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wp-content folder

As many of you would have noticed, just about every image you see here is buried somewhere in the /wp-content/ folder. Up until recently it was possible to browse this folder without hassle, which is something I don’t mind as I like people to be able to sift through the files in there, after all, it is all on the blog somewhere.

When I upgraded to version 2 of WordPress, the upgrade script added an index.php file to the /wp-content/ folder which produced a blank page instead of a directory listing. I noticed this the other day and it has now been removed.

Apart from people being able to peruse the files in there, it is also important to have this folder accessable so that the National Library of Australia’s PANDORA project can gather not only the posts and files I link to, but also an accurate a full collection and index of the files on the site. Back in January when the site was last archived by PANDORA they were able to do that because I had linked to one of the many Blog View Stats folders, and as such, were able to follow the links through to the rest of the directories. Having a blank index page on /wp-content/ would have made that task impossible.

Anyway, if you’re feeling curious, feel free to take a look around inside /wp-content/


6 comments April 22nd, 2006

Search Term

It would appear from the Blog View Stats that every few days, somebody lands on this blog by using the search term “samuel blog 2CC”. This strikes me as a rather odd set of words to combine as a search term, I mean, sure I’m a 2CC listener, but I think you would have to know me or be a regular reader to know that, so I would like to request that the person who is using that search term to please let me know why you use it.

There is nothing wrong with you using it, I’m just curious as to why you use it. Could you please leave a comment or email me?


6 comments August 3rd, 2005

Educated web users give Firefox a boost

I’m pleased to be able to announce that Mozilla Firefox had another increase in users during June.

It seems that the educated group of web surfers has increased to 8.71%, up from 8.00% in May. Microsoft’s poor excuse for a browser dropped from 87.23% in May to 86.56 in June.

That means that Firefox is up 0.71% and Internet Explorer is down 0.67%, which probably means that it isn’t just IE users switching to Firefox, but users of other browsers (Mozilla Suite, Netscape, Opera, etc) as well.

Since the start of Webstat monitoring for this blog, we have recorded:
Mozilla Firefox 56.42%
Internet Explorer 42.23%
Apple Safari 0.68%
Netscape 0.68%

At the end of each month I will bring you Webstat reports for the month, but if you can’t wait, you can always view the stats by clicking on the link on the right hand side of the page.


Add comment July 18th, 2005

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