that Sol announced his new 3G mobile network today…Vodafone launched their faster but smaller network earlier in the week, Telstra have their own infrastucture in place and have had for a while…finally they’re turning it on!

Pity it’s not great technology for the bush.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 6th, 2006 at 10:30am

Retirement Problems

G’day Tim,

Just thinking about these blokes who have problems after retirement…it can’t be that bad surely…surely Victor Mildrew from One Foot In The Grave had more problems, and he seemed to handle them one way or another.

Enjoying the show, and looking forward to hearing you again tomorrow, and whenever you’re on next…didn’t you say a couple weeks ago that you wouldn’t be back until Christmas…we can scratch that one.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment October 5th, 2006 at 11:30am

Good afternoon John

Good afternoon John,

It’s very nice to hear you nice and relaxed and refreshed after yesterday’s marathon performance. I was one of the people who called in concerned about your lunch, so I hope you had a good feed after your shift. I wonder if we might see a new six hour "Weekdays with John Stanley" when Lawsie retires?

I’m glad that Steve Liebmann filled in for Lawsie this morning as I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted to do another six hour show today, and Steve did a fantastic job, much like you did yesterday…it does have me a bit confused about Monday though, will we see yet another swap with you doing Lawsie’s show and Steve doing yours, or will Tim Webster be back on deck on Monday? I’ll be waiting with baited breath.

Have a great weekend John, hopefully they’ll give you Monday off and go the Eagles and the Broncos!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

7 comments September 29th, 2006 at 03:00pm

Naomi Robson

Good morning Stuart,

Just a thought about this Naomi Robson incident…perhaps Channel Seven just want a new ongoing storyline for Today Tonight, I can just see the promos now…"Behind bars, Today Tonight brings you life in a bali gaol, when Naomi Robson bravely walks in Schapelle’s footsteps" etc etc. The only problem I can see with this is the possibility that Naomi is just as popular as Yasmin who isn’t getting married!

Have a great weekend Stuart,

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

6 comments September 15th, 2006 at 01:30am

September 11

Good morning Stuart,

I thought I might share some of my recollection of how I found out about September 11. I remember that on the morning of September 12 (Australian) I was unwell and didn’t go to school…I stayed in bed until about 9:30am and when I got up to have breakfast Mum informed me that some planes had crashed in the US. I decided that I would watch one of the morning news bulletins. When I turned on the TV, I noticed that the news was running beyond its scheduled finishing time on one station, and then I noticed that the same thing was on every channel…and then I saw the footage…I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing, and I spent pretty much all day glued to the television, shocked and horrified by what was unfolding on the other side of the world.

I remember my friends who had been at high school that day telling me that the classrooms which had televisions on that day were also glued to the television, very few classes actually ran…an institution which pretty much banned contact with the outside world during school hours ground to a halt because of what was happening overseas.

I watched the entire two parts of the mini-series on Channel Seven, "The Path To 9/11", and I must say that I thought it was one of the best pieces of television I have ever watched…I’m normally not a fan of mini-series’, but this was just outstanding. I don’t see what all the fuss over it being too critical of the Clinton administration was about…it was somewhat critical of both the Bush administration as well. It was a very moving mini-series, and I hope it does get repeated at some stage because it deserves to be run more than once, and I would urge people who haven’t seen it, to watch it if it is repeated.

I’m sure we have all been touched by the events of that fateful day in 2001, and my thoughts (just like the thoughts of many others), are with those who lost people in the tragic events of that day.

Have a good morning Stuart,

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

15 comments September 12th, 2006 at 02:30am

Questions for 09/September/2006

Good morning gents,

Time for another round of questions from the Questionable Trio

Q: In the 1986 remake of the incredibly funny movie Little shop of horrors, with a cast of the who’s who in comedy movies at the time (Charity says "i love it myself")
Who was the director of the movie?…and here is one you won’t know…what is the name of the man eating plant with slight attitude problems…and who did its voice.
A…Frank Oz of the Muppets fame was the director…the plants name was actually "Audrey 2" who came from outer space to eat the world…he was voiced by the incredibly cool Levi Stubbs Jr from the Four Tops.

Q: Name the actor:
Before entering films, I was a hard working apprentice engineer at BOAC.
I played  Frankenstein’s Creature in the 1967 film Casino Royale.
I was awarded an MBE in the 2000 Queen’s  Millennium Honours List  
I have been a weightlifting champion many times.
I played a dual role in the Jabberwocky movie.
I said this about one of my best known roles:  "I took the part of the villain because everyone remembers the villain."
In one of my movie roles the same part was played by three actors.
I trained Christopher Reeve for his role in the Superman movie.
A: I am David Prowse.
My roles in the Jabberwocky movie were the   "Black Knight" and the "Red Knight".
The Film was Star Wars and the other actors were  James Earl Jones doing the voice over because they didn’t like my British accent  for the role of Darth Vader and Bob Anderson was the stuntman
Trivia: besides the above Darth Vader actors there were also Sebastian Shaw played Darth Vader’s face (as his redeemed self), seen only in Return of the Jedi, and Ben Burtt also added the breathing for  Vader.
Have a great week.

