Shower echo Staying an extra week

Song request

May 18th, 2009 at 10:15pm

I received a request for a song this morning on 2QN and, seeing as I had a bit of time and the song was a more appropriate length than one of the others in the log, I decided to run it. Had I recognised the song from the title, I would have played it and made the rest of the hour fit around it.

The song was “What’s Up” by Four Non Blondes. It’s a song which aired the last time I was in Deni and wanted to jot down the title and artist, but I didn’t get a chance to check the log and promptly forgot about it until today.

I was very pleased to hear the song, and I have now purchased a copy from iTunes.

On a related note, three brick bats to the Universal Music Group. I am becoming increasingly frustrated by their policy of disabling the embedding of YouTube videos of music to which they own the rights. I wanted to embed the song here for your reference, but the only embeddable version I can find in a hurry is a techno remix of the song…all of the videos of the original song (not live versions) that I’ve found have embedding disabled. I have noticed that many YouTube videos have recently started to carry ads over the video with a link to iTunes to purchase the song…so one wonders why Universal are cutting off a potential revenue stream. I’m sure that, if you don’t know the song, you would be much more likely to watch a video of it on this website than you would be to go to YouTube and find a video of it.

I’m sure Universal have their reasons, but as far as I’m concerned, embeddable videos of music are a great promotional tool for music companies. The whole idea of disabling the embedding of music videos is just nuts.

I’m on a roll here, so Universal Music Group, have another couple of brickbats!


Entry Filed under: Samuel's Editorials,TV/Radio/Media

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  • 1. Steady Eddie  |  May 19th, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    Ah yes, What’s Up? Most people know this song as What’s Going On? because the words “what’s up” don’t appear anywhere in the lyrics.

  • 2. Samuel  |  May 19th, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    I was one of them. I’m glad that my knowledge of the song has been corrected.

  • 3. padders  |  May 19th, 2009 at 8:33 pm

    Great song. Curiously, it’s on my iPod as ‘What’s Going On’, and I’ve never bothered to change it.


May 2009

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