Posts filed under 'Canberra Stories'

Dim-witted idiots and traffic cones

I was coming home along Coranderrk Street at about 5:15 this morning and noticed something which I can only describe as an act of stupidity. Next to the National Convention Centre a new building is being constructed and there have been some minor roadworks in the area (see the green mark on the map below)…as such there are traffic cones. Some dim-witted idiots (or probably the plural thereof, even if it is a partially redundant description) decided that it would be a good idea to move them on to the road in a haphazard manner, effectively blocking one lane, and turning the other into an obstacle course. The road was not in this state (and there were no construction or roadwork staff on-site) when I went past at 7:45pm yesterday, so these dimwits obviously did it during the night.

Map of where the traffic cones were scattered on Coranderrk Street
Map copyright: Google 2008. Map data copyright: MapDataSciences Pty Ltd. Green marker added by Samuel

Just so we’re clear about this, I am not talking about the “witches hat” type of traffic cone, I’m talking about the tall skinny ones which are about a metre high, so you can’t really negate the obstacle course by running over the cones.

The area was still navigable, but at a lower speed, and only for one car at any given time. If left in this state, this “generally busy during the day” road would undoubtedly have an accident before long. I live short distance away, so I stopped at home, then made my way back and called the police. A friendly lady answered the phone and I explained the situation to her, and she let out a sort of “some people are really dumb” moan when she heard that traffic cones had been spread across the road. I mentioned to her that I would have fixed it myself, but it most probably would not be safe for me to move the cones at night (especially as I was wearing fairly dark clothing), and if somebody saw me moving the cones and called the police about it, I would be the one getting in trouble.

I wasn’t quite sure if the lady on the phone wanted me to wait around for the police to arrive, and as I generally don’t like to leave the scene until they arrive when I call an emergency service, I decided to wait. A few minutes later a police car arrived, “the police officers activated their vehicle’s warning lights” as one of their press releases would say, and got out to assess the situation. I walked over and explained who I was and why I was there, and then assisted the police with the cleanup (which was now much safer thanks to the flashing lights on the police car). A security guard who was just leaving the nearby CIT campus also assisted.

I must say that the two police officers, who must surely have been wondering what was going through the minds of the people who moved the traffic cones, did not seem phased by the sheer stupidity of the situation. They were very professional and friendly, and I think the response of the police to this incident was absolutely fantastic.

It’s just a pity that, in all likelyhood, the chances of catching the dimwits who moved the traffic cones is almost zero. With that in mind, if you saw anything suspicious in the area during the night, I would urge you to give crimestoppers a call on 1800 333 000.


6 comments February 20th, 2008 at 06:54am

Radio Ratings

As of yesterday we are in to Canberra’s first radio ratings period for the year. The ratings period runs from February 17 to March 15, a total of 4 weeks, with the results published on Thursday March 27.

Later this week the first metropolitan radio ratings will be released. Sydney and Brisbane will be of particular interest, especially for the Fairfax talk stations. 2UE in Sydney have an almost completely different (perhaps “shuffled” would be a better word) lineup, whilst 4BC have replaced the Sydney based morning show with their own local morning show. It will be a very interesting survey.


February 18th, 2008 at 09:23am

The Canberra Door Moth

At some stage late on Saturday night a relatively large Canberra Door Moth made itself at home on my front door. It was still there in the early hours of Sunday morning, so I took some photos of it.
Canberra Door Moth

A couple more photos can be seen on the photo gallery at


February 18th, 2008 at 07:06am

Storms and Satellites don’t mix

There’s a large storm making its way through Sydney at the moment, and another storm near Canberra and expected to hit within the next hour or so.

Both 2CC’s feed from 2UE, and the 2KY feed to their Canberra repeater are having issues this evening as a result of the storms…2KY’s Canberra repeater doesn’t have an emergency tape either.

Incidentally the Bureau Of Meterology is warning of large hailstones, very heavy rainfall, flash flooding and damaging winds in Newcastle, Gosford, Sydney, Wollongong, Nowra, Batemans Bay, Orange, Canberra, Goulburn, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Cobar and Bourke.

Update 7:25pm: Both stations are back on the air and have been broadcasting without issues for the last little while…the storms are still a concern though. End Update


January 31st, 2008 at 07:16pm

The Brown Tree Kook

It was interesting to hear ACT Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope on 2CC’s 8am news today. He was talking about a plan to turn the Mulligan’s Flat Nature Reserve in to a nature sanctuary. During the audio grab he was listing a few of the species which could benefit from this, and he stumbled on the name of a bird, accidentally calling it a “Brown Tree Kook”.

