WIN News tonight at 7pm
September 23rd, 2009 at 05:47pm
WIN’s Canberra bulletin (which looks like it has as much useful news tonight as my left sock) is going to air at the “special time of 7pm” tonight. Why do I get the awful feeling that this means Nine News will run for an hour due to a dust storm.
Strangely, I could be sure that I saw a promo for A Current Affair “tonight at 7pm” in the preceding ad break.
I won’t be home to watch it…I’ll set up a recording to cure my curiosity.
Update: It’s 6:09pm and Seven are still banging on about how the dust killed the wonderful and picturesque views of Sydney. Meanwhile Nine are having a 60 minute bulletin…they might be able to mention something other than the dust. Whether A Current Affair will screen on WIN…who knows? It wouldn’t be a bad thing if it didn’t. End Update
Update 6:11pm: Seven Dust has finished for the night. Seven News after the break, followed by Today Tonight where their lead story is “Sydney and Brisbane covered in dust, earthquakes in Melbourne. We’ll find out why and what’s next in a special report”. Matt…if you can do it without misplacing your script and having to look around the set like you did the other night…your report still won’t be credible. End Update
Entry Filed under: TV/Radio/Media
1 Comment
1. dave1 | September 23rd, 2009 at 9:38 pm
I think Sydneysiders are just a bit too precious. All day I heard reports of people staying home from work, and too scared to send the kids to school. M5 tunnel closed due to dust, and the city brought to its knees. Channel 9 news spend 1/2 hour talking about…..dirt.
We had it (the dust) the day before, people just got on with life. No big deal really, and was the 3rd or 4th story on the Win News bulliten.
Watched as much as I could tolerate of the TT story, which was not a lot. The ‘special report’ was up to the usual TT standard.