Only a fool does the same thing twice and expects a different outcome Government stimulus package approved

West Belconnen Leagues Club acquisition approved

February 13th, 2009 at 02:02pm

It’s a landslide. Members of the Canberra Raiders Sports Club have approved the acquisition of the West Belconnen Leagues Club by a margin of 1069 to 70, with 26 further invalid votes .

Members of West Belconnen have also approved the acquisition by 2525 votes to 93, with another 30 votes being invalid.

Update: Numbers were originally attributed to members of the wrong clubs. This has now been corrected, and I apologise for any confusion that this may have caused. End Update

On that basis, I must have spoken with at least 15% of the people who voted “no”. Most of the people who I spoke to who voted “no” said that they did so for the same reason as me, the $4 million debt belonging to West Belconnen, and the fact that they aren’t even close to being the dominant club in the area. Most of the people who I spoke to who voted “yes” said that they did so because they received a voting form in the mail with clear instructions to vote “yes”.

I hope that the majority of people who voted “yes” are not well represented by the people I spoke to, and I hope that the people in charge of the Raiders Sports Club know what they’re doing, because it’s going to take a lot of work to turn West Belconnen around.

Good luck none-the-less.


Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,Samuel's Editorials

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February 2009

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