Flying Dog Samuel’s Persiflage #8

Good afternoon John

September 29th, 2006 at 03:00pm

Good afternoon John,

It’s very nice to hear you nice and relaxed and refreshed after yesterday’s marathon performance. I was one of the people who called in concerned about your lunch, so I hope you had a good feed after your shift. I wonder if we might see a new six hour "Weekdays with John Stanley" when Lawsie retires?

I’m glad that Steve Liebmann filled in for Lawsie this morning as I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted to do another six hour show today, and Steve did a fantastic job, much like you did yesterday…it does have me a bit confused about Monday though, will we see yet another swap with you doing Lawsie’s show and Steve doing yours, or will Tim Webster be back on deck on Monday? I’ll be waiting with baited breath.

Have a great weekend John, hopefully they’ll give you Monday off and go the Eagles and the Broncos!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

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  • 1. Captain Flume  |  September 29th, 2006 at 8:57 pm


    What kind of bait are you using on your breath? Pilchards? Prawns? A bit of frozen squid? Maybe a sand worm?

    You know, you can catch all sorts of things using bread. Is that was you have on your breath?

    Here’s what I think will happen on Monday: Tim Webster’s head will grow so perfectly square it will become the new international standard for scientists wishing to confirm the exact measurement for a right angle. John Stanley, so fatigued from his marathon six-hour day, will suddenly snap and attack Steve with a Bunnings rake while on air, and John Laws will become paranoid about all these hosts waiting in the wings and have his tonsils set with harded, gold-chip Valvoline and die from complications hours later.

    Then, inexplicably, a shower of golden and black pineapple pieces will rain from the sky above a nice garden, somewhere in Reid.

  • 2. Samuel  |  September 29th, 2006 at 9:00 pm

    Pure gold…and added to the random quotes!

  • 3. Loki  |  September 29th, 2006 at 11:44 pm

    Yes CF … I think Samuel meant “bated”.

    That said, your interpretation is extremely odd!

  • 4. Chuck A. Spear  |  September 30th, 2006 at 12:48 am

    I am hitting refresh until I see a random quote from Captain Flume.

    Agreed Loki. How Odd!

  • 5. Chuck A. Spear  |  September 30th, 2006 at 12:59 am

    One of my favourite random quotes is this one

    “”all you have to do is send them your bad artwork and the one they judge as the worst wins $2000″ — Samuel describing bad artwork competition”

    Samuel, you could buy a brown Kingswood with $2000.

    Of course, I am not reffering to your pieces rather any by Chief Turnip and his merry brigade of artisans.

    *Note to self. Stop drinking.

  • 6. Chuck A. Spear  |  September 30th, 2006 at 1:00 am

    Correction –


  • 7. Captain Flume  |  September 30th, 2006 at 1:47 am

    Spear: I always thought colouring competitions were rigged. Always the ones with the wild, outside-the-lines flourishes won. Never the perfect in-the-lines ones.

    I hold Ronald McDonald personally responsible. This child-molesting art-critic has got out of hand.

    Time for the rocks.

    Bring on those Great Big Rocks!


September 2006

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