Morrison to Nine? The Firstborn Personality

More of 2UE’s Summer Schedule Confirmed

November 21st, 2008 at 05:04am

And Glenn Wheeler’s back! He’s been lurking in the shadows at their outside broadcasts lately, and now he’s going back to where it all started for him on UE when he jumped from 2GB, weekend middawns.

As previously reported, Jim Ball is taking all of December and half of January off from New Day Australia. Contrary to previous belief, he won’t be on leave for that entire period, rather he will be filling in for John Stanley on Drive for the first two weeks of December.

The move with Jim is interesting because 2UE’s recent history indicates that Stuart Bocking is the default fill-in for Drive, but considering that Jim has previously filled in on drive over at 2GB and he has had a fairly good effect on the station’s overnight ratings, one does have to wonder if 2UE are testing a few things over summer to see how they work. 2UE’s ratings have been fairly stagnant this year with a slight downward trend, whilst 2GB have have a moderate increase in ratings, and if I have to make a prediction, Stuart Bocking will inherit the morning show either mid next-year, or at the start of 2010.

At this stage there is still no word on who will fill in for Mike and Sandy on Breakfast, although I have to agree with the speculation that it’s a job which should go to George and Paul. There is a part of my head that is screaming “logic dictates that it will be John Stanley and whoever they find hiding in a cupboard again” though.

Weekends are still anyone’s guess, and I’ve got a feeling that Don Burke’s role will be increased, possibly to 6am-midday, with Kearns and Robertson potentially changing to midday-6pm through summer.

That said, it’s all speculation except for that which has been confirmed, and even that is subject to late change. I would hate to be trying to organise summer imaging on a network station though…you’d have to ignore the weekends, unless you really want to plug weekend middawn heavily, because we all know that Harvey Norman place their main bulk of ads between 2am and 4am when they’re likely to wake people with a bloke yelling about vacuum cleaners and plasma televisions.


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