Samuel’s Footy Tips Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

Repitition Keeps The Price In Stagnation

August 11th, 2007 at 04:56pm

I spotted the following sign outside a jeweller during the week, sadly I did not have the camera with me.

$9 earings…only nine dollars

Based on this, one does have to wonder if putting a sign along the lines of “6.5% interest rates…only 6.5 percent” out the front of the reserve bank would ensure that interest rates stagnate instead of rising again?

It might work, but I’m not entirely sure that certain definitions of “stagnation” which would surely be side-affects, would be such a good thing for the economy:

period of no or slow economic growth or of economic decline, in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.


It’s times like these that I’m glad I’m not an economist.


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Samuel's Editorials

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1 Comment

  • 1. Tony  |  August 11th, 2007 at 9:52 pm

    I can remember when milk was 7 cents a pint and you got 5 cents back on the bottle.
    Bread had no nasties in it and was in waxed paper.
    1 cent got you two or more of any lollie.
    Collecting drink bottles to make money.
    Mum would wait on dad hand and foot and would be up cooking him breakfast before work evey morning at the crack of dawn.
    Neighbours called in and were always respectful of their fellow neighbours.
    The daily paper was 2 cents and had news you actually wanted to read.
    Kids made their own fun without money or a computer game of any type.
    Building go-karts and Mom yelling at us to put the wheels back on her washing trolley.
    Dad building a Guy Fawkes scarecrow (dressed in dads old clothes) every cracker night so we could light our fireworks from it.
    Going out on trips as a family unit to see the windows in town with Christmas scenes.
    Mum would be scrimping and saving all year to put on the best Christmas for us kids.
    Times sure have changed.


August 2007

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