December 10th, 2006 at 11:30pm
Good morning John,
Sounds like you’re having one of those mornings where you just run away screaming and let the emergency tape run the show.
That drink machine that stole Mike’s money…there are a few machines like that at my work, the coins go in, the machine accepts them, but it doesn’t add them to the total. Do you know who makes the machines? I’d like to buy some shares in them.
So the phones don’t work, on the bright side you won’t be Perth’s long-range taxi booking service…of course you could just give out your mobile number and use the speakerphone mode, but that would probably be very hard for any of us to hear and understand.
And to think you’ve got to sit there until 6am…sorry John, but I’m glad it’s you and not me.
Just thinking…I bet the phones work in the studio which doesn’t work!
Have a good morning John…I’ll call later if you get the phones working.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Entry Filed under: Talkback Emails