Twitter Updates for 2012-03-28
March 28th, 2012 at 09:00pm
- Oh wow, I'm using almost 1GB per hour watching @GBTV. I'm glad to be a subscriber, and glad the advertisers are helping to pay the bills. #
- No @morrison954 on @Radio2UE this morning. Does this means it's time to congratulate Jason Morrison and @HeidiTiltins on a birth? #
- @Ghostwhotweet Can't say that I agree there. I'd like them do more news, but wouldn't mandate it, and certainly wouldn't mandate a news time in reply to Ghostwhotweet #
- Is there something in the airline food causing crew hysteria? Plane captain ran the aisles screaming “Say your prayers” #
- @larryemdur Any chance of a live sample of The Price Is Right on The Morning Show? Make Glenn your model and give away an Ab Circle Pro! #
- @trevorlong @morrison954 it's official now? That's great! in reply to trevorlong #
- Looks like it's happened. Don't have details, but congratulations to @morrison954 and @HeidiTiltins on the birth of their baby. #
- Spotted a lefty wearing an"obey" shirt. Makes @glennbeck's "I Will Not Comply" shirts an even better idea than I originally thought. #
- @jamesrob they were handing out lefty pamphlets. I couldn't fit that detail in the original tweet. in reply to jamesrob #
Entry Filed under: Twitter posts