The next Stargate saga begins
October 3rd, 2009 at 10:01am
The premiere double episode of Stargate Universe airs on SyFy Channel (formerly known by the more sensible name “SciFi Channel) in the US in a few hours, and on the Australian version of SciFi (yep, we can spell it) on Friday night at 8:30pm.
I’m a massive Stargate fan, so it’s no surprise that I’m excited about Stargate Universe. I just hope it is treated with more respect than SG1 and Atlantis which were both killed off too early. Sure, SG1 had a ten year run, but it had a least a season and probably two that it could have viably produced from the Ori storyline…and as for Atlantis, it had just hit its stride in season five and had so much potential. Universe looks good and different from the previews, hopefully this is enough to give it a decent run.
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