Posts filed under 'General News'

Congratulations Kelly Underwood

Radio 3AW’s Kelly Underwood became the first female footbal caller in the country today after co-commentating the last quarter of the Essendon V Carlton AFL match this afternoon. It wasn’t exactly an exciting match, with Essendon beating Carlton 28.14.182 to 11.17.83 (If you’re not Australian that probably doesn’t mean much to you, but it is a huge win), but Kelly still did a fantastic job and deserves her place in history.

Well done Kelly!

3AW’s AFL coverage can be heard on the web from their website, in Melbourne on 3AW (1278 AM), in Canberra on 2CA (1053 AM), and a bunch of other stations right around Australia.


Add comment August 21st, 2005 at 07:05pm

Rewilding The American Elephant

If you have ever been sitting in a New York hotel room and wish you had gone to Africa instead, then you visited New York to early.
It would appear that scientists want to “rewild” animals such as Cheetahs, Lions and Elephants by releasing them in america. They argue that it would help to prevent them from becoming extinct in Africa, they also claim that the long lost semi-blood ancestors of many of these animals once roamed the North American continent.

Now, it might just be me, but an encounter with a Lion at a busy intersection isn’t my idea of fun…and I’m sure that the Americans don’t want an elephant stampede to run across the freeway in peak hour.

If you think about it, there have been lengthy debates about saving native American species, and some previous attempts at relocating various species have been dismal failures.

I’m not saying don’t save the Elephant, Cheetah, Lion, etc. I’m just saying, don’t make a whole new species. The world doesn’t need an American elephant, and the freeways don’t need lions.

It’s not quite the same thing, but I suspect somebody has watched the fiirst half-hour of Jurassic Park a few too many times….to that person, watch the rest of the movie and see what happens, you should also watch Jumanji which will give you a pretty good insight into the workings of wild animals in urban areas, no matter what your doctorate tells you, they won’t be playing cards and smoking cigars. I can guarantee that you’ll rethink your insane idea…unless your brain isn’t useful, which could very well be the case with an idea like that.

American Elephant? Nah, I’ll pass…


2 comments August 20th, 2005 at 11:12pm

Does shooting a crocodile brings it’s dinner back to life?

I don’t think so, and seeing as Barry Jeffries, the latest croc victim, isn’t alive I think it is proven.

So then, why do Queensland Parks & Wildlife insist on shooting a crocodile that is suspected of being the one that ate Mr Jeffries? I think it might be a propogranda campaign…perhaps they think that by shooting a croc, the rest of them will become terrified of humans and won’t try and eat them again…maybe…haven’t seen any proof of it working though.

To be fair though, the water hole that Mr. Jeffries was canoeing in was croc infested, and if a croc is hungry and sees “Floating human in a container” at the top of it’s territory, what do you expect it to do…call the local takeaway?

I just don’t see the point in shooting this crocodile, they have no proof that it is the right croc, and it’s not going to prove anything (excepct perhaps that QLD P&W are gun mad lunatics who need to shoot stuff), apart from which, surely it is the croc’s territory, not ours, and when we enter the territory of hungry wild animals we are taking our lives in our own hands.

Just imagine for one moment, it is 4pm and you are in a bank, their was a robbery at this bank at 10am and they have since reopened, the police arrive and arrest you for being the bank robber and their only proof is that you are in the bank at a later time, you wouldn’t be very happy would you?

QLD P&W have done the same thing, they have shot a croc which was in the same waterhole at a later time, yet, just like a bank which is “human infested”, the water hole is “croc infested” by QLD P&W’s own admission…the more I think about this the more I think QLD P&W are gun mad lunatics who feel a need to shoot stuff….I have one sentence of advice for those planning a Queensland holiday….don’t take the crocodile suit!


2 comments August 17th, 2005 at 06:41pm

Man watches No Right Turn sign while ANU explodes

Only Canberra could produce a headline like that, and it is all true, even if slightly exagerated.
No Right Turn road signThis afternoon on my way into Civic I noticed somebody staring at a No Right Turn sign, which was a rather unusual sight. There didn’t appear to be anything unusual about the sign…maybe they hadn’t seen one before.

Also this afternoon, an explosion at the Australian National University.
In the Research School Of Chemistry, probably the result of an experimental accident.