Best wishes from The Questionable Trio
Irene, Charity and Samuel

1 comment September 10th, 2006 at 12:30am

Hi John

Good morning John,

It’s been a very sad week with the loss of Steve Irwin and Peter Brock, and now more bombings in India, and I’m sure plenty of people will talk to you about that, so I might talk about a few other things instead.

Firstly, have you ever thought about all the paper that 2UE uses for things which are only ever read out on-air once (like this email for instance), well Xerox have shown off a prototype of reusable paper. The basic principle is that you print on it with UV light, and then the document fades away after about 16 hours, so you can print on it all over again…imagine how much paper could be saved worldwide…sounds like an idea worth pursuing to me.

I noticed yesterday that the unnamed teenager who stabbed Rowan Barker last year has been released on a two year suspended sentence after being convicted of a crime which carries a maximum ten year gaol sentence…it’s just not right John, I feel very sorry for Rowan, and I sincerely hope the Director of Public Prosecutions appeals the sentence and wins. These overly lenient sentences are driving me nuts John, I’m sick of them…why can’t judges hand down decent sentences any more, it seems like everyone gets away with serious crimes these days. Rowan was nearly killed by this thug, he should not be allowed back out into society.

On a related note, ACT Opposition Leader and Shadow Attorney General, Bill Stefaniak is calling for the double jeopardy laws to be re-worked , he claims they are an anachronism in modern times, and I agree with him. As he points out, if new evidence (such as DNA evidence) can be used to acquit someone, why shouldn’t it be possible to use it to convict someone? Certainly we would need safeguards, but I see nothing wrong with new evidence being presented on appeal. It works in the UK, and it would appear that the New South Wales government are considering it, sounds good to me!

I think Bill sums it up nicely in his press release:

The reforms in the UK which are being considered by the NSW Government mean the Crown may pursue further action where there has been an acquittal for murder, manslaughter or offences attracting life imprisonment where fresh and compelling evidence is now available, (eg. DNA analysis) or where there was a ‘tainted’ acquittal, (eg. where a key witness committed perjury in the trial or people gave false evidence under duress.)

Anyway, I’ll end this email on a light note with a quick joke…

Q: Why did the indecisive chicken cross the road?
A: To get to the other side…er, no — to go shopping…no, not that either…

Enjoy the morning John, and a big hello to Charity, Irene, Georgie and all of the lovely listeners!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment September 9th, 2006 at 12:30am

Local Government

Good morning Tim,

Good idea, scrap local government…there is nothing which they do, that a more efficient state government department couldn’t do anyway.

And while we’re at it, can we please scrap the local government of Mr. Stanhope and his annoying friends here in the ACT…it was all running just fine before self-government.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

7 comments September 7th, 2006 at 09:30am

Questions for 03/September/2006

Good morning Gentleman,

First off, cheerio to Charity who is currently in hospital, adding recruits to the Questionable Trio…we should be the Questionable Trio Plus Half by now.

Q: Who Am I?

In one of my first movies I played a character called Jones (which was uncredited) – One reviewer said "This is a classic Bad British
Movie" so maybe it was just as well I was uncredited. 

My surname is not my original family name.

In another film at around the same time I played a Post Office clerk in a movie that was loosely based on a real incident.  Barry Humphries was another actor in the same movie.

My first appearances were on television in the early 60’s.

I was a writer for a few TV shows in the early 60’s such as "That Was The Week That Was", and "The Frost Report".

I studied Law in College.  

My middle name  is "Marwood".

I reached 6ft by the age of 12.

I have an asteroid names in my honor.

In 2000, I appeared in a film with John Laws.

John Cleese
Movies in order mentioned: The Best House in London 1969, The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom 1968, The Magic Pudding 2000

Trivia:  His family’s surname was previously "Cheese" but his father, an insurance salesman, changed his surname to "Cleese" upon joining the army in 1915
An asteroid, 9618 Johncleese, is named in his honour.

Q: Which 1990 movie about encephalitis was based on a non-fiction book written by Dr. Oliver Sacks, and name two of the lead actors.

A: Awakenings, starring Robert De Niro, Robin Williams, Julie Kavner and Ruth Nelson.

Happy fathers day to all, and especially to Charity’s fiance Steve

The Questionable Trio plus half (some of us absent)
Irene, Samuel, Charity and (we don’t know the name yet)

1 comment September 3rd, 2006 at 01:00am

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