The 2UE signal is loud and clear in Canberra Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

Welcome to Daylight Saving Time

October 28th, 2007 at 04:36am

Yes, Daylight Saving Time is with us once again, and that means I will soon be performing the bi-annual ritual of synchronising a watch with the sixth hourly time pip (the top of the hour pip) on 2CC and then walk around the house synchronising all the clocks with the watch. I don’t do this before the start or end of Daylight Saving as the clocks will drive me nuts if I do that, but I can put up with them ebing an hour out of whack after the change for a few hours, so I will update them later today.

In semi-related news, I had a five minute laughing fit earlier after John Kerr read out an email from a Russian woman (it might have been Maritz who wrote a peculiar letter to the editor to this blog a while back, but I didn’t quite catch the name so I can’t be sure), talking about how she sings to the garden every week and is adjusting the garden to daylight saving ten minutes at a time over a six week period so as to avoid confusing it…she also mentioned something about having a cupboard full of clocks (which, if I heard it correctly, was referred to as a clock full of cupboards), half of which are on daylight saving time, and the other half on normal time, and she swaps them when the time changes instead of just adjusting the clocks.

John stopped half way through the email to check if it had come from Clive Robertson!

I might have to order a copy of that from Media Monitors, it’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard on the radio in ages, and it’s proof that there’s a full moon out there.


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Lunacy/Idiots,Samuel's Editorials,TV/Radio/Media

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1 Comment

  • 1. Tony  |  October 31st, 2007 at 1:22 am

    I love not having daylight saving because if the world ends we still have an hour left.


October 2007

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