Looks like corruption, smells like corruption and quacks like corruption
March 6th, 2009 at 08:31am
I’m a few days late on this one, but I couldn’t let it go without mentioning it.
Barack Obama’s appointee as director of Urban Policy, Adolfo Carrión Jr., is facing some rather interesting scrutiny from his recent stint as Bronx Borough President. The New York Daily News broke the story early this week with an investigative feature which Sean Hannity summed up quite nicely:
Adolfo Carrion Jr. [..] had a mysterious pattern of receiving contributions from various groups and individuals, either right before or right after approving their building projects.
The New York Daily News story goes on for three pages and includes many examples of the suspicious payments…far too numerous for me to quote them all here, although I will be saving the document for future reference.
I’m losing count of these ethical problems in this administration…I pity the 47.1% of American voters who voted against this mess.
Entry Filed under: General News