Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Footy Tips'

NRL Tips: Round 2 results

Before I put in my tips for this week, a look back at how I fared last week.

Eels V Bulldogs +4
Dragons V Broncos -16
Cowboys V Storm -22
Warriors V Roosters -2
Titans V Raiders +36
Tigers V Panthers -10
Sea Eagles V Knights +32
Rabbitohs V Sharks +2

Another week where I got four right and four wrong, but unlike last week some big margins went in my favour.

Round 2 total: +24
Round 1 total: -20

Total for the year so far: +4


March 21st, 2013 at 06:22pm

NRL Tips: Round 2

Yesterday, as I was in a bit of a rush, I put in a tip for last night’s match and put off the rest of the rounds tips until today. This post includes the tip from last night, with its result.

Eels V Bulldogs +4
Dragons V Broncos
Cowboys V Storm
Warriors V Roosters
Titans V Raiders
Tigers V Panthers
Sea Eagles V Knights
Rabbitohs V Sharks


March 15th, 2013 at 03:59pm

NRL Tips: Round 1 Results

As I noted last week when I submitted these tips, I’m not using a simple win/loss scoring system, but a margin based scoring system where my score is determined by the margin of the win or loss of the team I selected.

So, last week’s results.

Roosters V Rabbitohs +18
Broncos V Sea Eagles -8
Eels V Warriors -30
Bulldogs V Cowboys -12
Panthers V Raiders +22
Storm V Dragons +20
Sharks V Titans +2
Knights V Tigers -32

Round 1 Total: -20

I would have been better off under the old scoring system, but this is a bit more fun.


March 15th, 2013 at 03:52pm

NRL tip for tonight

I’m not going to have time to post all of my tips for this round today, so I’ll just post the one for tonight.

I’m tipping the Bulldogs to beat the Eels.

I believe that last week, my scoring system didn’t do me any favours. I got four tips right and four wrong, but ended up with minus twenty. I’ll double check that and post results tomorrow before I post the rest of this week’s tips.


March 14th, 2013 at 04:40pm

NRL Tips: Round 1

I’m going to have another go at the footy tips this year, but with a slightly different scoring system. Rather than points based on the winner or loser of a match, points will be based on the margin of the game, so if the team I tip wins by 6 points, then I gain six points, but if they lose by 6 points then I lose six points.

Given how bad my tips tend to be, the aim will simply be to finish the year with a positive score.

So, my tips for round 1 of the NRL.

Roosters V Rabbitohs
Broncos V Sea Eagles
Eels V Warriors
Bulldogs V Cowboys
Panthers V Raiders
Storm V Dragons
Sharks V Titans
Knights V Tigers


1 comment March 7th, 2013 at 07:18pm

Tips for the second week of the finals

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore and The Continuous Call Team

Evening Andrew,

How good is it to have another week of finals. It gets really serious from here…but not for the next few seconds…

After my resounding success of only tipping one winner (the Doggies) out of eight AFL and NRL finals last week, I’m officially tipping the Cowboys by seven points tonight, and the Rabbits by twelve tomorrow. In the AFL, Fremantle and Collingwood are my tips.

Have a great call!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

September 14th, 2012 at 07:13pm

The rest of the footy tips

The perils of having to work late and sleeping through to the early afternoon…I not only don’t have time to go out to Bungendore this afternoon to see the Continuous Call Team (I’ll try to catch them in Wagga Wagga in a couple weeks when I have the day off), but I also slept a bit too long to put a tip in for this afternoon’s AFL match.

For the record, I wanted to tip the Kangaroos, but I’ll have to miss out now.

Tigers V Lions
Crows V Saints — This will be tough in Adelaide, but the Saints are playing better.
Bombers V Suns
Magpies V Bulldogs — The doggies will probably struggle with this game, but they’re my team, so I have to faith it them.

Titans V Roosters — The Titans are often too good for Sydney-based teams at home.
Storm V Knights — I like the Knights here. The Storm are formidable at home, but the Knights will learn from the Warriors’ victory in Melbourne last week.
Cowboys V Sea Eagles — The home ground advantage is about the only thing I can see which separates these teams.
Raiders V Tigers — When will the Raiders win their next game? Not this week I hope.
Warriors V Panthers — I like the look of the Panthers. They haven’t won a game for a few weeks, but they have been threatening, and I think they’re due for a win.
Dragons V Eels — No brainer, it really is.


April 30th, 2011 at 03:57pm

Tonight’s tips

Swans V Blues — I normally tip against the Swans, but on this occasion I think they will overpower the Blues. They’re at home, which is rare for them on a Friday night, and they have some key players back in the side. Swans to win this one for sure.

Broncos V Bulldogs — I’m a Dogs fan, enough said.
Rabbitohs V Sharks — Both sides are coming off a loss, but I have been more impressed with the Rabbitohs so far this year. It will be a close match though.

On that note, if Seven can show the AFL live on their main channel in Victoria and on a secondary channel in NSW, why can’t Nine do the same with the NRL instead of delaying it by at least an hour (I’d suggest more, they won’t want to bail out of the wedding too early), especially seeing as, like Seven in Victoria, they already have the wedding on a secondary channel in the northern states?


April 29th, 2011 at 03:11pm

Monday and Tuesday tips

Bombers V Magpies
Dockers V Bulldogs
Hawks V Cats

Roosters V Dragons
Storm V Warriors


April 25th, 2011 at 12:51pm

Some Sunday Tips

I hope that the Easter Bunny was good to you overnight and left you with plenty of Easter Eggs. I also hope that if you are celebrating Easter for religious purposes, that it is a most wonderful time for you.

Now, some tips for today.

Kangaroos V Tigers

Raiders V Knights
Eels V Titans


April 24th, 2011 at 11:42am

Saturday tips

He writes in the few minutes spare between waking up, doing the handful of homely tasks of the morning and heading off to work…

Power V Suns
Blues V Crows

Sharks V Cowboys
Bulldogs V Rabbitohs


April 23rd, 2011 at 11:35am

Good Friday

A Happy Easter to everyone. I hope you have a wonderful long weekend.

I, unfortunately, am a tad pushed for time again as I have to go to work soon, so once again I’ll just post today’s footy tips.

Tigers V Broncos
Sea Eagles V Panthers


April 22nd, 2011 at 12:31pm

Footy tip for tonight

As I don’t have time to run through my whole set of tips for the weekend right now, I’ll just provide my tip for tonight, and do the rest after I get home from work.

Lions V Saints


April 21st, 2011 at 12:34pm

Samuel’s Footy Tips: NRL Round 6 & AFL Round 4

NRL Round 6
Eels V Bulldogs
Titans V Tigers
Sea Eagles V Warriors
Cowboys V Raiders
Roosters V Broncos
Knights V Sharks
Panthers V Storm
Rabbitohs V Dragons

AFL Round 4
Tigers V Magpies
Hawks V Eagles
Blues V Bombers
Swans V Cats
Power V Crows
Suns V Demons
Dockers V Kangaroos


April 15th, 2011 at 07:25pm

Samuel’s Footy Tips: NRL Round 5 & AFL Round 3

NRL Round 5
Cowboys V Titans
Tigers V Souths
Warriors V Roosters
Panthers V Raiders
Sharks V Sea Eagles
Storm V Eels
Dragons V Bulldogs
Broncos V Knights

AFL Round 3
Magpies V Blues
Bulldogs V Suns
Crows V Dockers
Tigers V Hawks
Eagles V Swans
Demons V Lions
Cats V Power
Saints V Bombers


April 8th, 2011 at 11:47am

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