Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Footy Tips'

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

Now that Samuel’s Persiflage has had a bit more than a day at the top of the page, on with the blog…and as for the footy tips, well it had to happen eventually, I had a good weekend. I had my highest score for the year in the NRL, and had a gain in the AFL, with my weekly total being equal higest for the year. The running totals also went up.

AFL Round 7: 4/8 (50%)
NRL Round 10: 5/7 (71.43%)
Week Total: 9/15 (60%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 26/56 (46.43%)
NRL: 32/70 (45.71%)
Total: 58/126 (46.03%)
Graph of the total results


May 18th, 2006 at 07:54am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

Time for another round of my footy tips.

AFL Round 7
Saints V Cats
Demons V Dockers
Tigers V Swans
Hawks V Lions
Eagles V Magpies
Power V Bulldogs
Blues V Bombers
Kangaroos V Crows

NRL Round 10
Storm V Cowboys
Tigers V Knights
Broncos V Sea Eagles
Dragons V Warriors
Raiders V Sharks
Bulldogs V Eels
Panthers V Rabbitohs


1 comment May 12th, 2006 at 02:40pm

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

Oh dear, my tips keep getting worse…even the law of averages is beating me! I got another 2 in the AFL, but only managed a 3 in the NRL, which is down from my 4 last week.

AFL Round 6: 2/8 (25%)
NRL Round 9: 3/7 (42.86%)
Week Total: 5/15 (33.33%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 22/48 (45.83%)
NRL: 27/63 (42.86%)
Total: 49/111 (44.14%)
Graph of the total results


May 8th, 2006 at 09:23am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

This week my footy tips are on time, which means I might do a tad better than last week…maybe.

AFL Round 6
Demons V Cats
Saints V Bulldogs
Dockers V Eagles
Bombers V Tigers
Crows V Power
Lions V Swans
Blues V Pies
Kangaroos V Hawks

NRL Round 9
Cowboys V Panthers
Knights V Broncos
Eels V Raiders
Tigers V Sea Eagles
Roosters V Bulldogs
Rabbitohs V Storm
Sharks V Dragons


May 5th, 2006 at 07:35am

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

Now that we have the results from the AFL, I can bring you the results from my footy tips, and I must say that despitemy agreement with the AFL’s decision on the St. Kilda V Fremantle match, I sure could have used the half a point from the draw which they ruled against. I had an absolute shocker in the AFL, but I picked up slightly in the NRL.

AFL Round 5: 2/8 (25%)
NRL Round 8: 4/7 (57.14%)
Week Total: 6/15 (40%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 20/40 (50%)
NRL: 24/56 (42.86%)
Total: 44/96 (45.83%)
Graph of the total results


May 3rd, 2006 at 11:01pm

Footy Tips Results Delayed

Due to the controversial end to the AFL match between St. Kilda and Fremantle at Aurora Stadium in Launceston, and the official protest surounding it, I will be waiting for the outcome of today’s meeting between AFL and club officials before calculating the results of my footy tips.

The outcome is unlikely to change, as technically no rules were broken, however the exact manner in which the match ended is something which will come under close scrutiny.

AFL officials were unavailable for comment after the match, I was listening to 3AW Football through 2CA and they managed to speak to just about everybody involved except the AFL officials. Even team officials reported being unable to contact AFL officials.

For those of you who haven’t heard the news or clicked on the link above, here is what happened according to Seven News.

Fremantle has launched an official protest over Sunday’s controversial AFL draw against St Kilda at Aurora Stadium in Launceston.

Dockers officials lodged paperwork with the umpires a few minutes after the match, where the Saints scored 13.16 (94) and Fremantle ended on 14.10 (94).

The ground siren’s volume was not loud enough all day and field umpire Matthew Nicholls failed to hear it at the end of the game.

Fremantle led by a point when the siren went, but Nicholls let play continue, bouncing the ball as Dockers players complained.

Approximately nine seconds later, St Kilda’s Steven Baker kicked a behind to level the scores before the umpires ended the game.

Baker was then given another chance after being awarded a free kick after disposal, but that shot also went through for a point.

Dockers coach Chris Connolly and several other bemused Fremantle officials were on the ground as the drama played out.

The AFL football operations staff are currently discussing the matter with the umpires and timekeepers.

This will be interesting to say the least. The rules as they stand are open to exploitation by umpires as they decide when the game ends, however that is unlikely to change due to the simple fact that technology does fail, and a human needs to be able to make the decision. Perhaps we need a “third umpire” to assist with the decision if the ground umpires don’t hear the siren. Admittedly this wouldn’t be a “third umpire” as there are already three main umpires, two goal umpires, two boundary umpires and an emergency umpire, so perhaps the term “grandstand umpire” would be best.

Personally I think the AFL could use Hawkeye, the system which is able to accurately track the ball through a three dimensional space. It wouldn’t solve the issue of timekeeping, but it would be useful in cases where the umpires aren’t sure if the ball has been touched prior to going through the goals or touched prior to going out on the full, or even in cases where it is unclear whether the ball has bounced in the field of play or gone out on the full, and especially useful when the ball goes too high for the umpires to clearly know whether it has gone through for a goal, behind, or out of bounds.

