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Rush Limbaugh on ‘Hannity’: If Al Qaeda wants to demolish the America we know and love, they’d better hurry, because Obama’s beating them to it

June 6th, 2009 at 01:32pm

Earlier this week Sean Hannity went to Florida and interviewed fellow talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh for his show on the Fox News Channel. The interviewed covered a wide range of topics including Barack Obama’s policies and the problems with the Republican party in its current form.

The interview was long enough to be spread out over two nights, and is well worth watching.

Part One
Topics include:

  • Why the Democrats are seemingly focussing on Rush as if he was the leader of the Republican party.
  • Why Rush wants Barack Obama’s policies to fail.
  • Why Obama is “running around the world and apologising for America”.
  • Fidel Castro believes Obama is further left than he is.

Part Two
Topics include:

  • Some thoughts on Colin Powell and why he supported and voted for Obama, despite him being in the other political party.
  • Sonia Sotomayor, why she shouldn’t be a judge, why she is being nominated, and the unknown factor which could make her racist comments overlookable.

Part Three
Topics include:

  • Who Rush thinks should replace him as the person Obama declares the “titular head” of the Republican party.
  • How to understand the thought process behind Obama’s policies.
  • Why Rush is optimistic that the American people will stand up to Obama in the 2010 and 2012 elections.
  • The hypocricy of Obama saying that America can’t impose values on other countries, and then going ahead and doing it anyway. (which includes a comment on Israel).

Part Four
Topics include:

  • Obama’s socialist policies, and the effect it will have on the economy, and on peoples’ lives.
  • The so-called “Fairness Doctrine” and a possible way to introduce it by stealth.
  • The problem with the Republican Party in its current moderate form.
  • More on the problem with Obama’s policies.

Part Five
This section doesn’t appear in the transcripts and appears to be a portion of the interview which wasn’t aired in the “four parts spread over two nights” version, and instead aired later on.

Topics include:

  • Rush describes the real meaning of conservatism, and how that differs from many perceptions of it.
  • Obama’s speech to the Muslim world, and what he should have said.

The transcript of parts one and two can be found here, and parts three and four, here. If I find a transcript of part five, I’ll let you know.


Entry Filed under: General News,TV/Radio/Media

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