ABC Online
says “A laboratory explosion blew out three windows and sparked a fire at the Australian National University’s (ANU) science building this afternoon. The fire is understood to have burned through the roof of the building. It is not clear what caused the explosion, which hit the third floor of the science building at 1:45pm AEST. Ambulance officers assessed four people from nearby buildings but they did not need treatment. The fire brigade says smoke from the blaze was non-toxic. Investigations into the cause are under way, as the clean-up continues.”

This comes just two days after a suspicious package was found at the Jolimont Centre in Civic, sparking a closure of some roads, including Nourthbourne Ave. The police belw up this bag to destroy it, I’m not sure how safe this is when they don’t know what is in the bag, but it turned out to be a forgotten bag of clothing.


Add comment August 5th, 2005 at 07:40pm

Happy Birthday Mr. Ed

I couldn’t let the day go by without saying happy birthday to Mr. Ed and all the other horses out there.

Today, August the 1st, is of course the Horse’s Birthday.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Go right to the source and ask the horse

He’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse.
He’s always on a steady course.
Talk to Mr. Ed.
People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day

But Mister Ed will never speak unless he has something to say.
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,

And this one’ll talk ’til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a talking horse? Well listen to this. I am Mister Ed.



Add comment August 1st, 2005 at 08:24pm

Don’t worry, it’s only half past sixty-two

In case you don’t already know, the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service have told us all that we are out of whack with the sun and need a leap second, so that means we will have an extra second this year, right at the end of the year, which probably means that nobody will know when the new year actually begins, and all those annual “One second past midnight” arguments could turn into “one second past the second midnight”.

The US Government want to eliminate leap seconds and just have a leap hour every 300-500 years (WTF?), I think that would be very confusing for most people. It’s already hard enough for people to comprehend daylight savings time, let alone an extra hour in the middle.

Leap seconds have caused problems in the past though, one of the most infamous instances was Motorola GPS sytems informing their users that the time was “half past 62 o’clock”…I bet they were confused out of their brains….
“Honey, I thought a leap second was only supposed to go for a second”
“It is”
“But the clock says it’s half past 62”
“Does that mean that it’s today or tommorow?”
“I think it’s the next day, we better go to bed”


Add comment July 31st, 2005 at 06:51pm

Sparkles drops out of premiership race

Sparkles Scully has decided not to run for premier after all, as he doesn’t think he has enough support. Ieema the Hiyena (who 2% of NSW people have heard of) looks set to become the Premier when Bob Carr officially steps down next week.

I guess this means the leadership won’t have any sparkle in it then!


2 comments July 29th, 2005 at 08:03pm

The future premier of New South Wales

Well, now that Bob “The Builder” Carr has retired, New South Wales needs a new premier.
The two main contenders are Carl “Sparkles” Scully, who announced in a very monotone and monotempo way “I will put sparkle into the leadership”, and Morris Ieema (pronounced Yemma, but still often said as Eye-Yeema), he really needs a nickname too, perhaps “Ieema (Eye-Yeema) the Hiyena” would be best.

I suggest that John Laws should be the premier of New South Wales, he is bound to be better than Sparkles or The Hiyena, he could be the first premier to have his own radio show, and he would never have a problem getting the premier on the show for an interview:
Laws: “Good morning premier”
Laws: “Good morning Mr. Laws”

Incidentally, Ieema was aked if he would also put sparkle into the leadership….he laughed.


Add comment July 29th, 2005 at 12:56pm

Ray Hadley returns to the Footy Show

With the extended absence of Paul Vautin due to an injury, Ray Hadley will make a return to Channel Nine’s NRL Footy Show with a guest appearance.

It will be good to have somebody who knows what he is talking about on the Footy Show again, but in my opinion, they should scrap the existing Footy Show and replace it with a new version with the people from 2GB’s Continuous Call Team. It would be much more entertaining and would actually have meaningful discussions about football for a change.


3 comments July 28th, 2005 at 04:32pm

The Samuel Salute

NSW Premier Bob Carr announced his retirement from NSW politics today after a long and industrious career.

Mr. Carr has also announced that he has no plans to continue into federal politics.

I have always seen Bob Carr as being a sensible and level headed man, a man of integrity and morals, a gentleman and a leader, and a man of great intellect. New South Wales will be poorer without this great man as premier, and as much as I would like to think it will run smoothly without him, I very much doubt it. One of his ministers is likely to take over as premier, which will be interesting, and perhaps finally prove that City Rail isn’t Mr. Carr’s fault.

