Section 84 Clinton Maynard to fill in for John Kerr

Canberra Radio Ratings #2 Are Underway (and Samuel is part of the survey)

August 12th, 2006 at 12:52am

Yep, the ratings nearly got underway without me noticing…I must have been thick to think that the spate of promotions running on 2CC and 2CA could be running with no attachment to a ratings period.

The ratings period starts today (Saturday August 12) (edit: Actually it started on Sunday August 6, Nielsen are handing out books during the survey period) and will run through until the end of Saturday August 19 (Another edit: Nielsen have updated their website…the survey runs until the end of Saturday September 2).

(To clarify that messy paragraph, the survey period is Sunday August 6 to Saturday September 2 inclusive, apoligies to anybody who was confused by the multiple edits to this post over the last 16 hours).

So what will happen? Well 2CC and 2CA are off to a good start…no bus ads for 2CC, but a more inventive way of advertising, each day 2CC are inviting listeners to nominate a business as the finest business in a particular category, the business with the most nominations in that day’s category receives a large framed certificate declaring them the finest business in their category, as voted by 2CC listeners…the certificate naturally enough contains a very big 2CC logo, and 2CC are giving away a holiday to one lucky nominator.

2CA are relying on a $75,000 giveaway, and Canberra’s best breakfast duo (Paul and Leighton), and the word of mouth which seems to be spreading about that excellent music station.

FM 104.7 are trying to counter their large loss in the last survey with ads for their breakfast program in Canberra’s worst “newspaper” City Ads (the freely-distributed glossy advertorial nonsense device).

Mix 106.3 and FM 104.7 appear to have put their ads on some taxis again, although not in the large numbers they did last year.

Local ABC haven’t bothered to fix any of the problems that led to their dismal performance last ratings.

So my predictions…2CC and 2CA will both gain, 2CC won’t gain as much as they did last time, and 2CA will probably jump considerably with their large cash giveaway and their breakfast duo.

Mix will retain top spot, although I doubt they will gain…in fact I think it is almost certain that they will lose some market share. FM 104.7 will continue to lose listeners, but nowhere near as dramtically as last survey.

ABC local radio will also lose market share (mostly to 2CC), but the drop will be less than last time. The other stations could do just about anything…and JJJ will gain audience share from 104.7.

My household was chosen as one of the households to fill out survey books…I’m looking forward to doing my civic duty, and helping quality stations to thrive in the process.


Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,Samuel's Editorials,TV/Radio/Media

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August 2006

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