Bill Saves Me From Typing
December 18th, 2006 at 10:07am
From the You Are The Guest Website
December 18, 2006: Listen To “You Are The Guest Show # 68”
Guest Host: Samuel Gordon-Stewart from Canberra, Australia
Samuel Gordon-Stewart is our first Guest Host, and this show is networked between our podcast and on his show in Australia. Samuel and his guest from America talk about various topics related to the Christmas season such as consumerism, religion, and how cultures and beliefs outside of Christianity view and perceive the holiday. Bill also shares a funny story about a personal Christmas experience. During “Ask Samuel 3”, Samuel is asked about one of his family traditions at Christmas, how he thinks others who don’t celebrate the holiday perceive Christmas, and what policy needs to be changed for Australia to be stronger in the years ahead.
Recorded last week…I wanted to write more but the migraine is still here.
Entry Filed under: Samuel News
1. Bearded Clam | December 18th, 2006 at 7:07 pm
Next time you call up 2UE, maybe you should put out a public appeal for migraine remedies.
Sometimes home remedies are the best. My personal cure for headaches is to drink until the pain is gone.
Actually, thats a good motto for life. “Drink until the pain is gone”
But I understand thats not for everybody. Can any other readers supply Sam with a home remedy for his ailments?
2. Samuel | December 18th, 2006 at 7:44 pm
Actually I seem to recall that shortly after I told Stuart Bocking about the aches, a woman who usually rings up to rant about persecution of a certain religion (not that I can quite work out which one) mentioned something about drinking lemon juice…I think…that morning is a blur.
3. Bearded Clam | December 19th, 2006 at 11:33 am
Lemon, vinegar, hot water with salt in it, extra servings of Tabasco sauce…all well known home remedies.
A lesser known remedy is snorting a line of brown sugar. Someone I know swears by it.