Bureau Broken!
May 12th, 2009 at 07:23am
The weather bureau’s Canberra temperature page has gone on holidays. It’s currently stuck on the 5:45am temperatures, and it looks like it’s the entire Canberra weather data feed because Weatherzone have the same problem.
This makes me wonder what radio stations are doing for current temperatures.
I use the Gungahlin Weather Centre for Gungahlin temperatures as a matter of course, but I have had to fall back on ActewAGL for City temperatures (which may be slightly out considering that it’s on top of a concrete building) and Weather Underground’s Conder temperatures for the Tuggeranong weather.
It looks like the bureau’s entire automated system has gone bang, as Sydney is also stuck in a time warp. Oops!
A day when things don’t break is not a day at all.
Update 7:50am: And the Bureau are back at work. End Update
Entry Filed under: IT News