Surely this (and general overseeing of umpiring decisions) would be a good use of a “grandstand umpire”.


3 comments May 1st, 2006 at 12:38am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

Due to unforseen circumstances, I’m a bit late with these this week, so I’ll just have to leave out the Friday night games.

AFL Round 5
Demons V Kangaroos
Crows V Bulldogs
Swans V Cats
Eagles V Lions
Saints V Dockers
Magpies V Power
Hawks V Bombers

NRL Round 8
Warriors V Bulldogs
Broncos V Raiders
Storm V Dragons
Sea Eagles V Eels
Rabbitohs V Knights
Cowboys V Roosters


3 comments April 29th, 2006 at 11:42am

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

Another long weekend, another 3 in the NRL and another 4 in the AFL.

AFL Round 4: 4/8 (50%)
NRL Round 7: 3/7 (42.86%)
Week Total: 7/15 (46.67%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 18/32 (56.25%)
NRL: 20/49 (40.82%)
Total: 38/81 (46.91%)
Graph of the total results


April 26th, 2006 at 12:26am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

Another long weekend of football kicks off tonight, with both the AFL and NRL being extended through to Tuesday, which is of course ANZAC Day.

As such, my footy tips are here for your perusal.

AFL Round 4
Blues V Hawks
Bulldogs V Cats
Lions V Tigers
Dockers V Crows
Kangaroos V Eagles
Swans V Demons
Power V Saints
Magpies V Bombers

NRL Round 7
Eels V Tigers
Storm V Knights
Broncos V Panthers
Dragons V Roosters
Sharks V Cowboys
Warriors V Rabbitohs
Bulldogs V Sea Eagles


April 21st, 2006 at 07:02am

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

A long weekend which saw me get the same result as last weekend in the AFL, and do one match worse in the NRL, which means that overall, I have once again tipped one less winner. For the record, Aunty_Jack was right that I should have tipped the Eagles to beat the Tigers in the AFL, as they won by 46 points.

AFL Round 3: 4/8 (50%)
NRL Round 6: 3/7 (42.86%)
Week Total: 7/15 (46.67%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 14/24 (58.33%)
NRL: 17/42 (40.48%)
Total: 31/66 (46.97%)
Graph of the total results


April 18th, 2006 at 09:41am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

Alrighty then, as the AFL starts tonight, it’s time for another round of my footy tipping.

AFL Round 3
Saints V Lions
Cats V Hawks
Blues V Swans
Eagles V Tigers
Demons V Crows
Bombers V Bulldogs
Power V Dockers
Kangaroos V Pies

NRL Round 6
Roosters V Broncos
Sea Eagles V Dragons
Rabbitohs V Bulldogs
Raiders V Warriors
Tigers V Sharks
Knights V Cowboys
Panthers V Storm


4 comments April 13th, 2006 at 08:06am

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

My AFL tips weren’t as good as last week, but my NRL tips were…I correctly tipped 4 winners in each code, which amounted to one less winner overall.

AFL Round 2: 4/8 (50%)
NRL Round 5: 4/7 (57.14%)
Week Total: 8/15 (53.33%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 10/16 (62.50%)
NRL: 14/35 (40%)
Total: 24/51 (47.06%)
Graph of the total results


April 10th, 2006 at 07:05am

Samuel’s Footy Tips

Another week, more footy tips.

AFL Round 2
Tigers V Saints
Cats V Kangaroos
Bulldogs V Demons
Lions V Bombers
Dockers V Blues
Swans V Power
Hawks V Magpies
Crows V Eagles

NRL Round 5
Cowboys V Tigers
Broncos V Rabbitohs
Sharks V Roosters
Dragons V Knights
Warriors V Eagles
Eels V Panthers
Raiders V Bulldogs


2 comments April 7th, 2006 at 09:30am

Samuel’s Footy Tips: Results

Not a great week in the NRL for my tips, but I did pretty well in the AFL.

AFL Round 1: 6/8 (75%)
NRL Round 4: 3/7 (42.86%)
Week Total: 9/15 (60%)
Graph of the weekly results

AFL: 6/8 (75%)
NRL: 10/28 (35.71%)
Total: 16/36 (44.44%)
Graph of the total results


1 comment April 4th, 2006 at 01:33pm

Samuel’s Footy Tips

The AFL starts tonight, and with any luck I will do a bit better there than I have done in the NRL so far. I will see about doing some graphs of my results for the weekly results posts.

Last week there was a fisaco with Internet Explorer and one version of Firefox (an older version I believe) not following standards and therefore not rendering my tips, and crossing out half the website. In light of that I am trialling some different HTML tags which should be overly friendly with our less standards compliant browsers.

AFL Round 1
Eagles V Saints
Bulldogs V Tigers
Cats V Lions
Bombers V Swans
Power V Kangaroos
Hawks V Dockers
Demons V Blues
Magpies V Crows

NRL Round 4
Eels V Cowboys
Sharks V Rabbitohs
Sea Eagles V Roosters
Raiders V Panthers
Tigers V Storm
Dragons V Broncos
Knights V Warriors

And for those of you who have emailed me, I will find out whether 2CA are covering the AFL this year or not.


March 30th, 2006 at 06:00am

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