Your theme music
January 21st, 2007 at 12:00am
Good morning John,
You had a lady call up yesterday complaining about your theme music. Well I have to say that I like both your theme music (which is also used for Clive, Clinton and whoever else fills in), and the music Stuart uses…but I absolutely hate the new voice over. I know that the previous voice over man has left 2UE, but he sounded so much more natural. I'm sure the new voice over lady is very talented, and it sounds like 2UE really rushed to get all the old voice overs replaced (they missed Antiques and Collectables thankfully), but they really need to either write scripts which suit the new lady, or find someone else.
After a week of hearing the new voice overs, I would be used to them if I could stand them, but I can't, and instead I am using the volume control to get rid of them.
But back to what the lady was talking about yesterday…I love your theme music!
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Entry Filed under: Talkback Emails
1. albona | January 21st, 2007 at 9:16 am
get a life
2. Samuel | January 21st, 2007 at 10:49 am
Perhaps I’ll paraphrase John Kerr who received a few bits of feedback about his show last night.
“It is important for us to receive this feedback otherwise we have no way of knowing what you do and don’t like.”
3. albona | January 21st, 2007 at 5:10 pm
that’s why we have ratings
4. Samuel | January 21st, 2007 at 5:30 pm
Ratings measure how many people are listening, not their reason for choosing to do so (or not do so as the case may be).
5. John B1_B5 | January 21st, 2007 at 6:11 pm
Anything but “The Sound of Silence” !