Posts filed under 'Global Warming'

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Unless you’ve been avoiding the media in the last week, you would probably be aware that in July, ABC Television will screen an excellent documentary from British film maker Martin Durkin called “The Great Global Warming Swindle”, which quite brilliantly proves, with the aide of many prominent scientists, including some from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that global warming is not caused by carbon emissions, but rather by variations in solar activity. In fact, the history of global warming and cooling drives the changes in carbon levels in the atmosphere, not the other way around.

It also shows that, far from being an apocalyptic disaster, we have been through many much warmer and much colder periods, and somehow all the polar bears and humans managed to survive.

Unfortunately the version which will be screened on ABC Television in July will be a shortened version of the 75 minute documentary screened by Britain’s Channel 4 in March, and unfortunately I really can’t see how they will achieve that without leaving out important parts of the documentary. They will still prove everything, but leaving bits out may leave a few holes in the story, which would be most unfortunate as this documentary is very comprehensive, even going so far as to explain where Al Gore’s peculiar “documentary” “An Inconvenient Truth” went wrong by skipping important facts and figures.

Thankfully, the full version of The Great Global Warming Swindle is doing the rounds on Google Video and bittorrent, and a DVD with the full documentary and even more information will be on sale soon.

For your information, here is the full version as provided on Google Video. It is quite long for a web video at 75 minutes, but it is well worth the investment in time, and I would urge you to watch it when you have some spare time.

It’s about time that there was a documentary showing the logical side of the global warming debate, and it has arrived.

I would like to thank 2CC’s Mike Jeffreys for bringing this fantastic documentary to my attention, it’s good to have something like this to confirm my long held belief that global warming being caused by human activity is a complete and utter nonsense.


19 comments May 26th, 2007 at 03:03am

Global Warming

Good evening Stuart,

Well I agree 99% with Prof. Lance Endersby's views on global warming, the only thing I disagree with is that I think we have had some, small impact, whereas he seems to think we've had none.

But on the whole, I agree with him about the current warming being a natural phenomena and part of a lengthy global and solar cycle, and carbon dioxide being an essential part of the eco-system.

I do know of one way that we can prevent future warming though…and that's to get rid of the sun. Probably not a very productive move though.

I'll send you an email with my Footy Tips a bit later on.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments April 4th, 2007 at 10:29pm

Sense on Global Warming

I don’t know about you, but as far as I’m concerned, the notion that humans are the primary reason for global warming seems nuts to me. I don’t deny that humans may have had some impact on it, but it is my view that global warming is part of a larger warming and cooling cycle of the planet, one that has been going on for a lot longer than we have been recording weather phenomena.

Now it seems the sun may be responsible for global warming, as Mars is apparently experiencing a similar warming to Earth. It seems logical that the one object which prevents this planet from freezing would be responsible for it getting hotter and colder…there has to be a reason for the ice age, and one can only assume that the earth is warmer now than it was during that ice age, so it seems reasonable that it would continue to do so, and then eventually move back towards an ice age.

Perhaps it is time that we, as a race (or indeed a species), stop pretending that we are almighty and powerful and can cause things which have been happening for thousands, if not millions, of years. We may have some influence, but the majority of the issue is surely out of our control.


22 comments March 5th, 2007 at 04:05am

The only way to stop global warming is to build with celery

On Saturday morning I must have been sleeping lightly because I had the radio on in the background, and it had an effect on my dreams. Apparently on the 2CC gardening show there was a debate about global warming.

My dream took place at a seminar with two scientists, they had a grand plan to rid the world of global warming…their solution was to build all future buildings out of celery, the only problem was that they couldn’t decide which type of celery to use, and had quite a rowdy argument about it (even if the only argument they were able to come up with was “you can’t do that”).

Whilst I doubt that there is any merit in their plan, the dream did prompt me to find out whether or not there are different types of celery, and apparently there are.

I told John Kerr about this dream on Sunday morning and he seemed amused. He still thinks that I have very peculiar dreams.


February 6th, 2007 at 06:54am

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