Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Dreams'

Playing half a video cassette

As much as I’m happy to be getting some decent sleep, I have to admit that the ongoing series of peculiar dreams is starting to become tiresome, especially when I wake up and can’t quite work out if the dream was real, as was the case for this dream.

The dream started off with me digging in the backyard, trying to find one of Nattie’s bones. I didn’t find a bone, but I did find half of a VHS cassette, so I took it inside, cleaned it, and polished it, and put it in the video player which, through some piece of weird dream-induced logic, was able to play it.

The video turned out to be a video I lost a few years ago with the Garfield animated television series on it. Back when I was in primary school, Channel Ten were screening the Garfield episodes at 7am and I was recording them. I don’t know what happened to that video.

Anyway, when I woke up it took me a few moments to work out that none of it had actually happened, and I only managed to work it out by realising that the video player is not currently connected to anything, and therefore could not have been used in this manner.


June 23rd, 2009 at 10:18am

The other dream I had last night

During the day I remembered the other dream which I had last night, and in many ways I wish that I didn’t remember it.

In this dream I had broken in to a house in southern Canberra and somehow landed on the resident cat, killing it. The cat’s owner then arrived home and found me with the deceased cat…she was mortified and called the police. I offered to send her a new cat, before running home.

It is entirely possible that the dream which I mentioned earlier in which I was arrested, was a sequel to this dream.


June 19th, 2009 at 06:17pm

A replicator invasion

This one could just be a withdrawal symptom due to not seeing any Stargate SG-1 for nearly a week.

I only remember small amounts of this dream, however the basic premise of it was that replicators (the metal bug-like creatures from Stargate SG-1) were spawning in my bedroom and were starting to take over Canberra. I, and a few other people, moved to the highest ground we could find (the top of my bedroom cupboard) to avoid the plague of replicators, however this didn’t last long as the replicators started to eat the cupboard, and we faced imminent doom.

I remember the dream ending just as a replicator was about to reach my leg…so I suppose it could be considered a nightmare really.


June 19th, 2009 at 02:36pm

Police and mental health forms

Another one of my bizarre dreams from this week.

In this dream I was walking down a street (which appeared to be a cross between an alleyway in Reid, and a street in the fictional Borough of Sun Hill, from The Bill) and was being followed by police driving very slowly on the footpath. It was not apparent to me why I was being followed.

I then walked inside (in to a building which looked like a Dentist’s waiting room), sat down, and started filling out a form which had many questions about my mood and activities over the course of the last week. A woman from ACT Mental Health then turned up and wanted to verbally ask me all of the questions on the form.

I was happy about this and obliged, and the dream ended.

As I write this, a vague recollection of a dream from last night is coming to me…it seems that I was arrested in this dream and sedated with a kettle (not that I have the faintest clue how that works).


June 19th, 2009 at 12:33pm

The complaining communal apartment dwellers

I have had some very strange dreams this week, including about half a dozen last night which I kept waking up from, and don’t remember any of.

The dreams started earlier in the week when, in the first dream, I was going to walk from my hotel room to the 2QN studios and decide to take a shortcut. I walked in the opposite direction to the studios, and walked through the common garden area of an apartment block (which doesn’t actually exist, as far as I know) and ended up on the stairs of the apartment block where I was stopped by a woman who claimed to be one of the residents.

She informed me that she didn’t recognise me, and that I must be a guest. She then informed me that every key in the apartment block opens every door, and guests are sent to random apartments.

The dream ended at this point, however it had a sequel the following night.

In the second dream I once again walked over to the apartment block and encountered the same woman, still rambling about all the keys to the apartment block being the same, but this time she was with her husband, and they both started complaining about the local FM station which, according to them, was called “The Voice”.

The woman then went on quite a rant about how she doesn’t like people saying “raffle tickets” on the radio, and is quite appalled that people would even consider “saying such messy words”.

She also complained about short people hunching over microphones, despite the fact that, as a listener, she wouldn’t be able to see it happening. Amusingly, her husband posed as a short hunching person while she complained about short people hunching over microphones.

