Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

It’s your country…with a bit of bang

I saw an interesting ad on TV not long ago. The people at Country Energy “It’s your country” have informed us that “Gas & Electricity go together”….what a good idea!
As they say in the classics, “It’s more bang for your buck.”

Disclaimer: If you blow yourself up by mixing gas and electricity you can’t blame me, but you can blame Country Energy.


Add comment June 1st, 2005 at 06:38pm

Birthday reminder

Just in case I forget…Tommorow (June 2) is my birthday.
Expect an exciting new statistic to start on June 3.

And if you are in a place where you can receive “New Day Australia with John Kerr”, then tune in at midnight Canberra time (which is 14:00 June 1 GMT) as my name is on the birthday list and I plan on ringing John.

New Day Australia can be found on 2UE Sydney, 4BC Brisbane, 2CC Canberra and numerous other stations around Australia (Probably your local John Laws relay station) or on the web via the web stream at or

If I remember, I might record the conversation as a memento and place it online.


Add comment June 1st, 2005 at 05:33pm

When the cat’s away, the pigeon’s will play.

The man who puts the cat amongst the pigeons, John Laws, was absent again today, meaning that for the second time, Tim Webster was filling in. After hearing Tim on these two occasions, I am convinced that he would be a perfect candidate to take over the golden microphone when Lawsie eventually retires. Tim has a great voice, is highly likeable, and can get worked up when he wants to…the perfect mix for weekday mornings.

George Moore, the person who was filling in for Lawsie until recently was good, but I don’t think he was quite suited to Lawsie’s timeslot, his weekend show is excellent, but weekends are entirely different to weekdays. So hooray for Tim!


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:31pm

One Week: the story of insurance insanity.

An update on the previous See you at Mike’s dinner post.

Unfortunately, the insurance company who are insuring the event are insisting that nobody under the age of 18 attends. This is the same insurance company that insisted on having me get a parental note to fly in the 2CC Traffic Plane despite the fact I’ll be over 18 by that time because they are convinced everyone wants to hijack and crash planes….

Incidentally, the dinner will be exactly one week before my 18th birthday.

I do have to wonder why I was able to enter the competition in the first place….


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:22pm

ABC radio advertising on commercial television

666 ABC Canberra are advertising their breakfast program during prime time on commercial television….These people can get as much free advertising as they want on ABC TV, but they spend taxpayers money on this…I can’t see how it benefits them, it’s not as if ratings are important to them, after all they don’t have advertisers who crave ratings, and they aren’t funded on a per rating point basis, and The Friends Of The ABC certainly wouldn’t let the federal government close down an ABC radio station because of ratings.

Of course, not only are the ads appearing during expensive hours, but they also look fairly expensive…All this money going to the TV stations and not the hospitals…To quote Mr John Stanley “Oh Dear”.

I think I’ll give them a piece of my mind tomorrow morning, and time permitting, bring it up on the better breakfast program (2CC Mike Jefferys).


Add comment May 17th, 2005 at 10:13pm

See you at Mike’s dinner.

On Wednesday afternoon, I was listening to the drive show with Mike Welsh on talk radio 2cc very closely, however I misssed the first hour or so, and that just happened to be when winner number three was announced for the drive show dinner. As it turns out, the winner on that day was my bus driving friend (who for reasons I’ll let you think about, will remain nameless) and he is bringing me along. So if you’re attending, or you are going to be at La Scala on Thursday 26th, you might just see me…and I might just see you!

Maybe I should take the camera along and add the photos to my photo gallery.


Add comment May 14th, 2005 at 12:09am

Rant Published :)

For those of you who remember my ACTION rant from a couple weeks back, you’ll be pleased to know that The Chronicle, the-local-freely-delivered-to-almost-everyone-in-canberra newspaper published an edited, slightly more sane version of in this weeks edition. Will this prompt another call from the ACTION-Iraq Department Of Information? Who knows…"Mr. Know knows, Mr. Know knows everything, his name is Mr. Know which is spelled Mr K-N-O-W, the know that is sort of in knowledge, you need to know to have knowledge of it, and Mr. Know has knowledge of everythiiiiing, everything, diddly ding." – A song I made up 6 years ago


Add comment May 11th, 2005 at 05:11pm

AFL Coverage In Canberra

I’ve discussed this numerous times on Google Groups, so I’ll make it brief. Thankyou to 2CA for making it possible to hear live AFL coverage on a regular basis in Canberra. They have cornered the market by providing the *only* commercial radio AFL coverage in Canberra, and they also are the only place that are regular with the coverage. The ABC do cover it, but they are not regular, they shuffle it over to News Radio whenever they take the NRL, and often News Radio just cut into other programs with it, and provide no information about when it will be on. 2CA are regular, they do Friday night from 7PM, Saturday & Sunday from Midday, and other special days whenever they happen.

I will be writing a letter to 2CA about this shortly.


1 comment April 26th, 2005 at 07:35pm

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