Posts filed under 'Entertainment'

Carols In The Park off to a good start

Carols In The Park has gotten off to a good start at Norwood Park, with the 2CC broadcast going well as well. If you want to send a Christmas message to anyone, ring 2CC on 62554444 and you will probably have the opportunity to do so, depending on timing of events and how many other calls they get.


1 comment December 17th, 2005 at 06:42pm

Carols In The Park

Carols In The Park is on tonight here in Canberra, from about 6PM. The venue is Norwood Park in Gungahlin, entry is free and all proceeds from sales go to charity. For those of you who can’t make it, there will be coverage on Radio 2CC and Foxtel’s Aurora channel.

Mike Frame will be running 2CC’s broadcast, and if you look carefully, you might spot some other 2CC staff in the crowd.

You can find the official guide in this week’s Chronicle, it includes the words to many christmas carols, which will (hopefully) keep the audience on the same words as each other, even if they aren’t in tune! But it is christmas, so it hardly matters if we are in tune.

UPDATE: TURNIP ALERT: Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope will be in attendance and will run the official opening, hopefully he will avoid his trademark political grandstanding and let everyone enjoy their night. Remember Jon, Aurora (Foxtel’s Christian Channel) are replaying this twice on Christmas Day, think about appropriate publicity before you speak, you will have plenty of other, and more appropriate, times for your political views.


2 comments December 17th, 2005 at 10:54am

Schnappi Update

Schnappi is down to 47 on the ARIA singles chart now, which means that Schnappi is really only just hanging on.


December 11th, 2005 at 10:48pm

Schnappi Update

Schnappi slipped down by another spot to 43 this week. On Friday afternoon I had a dream that Schnappi had jumped up to 21…but no such luck.


December 6th, 2005 at 12:12am

2UE & 2CC Updates

As you may be aware, in recent weeks I have made some comments (both good and bad) about the changes to 2UE and 2CC weekend schedules. I think the presenters have been on for long enough now for me to make some considered and calculated statements.

Firstly, Glenn Wheeler, I still miss George and Paul, but I am really getting to like Glenn, for the most part his show is entertaining and fun, I’m not so sure that the 5:30 trading post segment is such a good idea though, firstly you can’t fit a full and worthwhile trading post into half an hour, and secondly we already have one from 10am-12am in Canberra, so we don’t need a second one. I’m also not convinced that Canberra needs a whole two hours of Sydney centric gardening advice from 12pm-2pm when we already have our own local gardening show from 7am-9am. I really think we should have local programming from 12pm-2pm on both days of the weekend.

Next up, Weekend Magazine with Mike Frame. Smart Move 2CC, this has become a very entertaining and useful addition to the 2CC schedule, now if you could also run it on Sunday in the place of Sydney Gardening then the listeners will thank you.

Mike Williams. Mike was always good filling in on weeknights, and I’m glad he has a night show. A good adaption of previous formats with a fresh presenter, a very clever decision from 2UE.

Stuart Bocking. He took a couple mornings to settle in, but Stuart now has his own unique grip on the weekend version of New Day Australia. It has been obvious for a while that 2UE were moving Stuart, mainly due to his apparent absence from the John Laws show, and the rumors that he was moving to New Day back in June. Stuart has found a good home, and is a very worthy replacement for Geoge Gibson, whom I wish “all the best” in his retirement.

2UE seem to have a pretty solid lineup for the summer period when regular presenters take some time off. Tim Webster filling in for Lawsie (Lawsie is going to have seven weeks off), John Mangos filling in for John Stanley. Steve Liebmann will be lurking, probably filling in for Steve Price, and Murray Olds is still there, so he will probably be a summer fillin as well.

The question that I must pose is about Christmas day. With all the lineup changes at 2UE, who will be doing Christmas day? I highly doubt that Stuart Bocking will be on the afternoon shift that he had last year…quite a mystery!

Overall I am mostly pleased with the current lineups on 2CC & 2UE, but with an extra two hours of local programming on 2CC on Sunday I would be virtually delighted.


1 comment November 29th, 2005 at 09:42pm

Schnappi on 42

It’s only a small slip for Schnappi this week, down from 41 to 42.

Incidentally, this is the 21st week that Schnappi has been on the ARIA singles chart.


November 27th, 2005 at 09:48pm

Schnappi down by 13 to 36

Another week and another huge slip, I wouldn’t be surprised if Schnappi is out of the charts completely in a few weeks. Schnappi is down to 36, although I have noticed another related song called “Ein Lama In Yokohama” has made it onto the charts, however I will not be following the progress of that one.


1 comment November 20th, 2005 at 10:12pm

Some Good Quotes

This one was from a public servant trying to intimidate a lawyer on the television show “Judge John Deed“, the quote isn’t exact, but it is close enough:
Public Servant: “I’m a public servant, we don’t learn from our mistakes, we live in the present!”

Another quote, which was the “Quote Of The Day” on Google’s Personalised Homepage (sourced from was by Hesketh Pearson who said “Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely.”

And to all the people declaring that I am not “normal”, Ellen Goodman has some words of wisdom for you:
“Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.”


2 comments November 20th, 2005 at 01:10am

Yep, they did give away another million

Yes, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire did give away another million dollars, and no cheating was involved! Well done!