The dream then (thankfully) ended as I was woken by my alarm clock.


June 19th, 2009 at 09:29am

Mondays and radio stations

Why is it that Mondays and radio stations seem to lead to me spending far too much time in said radio stations, and not getting enough sleep that night.

I got in to 1WAY FM a bit after 4:30am yesterday and left a bit after midday. I then returned around 5:30pm and left shortly after 7pm.

I was intending on going to sleep after I got home, but ended up having dinner, watching the additively awful “112 Emergency” on SBS 2 followed by Media Watch, and then managed to, just before I would have gone to sleep, sidetrack myself with buying music from iTunes.

This morning I slept through my alarm at 4am (although I think I may have turned my phone alarm off without realising as the phone was in a different location when I woke up than it was when I went to sleep) and then woke up at 6:10am at the end of a dream about how “it’s time to get up when your alarm starts buzzing, whirring, spinning and singing”.

It’s a pity that the dream didn’t occur sooner.


June 9th, 2009 at 08:23am

The Belconnen Bus Interchange, or a derivative thereof

I had a most unusual dream the other night featuring an odd version of the (now defunct) Belconnen Bus Interchange.

In this dream the bus interchange was larger than it is in real life and had multiple ramps and bridges crossing the roadway. I, for one reason or another, was boarding buses, validating my ticket, sitting down for a second and then walking off the bus so that I could repeat the procedure.

Eventually I decided to use one of the bridges and sit down on a bench near a fence next to a building at the back of the bus interchange, which seemed to back on to a street in Holt. While I was sitting there, two girls ran out of the interchange carrying something and jumped the fence. A lady from ACTION followed them but didn’t see which direction they went in…I informed her that they had turned right, she then followed them and returned a few moments later with them tied up by a rope.

The girls asked me why I had given up their location, to which I replied that they hadn’t paid for my silence.

The dream then ended.


June 4th, 2009 at 12:27pm

Big W, a new coat, and voicetracking

I couldn’t get to sleep until 2am this morning which was most annoying, and made me wonder if perhaps I should just go to work early. Eventually I did get to sleep and had a dream which bordered on being a nightmare, which was probably a good thing as it woke me up at 4:30am, just in time to go to work.

The dream started with me talking to a friend from whom I once borrowed a car. I was talking to him about how I had a job interview at Big W coming up which I wasn’t really looking forward to…he had the opposite view and thought it would be an absolutely wonderful job (in hindsight, I should have told him that if it was so great, he should go to the interview), and that I needed a new dark coat for the interview.

I reluctantly agreed that a new coat would be a good idea, and he offered to take me to a store selling dark coats later in the day. I then went to the top of a section of the Canberra Centre (which no longer exists) where my laptop was floating…although I ignored the laptop and decided that I really didn’t want to get a coat today, so I rang the aforementioned friend to inform them of this decision, which they begrudgingly accepted. We instead decided to get the coat tomorrow.

After this I went home and noticed that my parents were sitting in the spare room playing cards and listening to 1WAY FM (it was the afternoon according to the dream), which for one reason or another was playing my Sunday afternoon 2QN/3NE voicetracking.

I went in to my room to go to bed and sleep, but noticed that my bed was missing. It had been replaced by a curtain.

The dream then ended abruptly.


1 comment May 25th, 2009 at 12:59pm

Dreams of buses

I’m not sure what to make of two dreams I have had in recent days.

In one dream I was given a bus by people lurking in a dark alleyway. It’s entirely possible that the people in the alleyway either constructed the bus or had been “maintaining” it, because it fell apart after a few minutes.

In the other dream, I stole a bus from a man who appeared to be flying it like a kite. The bus promptly crashed over a cliff and into a river which had replaced Limestone Avenue.

Anybody want to make sense of these?


2 comments May 12th, 2009 at 11:43am

The Hand Washing Dream

Considering that we’re all being told to wash our hands (and scan each other with thermal scanners) due to the pig flu, perhaps this dream from a bit over a week ago saw it all coming.