I’ve been trying to work out what you would classify a Chief Turnip as for quite some time, and now I know, a Brown Tree Kook.

For what it’s worth, I actually think the idea of a nature sanctuary at Mulligan’s Flat is a good idea. I can’t imagine that it would cost too much to build and maintain a “predator proof fence”, and the initial allocation of $650,000 sounds quite reasonable. At the very least, it’s $650,000 that can’t be spent on another one of those peculiar public artworks or an Al Grasby statue.

I’m also pleased that the Brown Tree Kook has committed to restoring the historic Tharwa bridge. It’s a bit overdue, and I’m a tad suspicious of the timing considering that it is now an election year and, amongst other things, the Gungahlin Drive Extension roadworks are likely to finish a handful of months before the election with the most used part of it, the Glenloch Interchange, finishing last, giving people time to readjust to the old idea of a relatively smooth run through there just in time to vote for the incumbent.

But I digress, it’s good to see some action on the issue, and I made a point of visiting the Tharwa General Store yesterday (quite a distance, especially with the detour in lieu of a bridge) to thank Val Jeffrey for not backing down, and for getting the Stanhope government to actually do something that the community want…a rare feat in this town. Mr. Jeffrey was a bit less optimistic, pointing out that the work hasn’t started yet…but he seemed pleased that there was some progress all-the-same.

One wonders if we will see further niceties heading the way of our historic communities of Hall and Tharwa courtesy of the Brown Tree Kook this year…a reopening of their schools perhaps?

Update: Marcus writes in an email that Bob Brown, federal leader of The Greens, might be a more apt definition of a “brown tree kook”. Thanks Marcus! End Update


January 25th, 2008 at 12:17pm

Another 2CC Christmas Wish Granted

On Tuesday I thanked 2CC for granting one of my Christmas wishes by updating their “open line” promo.

As of 4:38 this morning I am able to thank them for granting another Christmas wish…the emergency tape has been updated. The old tape started with a 2CC ID and an ad for The Australian Bedding Company. The new emergency tape also starts with a 2CC ID, but the first ad it different, starting with the words “For machinery that’s all grunt”. It’s definitely not an ad for The Australian Bedding Company, although network programming cut in before I could hear any more of the ad to identify the advertised business.

I should probably point out that I didn’t express my Christmas wishes to 2CC, although I have expressed my reservations about the old eight minute (or thereabouts) loop emergency tape on a number of occasions. Hopefully this tape isn’t another short loop…although with any luck I will never have the opportunity to find out.

Update: 5:23 arrives and another chance to hear the tape…the first three ads are for Queanbeyan Diesel Service, ASI Locksmiths and Living Simply. End Update


January 17th, 2008 at 04:48am

Anybody got a house for rent?

No, not for me, for Loadedog and his housemates.

It would appear that Loadedog is for one reason or another shortly about to become homeless having been given his marching orders from his residence in Reid after five years living there.

Loadedog has made a public request for a rental property, his specifications follow:

…we need a house to rent somewhere in the inner north of Canberra. Ideally it’d be close to Civic, on a block big enough to host the Backanalia, with a large shed, 2-4 bedrooms (at around $150 per room) and have a separate lounge/rumpus/studio large enough to host podcasts (around 5×4 metres is adequate).

Anybody who knows of (or has) such a residence on offer is requested to contact Loadedog either by email or through a comment on his blog.


2 comments January 7th, 2008 at 11:26pm


I’m not surprised, something crazy is bound to happen at Summernats every year, it’s just the nature of the event.

This year it’s a (reportedly) drunken mob hurling verbal abuse and causing other problems, simply because a few of their mates were kicked out of the event.

The organisers of Summernats repeatedly refused to get the police involved despite the mob clearly being quite unruly and causing quite a bit of upset and stress amongst the rest of the attendees. Organiser Chic Henry has made his annual “no no no, nothing happened, nothing at all, we’re just a nice quiet group of people…just don’t point the camera over there” speech, this time referring to the mob as a “parade”.

Something dangerously stupid like this happens each year, and that we can expect something like this each year is definitely not an excuse.

