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December 31st, 2008 at 07:54am

Some days detectives just get all the luck:

A 40-year-old Chicago area man allegedly robbed a Chicago bank on Friday using a threatening note written on the back of his own pay slip, which was printed with his name and home address.

Thomas Infante of Cary, Illinois, walked into a Fifth Third Bank at 5.50pm local time and handed a teller a note that read “Be Quick Be Quit (sic). Give your cash or I’ll shoot,” according to an FBI affidavit filed on Monday. The teller gave the man about $US400.

The robber left behind his demand note, written on a torn half of the pay slip.

Investigators found the other half of the note – with Infante’s name and home address – outside the bank’s front doors.

The pay stub showed Infante was paid $US165.99 by Jewel Food Stores on October 23, according to the FBI.

“It’s fairly unusual that we see something that specifically stupid,” said FBI spokesman Ross Rice.

“But overall, we see a lot of strange bank robberies.”

The bank teller described the robber as a man in his late 30s with brown eyes and no front teeth.

Investigators learned Infante may have been living at a home less than two blocks from the bank. They interviewed his brother there, who said Infante had been there earlier and had left a brown jacket behind – the same one seen in a security videotape of the robbery, according to the FBI affidavit.

His brother, shown a photograph taken from the bank security video, also identified him as the robber.

Infante was arrested at his Cary home and later admitted to the robbery, according to the FBI affidavit.

Not exactly the most inspired bank robbery in history. Surely if he wanted to rob bank customers of $400 he could have just taken up a job as a bank executive and introduced a new fee. He might have managed to get away with it then, although with his writing skills he may have created a “reverse fee” where every customer gets $400…hmmm, who runs St. George Bank and how do I make them hire this bloke?


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness

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1 Comment

  • 1. Mister_Stuttbutt  |  December 31st, 2008 at 10:55 am

    What a total loser. He should get life for stupidity.


December 2008

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