In this dream I was intending on walking from home to Fyshwick, but for some reason walked to Belconnen (Lathlain Street to be precise) and found myself on a street which looked like a derivative of Hardinge Street, Deniliquin.

I was standing out the front of a Home Hardware store and noticed that next door to it was a Coles supermarket, and next to that was an unnamed petrol station. In front of the Home Hardware store was a structure which looked like a British phone box but was in fact a dual-purpose hand-washing booth and LPG cylinder dispensary. I went in there and washed my hands, and then decided that I really did need to make a move and go to Fyshwick, only to suddenly realise that I did not have my key on me and needed to go home first, but did not have enough time to do so.

According to the logic of the dream, I was closer to Fyshwick than home, and going home first would double my travel time, which in the real world makes no sense because my house is more-or-less half way between Belconnen and Fyshwick.

A group of concerned on-lookers offered to carry me to Fyshwick, which prompted me to run back in to the hand-washing booth and wash my hands again.

At this point, thankfully, the dream ended.


May 1st, 2009 at 12:00pm

The faulty way to detect pig flu

I had an odd dream about pig flu yesterday (although annoyingly in the dream it was referred to as swine flu).

In this dream I picked up the local newspaper “The Watch” and immediately noticed the headline “103 Canberrans arrested for swine flu” whilst at the same time hearing the details of the story on the radio. According to the report, the ACT government had authorised phone taps on everyone and directed the authorities to detain anybody who coughs on the phone as this is apparently proof of swine flu.

All of this was happening while I was sitting at one end of a semi-circle of people in my lounge room. Aunty Nell, my grandmother, Dad, Mum and me. After the news report, my grandmother started speaking, she announced that the news story explained why her friend had disappeared that afternoon, but the government got it wrong as it was her and not her friend who coughed on the phone. She then struggled with her chair and started coughing while she tried to get up so that she could walk to the police station and hand herself in.

The unspoken understanding in the dream was that the government had arrested the non-coughing person in each of these phone calls, although as the dream ended there it is unclear if the error was ever fixed.


April 30th, 2009 at 10:24am

Bizarre dream of the week #3

In this dream I was sitting in the hall of my primary school watching a presentation by the head of a company which produces wool so that it can be stuck on sheep before they are sheared. The speech appeared to be part of a conference about farming, and this speaker was the speaker before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

The wool speaker introduced Mr. Rudd and offered him a sheep so that he would be able to buy wool. Mr. Rudd declined the offer.

Mr. Rudd then took the microphone and offered everyone in the room a free cow, which seemed to be a popular announcement…he then declared that everyone in the room had to vote for him at the next election, or he would appoint Jon Stanhope as Prime Minister “in order to doom the country”.

This prompted me to run out screaming. I ran screaming all the way home, where Jon Stanhope was waiting for me. He promptly informed me that he was going to turn in to a cow so that Kevin Rudd would give him to a farmer…the plan being that, as a cow, he would be able to prevent the farmer from voting for Kevin Rudd, and would then become Prime Minister.

I asked Mr. Stanhope if he intended on “dooming the country”, to which he replied “oh no, much worse than that…I intend on making Katy Gallagher the minister for everything”.

I agreed that his intentions were much worse, and the dream ended.

I’m hoping that there will be a sequel.

1 comment March 12th, 2009 at 07:08am

Bizarre dream of the week #2

Going to sleep shortly after watching a few episodes of Law & order is obviously not a good idea, because in this sleep I had a dream where I was a prosecutor in the District Attorney’s office.

I don’t remember much of the early parts of the dream, but I do remember being in court presenting some argument when I suddenly forgot the details of the case, as well as the names of all of the people in the court.

The judge seemed confused by my mid-sentence pause and blank expressions, and asked if I was still Samuel. I replied with “Yes, your judginess, however the court room needs sleep”.

The judge agreed, however declined my sleep on the grounds that it was rude to call him “your judginess”, and instead declared that I was guilty instead of the defendant in the trial, but would not be imprisoned because he had also forgotten what the trial was about.