I had a brief conversation with Mike Jeffreys (welcome back from leave Mike) on 2CC this morning in which Mike asked if I was there, I was more than happy to say “I’m never there”. Summernats is not an event which interests me and in previous years I have managed to upset a number of Canberra’s more die-hard supporters of Summernats with my annual annoyance over the event. Due to this upset I have to make it clear that it’s not the genuine car lovers or the car festival that annoys me, it’s the loutish element which it attracts.

The reason I rang Mike this morning was to express my pleasure in the lack of the usual, annual, Saturday night and Sunday morning noisy activity near my place. I was pleasantly surprised by it only lasting from 1am to 3am and only containing a noisy activity once every fifteen to twenty minutes…a vast improvement over previous years where the noise has been noticeable every ten to fifteen minutes from about 11pm until 4am or 5am.

When I noticed this lack of activity on Saturday night I thought for a few hours that finally Summernats had carefully weeded out the undesirable element. I was disheartened, but not surprised, when the news broke of the mini-riot. It seems that you can get rid of one form of idiot, and get a different one instead.

This is what bothers me, every year this event attracts an undesirable element and something stupid seems to happen at the event…this year the two just happened to involve the same group. And just as predictably, organiser Chic Henry will come out and say something ludicrous in an attempt to make the event sound like it’s a heap of wholesome family fun.

I have no doubt that the event works miracles for the ACT’s economy, and that a lot of very talented people bring their cars to Summernats to display the immaculate work they have done to them. It’s just a pity that the very nature of the event also attracts a bunch of lunatics…they may be a small minority of the visitors but they are a large enough number to cause plenty of trouble.

As much as I would be happy to see Summernats banned, I know that it is merely a pleasant fantasy. I think the only other option is an increased Police presence…if it doesn’t deter the nuts, at least there will be enough Police on hand to deal with the problems when they inevitably arise. An increased Police presence will also prevent another occurrence of the ridiculous situation where they don’t attend simply because the Summernats organisers decline assistance on the phone.

Of course I would also like to see Chic Henry hire a sane spokesman who doesn’t try to convince everyone that a chanting, angry mob is a parade…but my opinions of Chic Henry are a matter for another day, and probably a good basis for him to launch a defamation lawsuit against me.

Update 8:47am: Mike Jeffreys just interviewed Chic Henry, I think the following sentence from Chic Henry explains half of the problem with Summernats. “There were a lot of people there that had consumed a lot of alcohol during the day”.

Just about every other event in this country has some sort of limit on the amount of alcohol people can consume, and they have these limits to prevent this sort of incident. Also, unlike the behaviour of Summernats security personnel described by Mr. Henry, other events have security staff who will stop this kind of incident rather than let it proceed.

The two lessons to be learnt from this:
1. Summernats needs some sort of alcohol limit
2. The security staff need to be a bit more responsive. It may have started as a confusing “parade”, but it should never have been allowed to reach the point where a group were trying to push a truck over.

End Update


January 7th, 2008 at 08:01am

Peter Leonard wins award for Community Media

Peter LeonardOn the 17th of December (Monday last week), Peter Leonard won the Chief Minister-Public Relations Institute of Australia (ACT Division) Award for Community Media, and in doing so became the first individual to win the award.

To quote from Jon Stanhope’s press release:

Mr Stanhope said Mr Leonard received the award, in its ffith [sic] year, for his service to media and the Canberra community.

“I am very pleased to be able to present the Award to such a deserving winner. Peter is well known to Canberrans as a proud, popular and vocal supporter of the ACT community,” Mr Stanhope said.

The award acknowledges outstanding contributions to the community by ACT media organisations or individuals. This year, for the first time, an individual has been chosen as the recipient of the award.

Mr Leonard was selected for his exceptional service to the community through the media and public relations industry in Canberra, particularly his work at WIN TV presenting ACT and district news for many years.

“Peter has also dedicated himself to a wide range of ACT community programs and events, was Canberra Citizen of the Year in 1991, and has been a tireless worker for local charities such as the MS Society of the ACT and the Cancer Council,” Mr Stanhope said.

“On behalf of the ACT Community I thank Peter for his contribution and congratulate him on this prestigious and well deserved award.”

Seeing as Peter has been handed this prestigious award, I think it is appropriate to run this 1995 promo for WIN News. This is the Canberra version of the promo, WIN also had versions of the promo produced for Wollongong and Western New South Wales and probably other places as well. The promos were based on Nine’s Who’s Who of News, and were probably produced by Nine.

