2QN/Classic Rock Regional News Headlines: Tuesday 10 March It must be some sort of insulation

Can’t sell it so they’re giving it away?

March 10th, 2009 at 02:49pm

This press release gave me a good laugh when it came across my desk a few minutes ago:

Free cycling training for local councils, community groups and employers in NSW

AustCycle is a new, national cycling training scheme that has been established by the Amy Gillett Foundation, the Bicycle Federation of Australia and Cycling Australia. AustCycle’s aim is to deliver high quality cycling training, by accredited trainers, to Australians of all ages so that they can ride further, more often, more confidently and more safely. This will result in healthier, happier Australians and a safer, cleaner environment.

Thanks to the Department of Environment and Climate Change, NSW (DECC), a limited number of DECC Cycling Vouchers, each worth $360 (plus GST), are now available FREE to local councils, community groups and employers in NSW. Vouchers can be used for adult AustCycle training courses, for everyone from beginners to experienced riders.

For further information about the vouchers, contact DECC via email at OnYourBike@environment.nsw.gov.au. To apply for a voucher, simply fill in the DECC Faxback Form available o n the AustCycle website.

Find out more about AustCycle at www.austcycle.com.au. For more information on this media release, please contact (name and mobile number removed – samuel).

About AustCycle

AustCycle is a new, national cycling training scheme that has been established by the Amy Gillett Foundation, the Bicycle Federation of Australia and Cycling Australia.

Full press release and any supporting media files are available here

One wonders if these cycling lessosn can be abused to the extent that I could have one of their “trainers” ferry me around on a bike with them doing all of the peddling while I “observe them for educational purposes”?


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,General News

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  • 1. nbrettoner  |  March 10th, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Hi Samuel, from memory the PT has over the years run articles on bicycle safety training for children, as well as reporting on adult annual bike rides.

    Considering the dire straights of the local populace, & probably far more expertise with all-things-bicycle than the afore-mentioned organisation, I would like to propose a suggestion:-

    That Deniliquin populace at large, offer a National Training Facility, based at Waring Gardens.
    Those wishing to avail themselves of this excellent training facility then ride from afar. In so doing, they will rapidly become expert in the art of bicycle riding & survival technique.
    Hence minimal cost for the local facility, as all training will occur in getting here.

    Instead of giving away free vouchers, Deniliquin steering Committee could pedal (I couldn’t help myself) application forms at the princely sum of only $8.85 each, printed on Government letterhead & included in a Federal Government national health drive mail-out.
    That way, they could send in their $8.85 to Deniliquin Steering Committee, & then receive free directions of which way to go, to get here. For example, those in Perth could be told ‘go east young man’, etc.
    The Application form could instruct each applicant to ensure they have sufficient water left upon arrival, for a shower.
    Upon arrival they would then be taken to cubicles where their sweaty bodies could then be cooled & cleansed, the kind Deniliquin citizens could assist with the appropriate gathering & relocation of that drainage.
    Oh & perhaps a local restriction on the use of water for showering could come into play here. Of the water they bring, only one tenth to be used. the rest confiscated, by kindly Deni-ites, who are expert in knowing the proper useage thereof.

  • 2. Samuel  |  March 10th, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    The Pastoral Times ran an editorial as their lead story today…an open letter to Penny Wong. I suspect that Penny will treat it with the same amount of contempt that she treats anything which disagrees with her.

    Anyway, back on topic, if your plan for a Deni bicycle plan and the associated policies takes off, then I’m going to eat something resembling a hat. Preferably a cake in the shape of a hat.

    I’ll ask Maritz to have her patented tomato and asparagus chocolate cake on standby.

    Actually speaking of Maritz, I haven’t heard from her for a while and I have no idea what ended up happening with her mother who was in a Russian hospital. I’ll try contacting Maritz again to try and find out.


March 2009

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