2 comments March 11th, 2009 at 04:56pm

Bizarre dream of the week #1

I’ve had a few strange dreams since I arrived in Deniliquin. I’ll publish them here over the next little while for your amusement.

The first one saw me have some (unmentioned) urgent need to get home, so naturally I borrowed a horse from the local IGA supermarket whose horses are quicker than horses from the local Coles due to the IGA staff letting the horses eat products within the store.

The horse was quick, as I was back in Canberra within the hour, dropping the horse off at the IGA in the Civic bus interchange. I walked the rest of the way home and was informed by the man at the door (who looked suspiciously like Malcolm Turnbull but had a voice reminiscent of Prince Charles) that my services were no longer required and that I should return to Deniliquin. A car had been arranged for me.

The car happened to be the old Landrover that I had for a brief period of time last year, not exactly a sight I was happy to see, but I didn’t really have a choice so I started driving to Deniliquin.

I must have taken a scenic route because there was a rather steep hill about half way to Deniliquin. It was raining and I was flagged down by two men on the opposite side of the road to a pub. The men handed me a note which had come from my parents and been flown to the pub by courier pigeon. The note informed me that I was heading to a destination (it read “Dear Samuel, you are heading to your destination. Regards, your parents.”)

I thanked the men for the note and continued driving to Deniliquin, however a bit further up the mountain the Landrover made an awful squealing noise, the gearbox vanished in to thin air along with the rear half of the vehicle, and I rolled back to the pub where the two men found the gearbox and the other half of the vehicle in a locker and decided to glue the vehicle back together.

The men then kept the vehicle, and sent me the rest of the way via courier pigeon (although I’m not sure if pigeons which are bigger than me are still pigeons).


2 comments March 11th, 2009 at 07:22am

Dreams to end obesity, rearrange breakfast radio, and make Civic more democratic

I’m definitely a long way behind on sleep at the moment, but the small amounts of sleep that I have managed to get have been littered with peculiar dreams. It’s about time that I catch up on writing about some of them.

Firstly, I had a dream in which Kevin Rudd came up with a plan to curb obesity, it was a novel piece of legislation dubbed “The Two Thirds Policy for Burgers” where people buying burgers would be allowed to have two of the following three items only:
Bread Roll

Effectively anybody buying a burger would have to decide which one of those items that they would be willing to go without. I told Jim Ball about this dream last week and was greeted by a stunned silence followed by a chuckle, and a directive to “go and get some sleep”.

The next dream involved ABC Classic FM’s breakfast show. Realising the error of their ways, the ABC rehired Clive Robertson for the gig, but for some reason decided that, just like many other FM radio stations, they needed to have three breakfast hosts…so joining Clive on the breakfast show was John Laws and John Howard. Unfortunately to cover the cost of having three hosts, the ABC Board decided that they weren’t allowed to play any music, therefore saving themselves the cost of royalties…this led to Clive, John and John launching a barbershop trio (because, according to Clive, the ABC wouldn’t fork out for the appropriate number of staff to form a quartet) and singing for the majority of the breakfast show.

Meanwhile in dream number three, convinced that Civic was not a democratic place after conducting an outside broadcast from a spot just outside Bailey’s Corner, Steve Price decided to make it more democratic by walking around handing everyone megaphones…the theory being that by giving everyone a megaphone, it would make it easier for them to be heard.

ACT Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope, unhappy about having the noise of half of Canberra ranting on megaphones in Civic blaring through his office’s window at the Legislative Assembly, passed a law in the week before the ACT election banning megaphones, a move which saw him accused of censorship and subsequently thrown out of government in a landslide result against his party. For some reason, the electoral commission then decided that a suitable punishment would be to make Jon Stanhope clean yellow megaphones…not that I can work out why.

So tell me, if you had dreams like this when you go to sleep, would you try to avoid sleeping in the hope that the Director Of Dreams would go on holidays?


August 1st, 2008 at 04:18am

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