Revenge of the phone book deliverers
July 11th, 2009 at 02:26pm
It’s taken a few years, but the people who deliver the phone books in my area have finally had their revenge.
A few years ago I complained about the standard of dress employed by people delivering the phone books, and noted that it was nice to see fully-clothed people delivering phone books for a change, as in previous years I had been annoyed by semi-naked phone book deliverers.
This year in my area, the phone books were due to be replaced by April, however none have arrived as yet, and we’re already in to July. I can only assume that word of my disgust has finally reached the phone book deliverers, and they decided to get even.
The good news for me is that they failed to get even. There is an apartment block a couple blocks away which did receive their phone books earlier this year, in large piles dumped underneath their mailboxes. I noticed this a few months ago on one of my 3am walks, and have been keeping an eye on the piles since then. It has amused me that very few of the phone books have been picked up by the residents of the apartment block…I suppose that people in this apartment block are quite happy to rely on electronic telephone directories.
Anyway, I decided last night to relieve them of one of these sets of phone books as, after three months, I think it’s safe to say that the people of the apartment block aren’t going to need them.
So, if word of their failed revenge takes as long to reach the phone book deliverers, as did word of my disgust at their standard of dress, then I look forward to seeing what revenge they come up with in the year 2012.
Entry Filed under: Samuel News