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Election 2007 – 10:49pm

And John Howard concedes defeat in a very graceful style.

This is very likely John Howard’s final public speech. It’s an appropriate and fitting speech to end a very successful career. Highlighting his many achievements, thanking his colleagues, and declaring Peter Costello “the future of the Liberal party”, although he wishes the new leader the best, whoever that may be.

John Howard accepted responsibility for the campaign and the coalition’s loss, and has thanked the Liberal Party for all it has done for him over his 33 year career. He also thanked his staff, individually, and his family, paying special homage to Janette.

Mr. Howard was clearly trying to hold back the tears, especially when thanking Australia for allowing him to be the prime minister for eleven and a half years. He also wished the new government “chosen by the people of the Australia”, all the best.

It was a rowdy and supportive crowd, and it was a great, personable speech, a perfect speech to round out a wonderful career.

John Howard, best of luck in your retirement, and thank you for being the Australian Prime Minister. When the dust settles, you will go down in history as one of the greatest prime ministers in history.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:50pm

Election 2007 – 10:33pm

John and Janette Howard now arriving at the Wenworth Hotel.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:34pm

Election 2007 – 10:32pm

John Howard has left Kirribilli (for one of the last times it would have to be said) and will make his concession speech at the Wentworth Hotel shortly.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:33pm

Election 2007 – 10:30pm

Peter Costello looks very uncomfortable, and is trying to avoid directly mentioning anything which could be interpreted as leadership speculation.

Although he does look to me like he thinks his time on the (shadow) cabinet is limited. He has the look of “It’s all over”.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:32pm

Election 2007 – 10:26pm

Peter Costello thanks his local supporters. Will he announce a run for party leadership?

November 24th, 2007 at 10:26pm

Election 2007 – 10:24pm

Maxine McKew tells Channel Nine that Bennelong will go down to the wire.

Peter Costello making a speech…

November 24th, 2007 at 10:25pm

Election 2007 – 10:22pm

Seven report and 2UE relay that John Howard has now called Maxine McKew to concede defeat in Bennelong.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:23pm

Election 2007 – 10:18pm

Federal update: John Howard is minutes away from appearing for his concession speech, which will be followed a short time thereafter by Kevin Rudd’s victory speech.

Federal (72% counted)
Labor: 72 Seats
Coalition: 49 Seats
Independent: 2 Seats

Other key results:
Labor have won Eden-Monaro. John Howard has lost Bennelong to Maxine McKew. Indigenous Affairs minister Mal Brough has lost his seat.

I haven’t updated Hume for a while.

Hume (76% counted)
Liberal: 48%
Labor: 39%
Greens: 8%
Christian Democratic Party: 2%
Family First: 2%

November 24th, 2007 at 10:22pm

Election 2007 – 10:06pm

John Howard has called Kevin Rudd to concede defeat.

Standby for concession speech. 2UE reporter Clinton Maynard says a banner has been unveiled at the Wentworth Hotel which reads “John Howard Forever” in preparation for his speech.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:07pm

Election 2007 – 10:04pm

More bad news for the coalition. Indigenous affairs minister Mal Brough has lost his seat.

Mal Brough was one of the potential future “big players” of the Liberals. It’s sad to see him, of all people, lose his seat.

November 24th, 2007 at 10:04pm

Election 2007 – 10:02pm

ACT update:

Canberra (75% counted)
Labor: 51%
Liberal: 35%
Greens: 13%

Fraser (74% counted)
Labor 52%
Liberal 31%
Greens 13%
Democrats 2%

ACT Senate Seats
Labor 41.35% (1.24 effective quotas)
Liberal 34.64% (1.04 effective quotas)
Greens 20.81% (0.62 effective quotas)

November 24th, 2007 at 10:02pm

Election 2007 – 9:50pm

Whilst Peter Costello may be seen by the media as the next leader of the party, I can’t see it happening.

Peter may assume the role briefly, but I think the next few years will be a transition period for the Liberals and Peter Costello won’t last. If Labor have an about-face and don’t remain as conservative as they have been during the campaign, then Malcolm Turnbull will be the Liberal leader at the next election. Otherwise it will be the “warm and friendly” Joe Hockey.

Either way, I think a lot of the old guard will retire soon. Phillip Ruddock, Alexander Downer and Tony Abbot will either be out of parliament before the next election, or will be on the backbench and won’t contest the seats.

November 24th, 2007 at 09:52pm

Election 2007 – 9:44pm

Western Australia is going to the Liberals 7-3 over Labor at the moment, but it’s all academic now.

Federal (67% counted)
Labor: 71
Coalition: 49
Independent: 2

November 24th, 2007 at 09:44pm

Election 2007 – 9:38pm

Around this time last year The Grill Brasserie ran some radio ads containing short amusing political songs.

This one was for Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard
Download Link

November 24th, 2007 at 09:39pm

Election 2007 – 9:32pm

Maxine McKew strikes me as a future prime minister. She has an awful lot more personality than either Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard, I personally think she, with a bit more political experience, will be the future of the Labor party.

November 24th, 2007 at 09:35pm

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