Interestingly it’s the only WIN version of the promo not to include footage of the journalists reporting to camera. It is also worthwhile noting that Canberra’s set was different to the one used in Wollongong and Western New South Wales. I personally preferred the physical set to the keyed set currently used. It is my opinion that if you’re going to have a static background, you might as well use a physical set, and the old WIN News set had some charm. I would like to see them do what Nine do, and have a camera somewhere providing the city as a backdrop, it’s a pity that this probably isn’t a viable option for WIN, especially in the places where the local news is read elsewhere, as it would personalise their bulletins a lot more than the static out of focus control room image they currently use across the entire network.

Anyway, Jon Stanhope’s press release goes on to mention some previous winners of the award, namely:

The Canberra Times for its contribution to the bushfire recovery, WIN News for continuing to maintain an excellent local news service, and radio station 2XX for many years of service to community radio.

It also mentions 666 ABC Canberra for their work during the 2003 bushfire. I have to say that I didn’t understand that award. It really should have been a joint award between 666 ABC Canberra, 2CC, 2CA, WIN News and ABC TV News. 2CC and 2CA (2CC took over 2CA for the day) did just as much work as 666 covering the fires, the WIN staff came in without being asked and put on a special Jon Stanhope should remember as I seem to recall him being interviewed by Peter Leonard during the bulletin, and ABC TV News also put on a special coverage of the fire. Why one group was singled out when they all did excellent work is beyond me.

I suppose that’s a discussion for another day, as today I should really just be congratulating Peter Leonard on another fabulous achievement. The award is thoroughly deserved.


4 comments December 27th, 2007 at 01:09pm

No Longer Valid: Severe Storm Warning

Update 1:35pm:
The warning was expanded at 1:31pm:

Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce large hailstones, very heavy rainfall and flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Newcastle, Orange, Canberra, Goulburn, Tamworth, Gunnedah, Dubbo, Parkes and Cobar.

The next warning is due to be issued by 4:35 pm.

If severe thunderstorms develop in the Sydney/Newcastle/Wollongong region or Canberra and Queanbeyan, a more detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning will be issued to people in these areas.

Originally filed 12:16pm:
With the light show out there at the moment, I’m hardly surprised.


Issued at 12:05 pm Thursday, 27 December 2007.

Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce large hailstones and may produce very heavy rainfall and flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Newcastle, Orange, Bathurst, Katoomba, Canberra, Goulburn, Yass, Tamworth and Gunnedah.

The State Emergency Service advises that people should:
* Move your car under cover.
* Keep clear of creeks and storm drains.
* Don’t walk, ride your bike or drive through flood water.
* Unplug computers and appliances.
* Avoid using the phone during the storm.
* Stay indoors away from windows, and keep children and pets indoors as well.
* For emergency help in floods and storms, ring the SES (NSW and ACT) on 132 500.

The next warning is due to be issued by 3:05 pm.

If severe thunderstorms develop in the Sydney/Newcastle/Wollongong region or Canberra and Queanbeyan, a more detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning will be issued to people in these areas.

December 27th, 2007 at 12:16pm

Congratulations Mike Frame

There are a couple congratulations in order today, one of which was due a week ago, and the other one is timely.

I’ll start with the timely one. Today marks the day seven years ago that Mike Frame started in radio, at the now defunct community radio station 103.9 SSS FM. SSS was a station primarily funded by ACTTAB, its primary focus was horse racing, with a wider focus on sport.

Unfortunately ACTTAB stopped funding SSS in the couple years that followed, in favour of running their own radio station. 2KY subsequently received a licence for a Canberra based repeater on 1007kHz and have been broadcasting racing in to the Canberra region ever since.

Mike Frame made the successful jump to 2CC in either 2002 or 2003, initially as the Sunday morning Trading Post presenter from 10am to Midday, and has since taken over 7am-midday Saturday and Sunday (excluding 9am-10am Sunday) and is the usual fill-in for Mike Jeffreys and Mike Welsh.

For somebody who, prior to this, had no experience in radio and minimal interest, surviving in radio for seven years and being successful in it is definitely an effort worth congratulating.

Well done Mike!


