Posts filed under 'Bizarreness'

Goose Repellant???

Yep, that is what the ad said that caught my eye, my curiosity led me to follow the link (and no, curiosity did not kill the cat).
It led me to a site called Wildlife Control Supplies who not only sell Goose Repellant, but also Deer Repellant, Snake-a-way Snake Repellant, Bat-a-way, Rat-a-way, 4 the Birds Transparent Repellant Gel and more.

Some of the prices and quantities are even better, want a gallon on Goose repellant…sure, that is only a mere US$219.95

Some of the other products are even better, they have these giant plyer things that allow you to grab a cat that has run up a tree…you might need the arm protector sleeves and the gloves with 400 stainless steel safety bars if you attempt a cat rescue like this.

Pure Coyote and Fox toilet products are also available (the liquid type).

Don’t forget the gift certificates for those times when you just don’t know what to get the person who has every sane product on the planet.

Visit for more info


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:06pm


According to two bits of identical spam I received, my eBay account has been suspended….Oh well, never mind, it’s not as if I ever used it….I didn’t even know I had it!

The spammers did get one thing right though, my account was suspended because I omitted my name, address & phone number (including phone numbers which have been disconnected).

They didn’t think the email through though…They wanted me to verify a suspended account…In most cases the spammers try to hide the real URL to some extent, but not this one, I hovered on it and found that it would send me to (I’m not making a link out of it for obvious reasons).


Add comment May 17th, 2005 at 10:07pm

People trying to censor my blog.

This is just weird. I had a comment today from somebody suggesting that I “shouldn’t make that kind of comment” in relation to my Friday the 13th post, in particular, the “Idiot number three” section.

Isn’t it just wonderful that some people think that I shouldn’t be able to express my own opinion, I pointed out to this person that “It is my blog and my opinion” and that “I might consider them to be an idiot on one day and not another, that is my choice, and it is my right to say that.”

I didn’t point this out, but if the person is reading this then they can read it anyway. If you don’t like something I say, you have every right to call me an idiot, to reply with comments, and to dress in an orange tutu and dance down the street with signs saying “Samuel Is Wrong”…that is your choice…however, I have a right to express my opinion, and if you don’t agree, fine you don’t have to, but you don’t have the right to stop me from saying it.


Add comment May 16th, 2005 at 06:44pm

Mind reading computers?

This story is just plain scary, researchers have found that the brain reacts differently to different stimuli, and have developed software that can say which stimuli the person was subjected to, even when they don’t know it themselves. The scientists have plans to make it possible for the software to know what kind of mood a person is in, even if they are mentally stable, perhaps even "reading" your thoughts.

Surely this invades any sense of privacy that anybody could have. It really doesn’t matter what I think, what matters is how I act on it.

For example, if I became extremely annoyed at someone and felt like murdering them, this would only be a passing thought, and as long as I didn’t act on it, it would have no relevance, but if my mind were read while I was thinking this, surely I could then be charged for conspiring to murder, even if I had no intention of carrying out such action. For that matter, what right does anybody have to find out what I am thinking, unless I inform them. I have to wonder how anybody can create such technology and think it is a good idea.


Add comment April 28th, 2005 at 11:49pm

Congratulations ACTION, you’ve done it again…

Well, they’ve done it again, once again ACTION have made a complete mess of a change to their service.
ACTION have just recently changed their timetables. The good news is that they finally accounted for the extra time it takes the Buses to get through the Canberra Centre bus stop, the bad news is that they forgot that it takes longer to get along Bullumbir Street than Bunda Street and haven’t accounted for that…so the buses are still late.

ACTION also modified the morning services of the 38 bus in a very bizzare way. Previously the 38 was running at 8:25, 8:40 & 8:53 along Ainslie Avenue, and if I managed to miss the 8:53, I could catch a 36 at 8:55ish. The new arrangement sees two 38’s arriving around 8:30 (they both arrive at the same time due to the traffic light delays on Bullumbir Street) and there isn’t another one until 8:55 (which never arrives until 9:00 or later). The 36 timetable has also been modified in such a way that it is earlie than the 8:30 buses, and later than the 8:55 bus.

My grumble here is that the 38 used to be relatively predictable, it was every 15 minutes, and I could catch a 36 if I missed the 38. Now due to the insanity of the new bus timetable, I have to be ready for the bus before 8:30 (previously 8:40 or 8:53 would be acceptable), or I will not be able to catch one until at least 9am, which makes me rather late.

I do have a theory about this bus timetable change. ACTION knew that I catch a 38 (or 36) from Ainslie avenue in the morning to get to Dickson College. They knew this, because I was a person who made a lot of noise about safety issues at the Canberra Centre bus stop, most of which remain unaddressed, and I eventually got tired of making noise after it became clear that they had no intention of ever doing anything to fix the problem. I could just be paranoid, but there is a chance that ACTION have decided that I am a nuisance, and therefore don’t deserve a decent bus service. I can see no other such bizzare changes to other timetables in Canberra, only the Ainslie Avenue routes. If ACTION think that it was a good idea to do this, they should expect some angry correspondence. I am certain that they will do nothing to fix the problems, but they do deserve an amount of angry noise.

On the plus side, ACTION have moved their fleet of horrible new green buses over to the 300 series intertown buses, meaning that I don’t have to catch them. Those things were never designed for suburban roads, they are too low to the ground, and have very little suspension. They are still pretty dreadful on the major roads, but at least they don’t have to rattle, clatter & bang as much. The Green buses continue to service the 34 (Hospital run).

Naturally ACTION have taken their policy of “It doesn’t work, so we’ll give it to everyone” and applied it to the Weston Creek area services. They were designed to make the buses act like Taxi’s at night. People would ring the ACTION phone number and say that they wanted to catch a bus from wherever they were. This service simply wasn’t working in Weston Creek, some people were waiting more than an hour for a bus. ACTION in their infinite wisdom have decided that this is a great system and expanded it to all of Canberra (except certain parts of Yarrulumla, which currently have high nightime patronage of buses) and called it Flexibus. “Buses are not Taxi’s” is my quote, if you need to get somewhere after 7PM, get a lift or ring a Taxi, you’ll be waiting all night for a Flexibus.


Add comment April 27th, 2005 at 07:21pm

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