If Mr. Carr does stay out of Federal politics I think it will be a great loss. I would have liked to see him as Prime Minister one day, unfortunately it appears that will not be the case.

Regardless of what Bob Carr does, he has lead a very full, interesting, rewarding, challenging and hopefully enjoyable career and deserves to be able to choose his own terms of retirement. To survive as long as he has in politics and then to be able to make up your own mind about when to call it a day is an incredible achievement, and one that he definitely deserves.

The Honourable Bob Carr receives a very special award which is rarely presented.

Mr. Carr, you receive “The Samuel Salute”.

Congratulations on your many fine achievements, and may your retirement be as fulfilling and rewarding as your incredible career has been.

Mr. Carr, well done.


Add comment July 27th, 2005 at 10:29pm

Stargate Atlantis, now featuring Seven News

It has taken me a few days to calm down to a point where I can make a reasonable post about this, so here goes.
As you would probably be aware, there was another series of bombings in London the other day, luckyily these didn’t explode properly and didn’t cause much damage. Anyway, this happened on Thursday night Canberra time, during Stargate Atlantis, and as such, Channel 7 had to interupt Stargate for a news update. I have no problem with that, I just have a problem with the way they did it, there was no warning whatsoever that this was a news bulletin, instead this is what happened.
Stargate was running as per usual, the show was at a fairly tense point and there was an ad break, so far so good, but then the ad break ended and I found myself staring at a Sky News feed with no explanation or warning. It took about two or three minutes before Sky actually explained this rather cryptic series of pictures and until that time, it felt like Seven had hit the wrong button.

It is something you see all the time on TV, somebody hits the wrong button and you are watching a movie screening in Adelaide for a few seconds. Usually these problems are fixed quickly.

I understand that at 11pm Channel Seven aren’t likely to have somebody in the newsroom, but I would have at the very least expected a “Seven News Update” intro or a message on the screen saying “Breaking News In London” or something like that. If Seven had done that, people would have known what was happening and wouldn’t have been confused, and I wouldn’t have been annoyed.

I’ll repeat, I have no issue with Seven interupting shows for important news stories, I think it is important, but I would like to see them develop a method which doesn’t confuse viewers or look like a mistake.


Add comment July 23rd, 2005 at 10:38pm

Romeo & Juliet in the nude

The Canberra Theatre Centre and Hutchison Entertainment (advertising at 7:30pm on Prime TV) are bringing Romeo & Juliet to Canberra…but there is an interesting twist to this version….I’ll let the Canberra Theatre Company say it: “featuring the most captivating and sensual nude scenes ever presented on a ballet stage.”

It must be the night of the nudists because SBS World News had some “lots of naked people running” thing as their top story, and then had an encore performance at the end of the news while they filled the remaining 30 seconds or so. I suppose that it is SBS, and nudity is no stranger to SBS, but Prime running an ad for nudity at 7:30?

The Canberra Theatre Company have some interesting seating arrangements for this nude play
Babies under 3 years of age can sit on their parent’s lap

GROUPS 10+ $69.90

I would have expected this to be in Fyshwick or Mitchell, but alas, it isn’t….not that it matters.


Add comment July 18th, 2005 at 08:17pm

London Bombings

I wish to send my condolences to all who have suffered as a result of the despicable acts of mass murder that occurred in London. The first I heard of it was at the end of 7 News (around 6:30pm Local Time) which was about half an hour after the event. It sounded big, but I didn’t grasp the event until later on in the evening when the various TV & Radio station canceled normal programming to take the coverage of the event.

I wish all the people well that were affected by the London Bombings, and hope that such events don’t happen again, although that is probably just wishful thinking.


Add comment July 8th, 2005 at 06:50pm

Garfield’s Birthday

As you may be aware, Sunday was Garfield’s birthday.
Garfield\'s 27th Birthday
Happy Birthday Garfield!!


Add comment June 21st, 2005 at 08:51pm

For those of you who think I drink too much coffee…

A Study in Japan has found that drinking one or more cups of coffee per day can decrease the chances of contracting liver cancer by 40%

See for more details.


Add comment June 12th, 2005 at 12:25am

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