Statistics from the trip to Deniliquin
August 30th, 2009 at 06:11pm
As noted a couple weeks ago, the roadworks on the Hume Highway which have slowed my trips down considerably, have now been completed…well, almost. For some unknown reason, the westbound run towards Gundagai still has a decent stretch of “roadwork” slowing the road to 80km/h…I say roadworks in quotations, because I’m not convinced that closing the overtaking lane for no apparent reason and slowing the remaining lane down by 30km/h counts as roadworks.
Anyhoo, my trip was faster, taking only four hours and thirty-six minutes this time around.
I left home at 9:02am and stopped in Gundagai at 10:38am. I was back on the road at 11:00am and arrived at the hotel in Deniliquin at 2:00pm (I was surprised when both times were right on the dot). It’s a 495KM run, which makes the average speed 107.61 km/h.
As usual, Regional News headlines will be posted here on weekday mornings at around 9am over the course of the next two weeks.
Entry Filed under: Samuel News
1. nbrettoner | August 31st, 2009 at 9:48 am
Hi Samuel,
Just about to catch up on your blog news etc, so no comments (yet).
During my nearly-sixteen years of touring on motorcycles, on several trips to-from Deni I too was impressed with the human mind’s ability to do calculations “on the fly”.
Wagga was 164 miles away, yet I could estimate to within 3 minutes my arrival time!. However any unforseen “roadworks” could well put an end to that.
2. Samuel | August 31st, 2009 at 10:05 am
Indeed. I was saying from about Wagga Wagga onwards that I was on track for an arrival a few minutes after 2pm. Between Conargo and Deni though I was a tad nervous about that as my fuel gauge erroneously decided that I had run out of fuel…a good 40km or so of “so, how much fuel do I have left? It’s x hours return trip on foot from here”.