December 27th, 2007 at 10:22am

Lake Burley Griffin Closed

It’s been a while since I published one of my news bulletins for Australian Independent Radio News on here, and whilst I could easily pick one from Saturday I would much rather do something different, and instead publish a report I filed a few hours ago instead. It’s not an overly important story on a national basis, but with tomorrow being Christmas and hopefully a slow news day, there is a chance it will get a run.

Suggested intro: For the second time in just over a month Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin is closed due to health concerns. Samuel Gordon has more.

Download Link

Incidentally, this audio is not for reproduction without the express written permission of either Samuel Gordon-Stewart or Australian Independent Radio News.


December 24th, 2007 at 11:37pm

Steve Liebmann!

Steve LiebmannWell that’s a pleasant surprise. Steve Liebmann on 2CC’s Drive show via 2UE.

Looks like much like last year we won’t have a local drive show for a week or so, but if we have Steve Liebmann then I think it’s worth it…we’ve got local Breakfast and news anyway, so a couple good weeks of Steve Liebmann is a very nice Christmas present from 2CC’s program director Duncan McCrea (last time I checked anyway).


December 24th, 2007 at 03:20pm

1WAY FM appoints Tim Malone as Acting Station Manager

Congratulations to Tim Malone, an occasional contributor to this website, who has been appointed as the Acting Station Manager of Canberra’s Christian radio station, 1WAY FM. Tim effectively takes over from Bill Kitto who is stepping down as Station Manager after three and a half years in the role.

Mr. Kitto announced his plan to retire from his role as Station Manager in November, the board of Canberra Christian Radio Limited subsequently advertised the position and considered who they believe will best be able to build on the Station’s success to date and optimise their future effectiveness in ‘presenting the reality of Jesus Christ’, a central ideal of their purpose statement.

At a special Board meeting last night, the Board decided not to permanently appoint a new Station Manager at this time and instead promoted Tim Malone from Project Manager to Acting Station Manager.

In a message to everyone involved with the station, Chairman of the Board Brent Budarick, on behalf of the Board, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Bill Kitto for all he has done for the Station over the years, particularly as Station Manager for the past three and a half years.

I would personally like to congratulate Tim on his appointment to this role. Tim is very enthusiastic about 1WAY FM and has been working very hard in recent times to lift the profile of the station in the Canberra market. Tim seems quite excited about his new role, and I wish him all the best with it. I’m sure he will do well.

1WAY FM broadcasts on 91.9FM in Canberra and on 94.3FM via the Tuggeranong repeater.


December 21st, 2007 at 03:53pm

And away we go… (storm warning)

Update 12:19pm: The storm is definitely rolling in, the thunder is more than audible in the Weston Creek area. End Update

Rain, Flood, Hail, that pretty much sums up today’s storm warning, the only difference being that this time, the radar agrees. It’s already raining and the heavier rain is coming.

I wonder how long it will be until the ESA starts issuing colour coded alerts again, I haven’t seen or heard of any for weeks.


Issued at 11:53 am Friday, 7 December 2007.

Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce large hailstones, very heavy rainfall, flash flooding and damaging winds in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Orange, Canberra, Goulburn, Yass, Young, Cooma, Bega, Dubbo and Parkes.

The State Emergency Service advises that people should:
* Move your car under cover or away from trees.
* Secure or put away loose items around your house, yard and balcony.
* Keep clear of fallen power lines.
* Keep clear of creeks and storm drains.
* Don’t walk, ride your bike or drive through flood water.
* Unplug computers and appliances.
* Avoid using the phone during the storm.
* Stay indoors away from windows, and keep children and pets indoors as well.
* For emergency help in floods and storms, ring the SES (NSW and ACT) on 132 500.

The next warning is due to be issued by 2:55 pm.

If severe thunderstorms develop in the Sydney/Newcastle/Wollongong region or Canberra and Queanbeyan, a more detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning will be issued to people in these areas.

Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau’s website at or call 1300 659 218. The Bureau and State Emergency Service would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly.

Update 2:53pm: It’s been extended.

Issued at 2:36 pm Friday, 7 December 2007.

Severe thunderstorms may produce large hailstones, very heavy rainfall, flash flooding and damaging winds in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Sydney, Wollongong, Nowra, Batemans Bay, Orange, Bathurst, Mudgee, Katoomba, Canberra, Goulburn, Cooma, Yass, Dubbo and Parkes.

The next warning is due to be issued by 5:40 pm.
End Update


December 7th, 2007 at 12:08pm

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