November 24th, 2008 at 03:13am
That might be one way to describe the latter half of last week and the weekend. Two friendships which appear to have disintegrated, another friend who I fear may be on the edge of self-harm, a job under threat, and one dead kangaroo.
Of the two friendships which appear to have disintegrated, one doesn’t bother me too much simply because I never really thought it was a particularly strong or close friendship anyway, but the other one, which was a very strong and fairly close friendship (from my perspective anyway) hurts. I’ve probably spent the better part of the last day or so trying to work out exactly what happened, and whilst I’m no closer to working out the reasons, I can see that there have been subtle hints left for me for some time now, and I just missed them. I think the friend was too polite to just drop me there and then, and has been trying to get rid of me gradually, and has now been a bit more blunt about it.
As much as I would like to know the reasons behind the collapse, I’m not going to bother asking. In some ways I think it would be better if I just stop thinking about it, although I will admit that it is very difficult.
As for the “job under threat” and the friend possibly on the edge of self-harm, the less I say about any of that publicly at this stage, the better. These are things which need to be worked out away from public scrutiny.
And the dead kangaroo, I can’t help but feel very sorry for the poor thing. All that it wanted to do was cross the road, I couldn’t stop in time, and now it’s dead. What’s worse is that it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t gone for one of my “I need to unwind” drives. It wasn’t a very mature kangaroo, but it was one of the more sensible ones, it was actually trying to get out of the way…I pity it due to the sheer amount of terror that it must have been feeling in it’s last few moments of life. I suppose I can take some comfort from the fact that it died virtually instantly once hit, and that it didn’t suffer, something which is fairly obvious from the fact that once I got out and checked on it, it was dead, with a large amount of blood covering the road from its head wound.
I know that roos get hit by cars all the time, but I can’t help but feel sorry for this particular roo. I suppose I’m lucky insofar as my car only suffered very minor damage (a small dent and a bit of missing paint as far as I can tell). Regardless, it’s got to be amongst the most typical, but worst ways, to cap off what has already been a spectacularly awful few days.
Entry Filed under: Samuel News
1. chris | November 27th, 2008 at 12:23 am
Cheer up Samuel. Everything will turn out okay 🙂
2. Samuel | November 27th, 2008 at 12:29 am
Maybe and perhaps.
So far 2UE’s crazy psychic woman’s prediction of a better week this week, involving me “winning” in the middle of the week hasn’t happened. Still waiting to see if “travel is likely” will happen.
If only she’d trotted out the good old “this is an excellent week to get a hair cut” line. I’m almost in desperate need of a haircut.