I’m Back Merry Christmas

Miscellaneous Information

December 23rd, 2008 at 10:54am

Sorry, this cold has been knocking me about a bit and hasn’t made sleeping any easier, hence the lack of posts here of late.

Anyway, a bit of news for you. As I alluded to during a conversation with Mark Parton on 2CC about leap seconds this morning, I’m heading back to Deniliquin next week. There are a number of factors which have made it a much more difficult decision this time around, but I believe that it’s the right decision.

This does mean that I won’t be hosting breakfast on 1WAY FM next week, and the small number of pre-recorded segments which I have set aside for next week will just have to be held over for a week.

In regards to the question of airchecks from my last stint in Deniliquin, a small number of them will be placed in the Aircheck Sunday roster for the new year, so you will be able to hear them.

For those of you who are wondering, Maritz will not be filling in for me next week. I will try to find some time to write some content. Maritz continues to write emails to me, which I am attempting to reply to with a “proper English” translation. It’s not as easy as it looks sometimes.

Finally, I must remind myself to post the few photos from last week. It’s probably one of those “eventually” things.


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  • 1. legshagger  |  December 23rd, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    I look forward to some images of your time in the gulag of radio at Deniliquin. I hope that you it takes from your cold before you you make the cordial return to the glorious glory in air in the belt of drought.

  • 2. Mr-Pappadappadopolis  |  December 25th, 2008 at 8:44 am

    Hey Samuel, I’ve been listening to you hosting the breakfast show on 1 way FM this morning. Well done.
    Anyway, merry Xmas to you and yours (whatever that means ).

    Mr Pappadappadopolis.

  • 3. Mr-Pappadappadopolis  |  December 25th, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Just before you left 1 way FM, I could hear Allison almost knocking the door down, eager to get on the air.

    And then, at 10.45 am, I heard you on 2CC talking to Glen Wheeler in Sydney, wishing him a merry christmas. Apparently you also sent him a card as well.

    Well I must run now. I’ll be having Christmas lunch at Lifestream (as mentioned by you earlier this morning on 1 way FM ).
    Thanks for the tipoff. Who said there’s no such thing as a free lunch ! haha.

    Merry Xmas everyone.

  • 4. Samuel  |  December 25th, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Thank you Mr Pappadappadopolis.

    Between my off-air coughing attacks and malfunctioning equipment, I think the show went quite well. I was a tad nervous when the computer decided to skip the Cliff Richards song at about 8:52 as I didn’t want to have to fill the last eight minutes with talk when I had virtually run out of material.

    Thankfully Startrax was able to be coaxed in to playing the song (Saviour’s Day) which meant I was able to finish the show as per the plan, albeit a few seconds behind schedule…a convoluted Christmas message from Sir Humphrey Appleby, a few final words from me, and an Alison wanting me to finish up so that she could read a story.

    Glenn’s a hard man to get hold of today, but it was very nice of Ben to offer to call me back rather than keeping me on hold for the better part of an hour. I’d already spent about 40 minutes on hold to talk to John Kerr at about 2am. John was eating cake during our conversation and I recall making some groan-worthy remark along the lines of “you can have your cake and eat it too”, which is a derivation of one of the stranger sayings on the planet: “you can’t have your cake an eat it too”, which I think is up there in the strange stakes with “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”…maybe I just like eating.

    Yesterday it was Mark Parton (about five minutes on hold) and Mike Welsh (less than a minute on hold). Unfortunately I didn’t get an opportunity to call Mike Jeffreys.

    If my voice holds up (which is probably dependant on my impending nap) then I’ll give Clive Robertson a call tonight.

    Enjoy your lunch Mr Pappadappadopolis!


December 2008

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