EDIT: Hmmm, forgot to put in the winners name…well done Martin Flood!


2 comments November 14th, 2005 at 09:27pm

Millionaire Cheat?

Last week one of the tabloid newspapers of Australia (either Daily Telegraph or Herald Sun), in it’s partially reliable entertainment gossip section, said that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire have another million dollar prize winner, who will be screening tonight. But they also said that Channel 9 were investigating excessive coughing, with audience members commenting on the amount of coughing, and also on the way the contestant suspiciously managed to get answers from nowhere, in the same way the UK Who Wants To Be A Millionaire cheat did.

Anyway, the episode is going to air tonight, so accusations of cheating have probably been proven false. Do we have another millionaire this week? The gossip says yes, and the way they have had a long discussion about strategy on the show, and not a single question, and now gone to an ad break indicates to me that the answer is yes…but we’ll just have to wait and see!


November 14th, 2005 at 08:46pm

Schnappi down to 36th

That’s a large drop, Schnappi is down from 23rd to 36th on the ARIA singles chart this week.

November 13th, 2005 at 11:35pm

Schnappi Down To 25

This week Schnappi is down to 25 on the ARIA singles chart.


November 6th, 2005 at 08:58pm

2CC Birthday Card

As previously mentioned, I gave 2CC a birthday card for it’s 30th birthday. It was more of a birthday paper than a card, but it’s the thought that counts.

Anyway, I have gone to some length to reproduce the birthday card. You may have seen in various places that sell paper, paper with pre-printed backgrounds, I used a “scrollpaper” background and printed on top of that. This is what makes the reproduction tricky, I have had to copy the scrollpaper background into the birthday card document which means I had to scan in another piece of scrollpaper (I thought I had run out of it, but I found one) and then go about inserting it into the document.

Anyway, here is the birthday card which I presented to 2CC (and I believe is currently hanging on their notice board). Clicking on the picture will open the 861KB PDF file of it.

2CC 30th Birthday Card from Samuel


2 comments November 2nd, 2005 at 03:33pm

Sydney Radio Ratings

The metropolitan radio ratings were released yesterday, and of particular interest to me are the Sydney ratings (sorry, but Canberra isn’t considered Metropolitan).

Of the daytime shows from 2UE that are also broadcast in Canberra

  • John Laws Morning Show: Up from 9.7% to 10.1%
  • John Stanley Afternoon Show: Down from 9.6% to 9.2%

I found the breakdown of the age groups to be rather interesting when comparing 2UE and 2GB.

  • 10-17YO: 2UE 1.5% – 2GB 0.9%
  • 18-24YO: 2UE 5.5% – 2GB 1.6%
  • 25-39YO: 2GB 5.3% – 2UE 3.8%
  • 40-54YO: 2GB 8.8% – 2UE 7.7%
  • 55YO+: 2GB: 26.4% – 2UE 16.2%
  • Grocery Buyer: 2GB 13.8%10.1%

Would anybody care to explain to me what differentiates a person from a grocery buyer? Do we actually have people who never visit a shop?

Ayway, the thing I find interesting is the way 2UE are rating fairly well in my age group of 18-24 which is not traditionally a talk radio listener filled age group.

Overall in Sydney the ratings results show the following:

  1. 2GB 12.5%
  2. 2DAY 9.1%
  3. WSFM 9.1%
  4. 2UE 8.9%
  5. MMM 8.7%
  6. ABC702 8.2%
  7. Mix 106.5 8.2%
  8. Nova 96.9 7.7%
  9. 2CH 5.7%
  10. JJJ 3.5%
  11. ABC Classic FM 2.5%
  12. ABC Radio National 2.4%
  13. ABC News Radio 1.5%

The official ratings sheet from Nielsen Media can be viewed at


November 1st, 2005 at 12:18pm

Happy 30th Birthday 2CC

Happy 30th Birthday 2CC.

Canberra’s Talk Radio 1206 2CC turned 30 at 7am. Originally a music station, it is now a talk radio station and they have been running a few promotions relating to their 30th birthday. They gave away a 1975 Holden Kingswood and are currently giving away $30,000 worth of home improvements.

Happy 30th Birthday 2CC
(Click image to enlarge)

John Kerr wished 2CC a happy 30th birthday at quarter past midnight this morning as part of his daily birthday list and offered up a memory or two. I recorded it for your listening pleasure, and you can hear it by clicking here.

According to radio historian Wayne Mac, the first song played on 2CC was Pick Me Up by Canberra band The Ritz, and they were originally broadcasting from Bellenden St Gungahlin.

I remember when 2CC started turning to talk, and David Young’s Garden was on from 7am-8am on Saturdays and 7am-9am on Sundays. I was one of the regular callers to that show, although rarely talking about anything useful, I was usually the first caller through and David seemed to enjoy our conversations. I would often sit up in bed with a cup of coffee listening to David Young, and occasionally the trading post, which started at 8am on Saturdays (I think). I remember that the two hosts rotated each week and the callers were constantly calling them the wrong names. Of course I started listening to 2CC when it was still a music station, probably in 1990 or 1991.

Happy Birthday 2CC!


5 comments October 31st, 2005 at 07:00am

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