I notice that Andrew Bolt is back
January 28th, 2008 at 10:13pm
I notice that Herald Sun columnist and blogger Andrew Bolt has finally returned from holidays.
I like Andrew’s blog and I generally skim through it two or three times a week. His posts range from things I strongly agree with, to things I just find peculiar or wrong, but I always find it entertaining.
Of particular interest is this video he posted under the title “What’s French for moron?”
The question is simple enough, Which of the following orbits the Earth? (Update: Mark makes an interesting point about the question in the comments below…apparently they used “gravitate” in the question instead of orbit…and there are some other peculiarities with the question. End Update)
A: The Moon
B: The Sun
C: Mars
D: Venus
The result is quite staggering.
Entry Filed under: Samuel's Editorials
1. Pen 15 | January 28th, 2008 at 11:28 pm
I find the hypocrisy of Bolt, and the vitriol spewed by his supporters disgusting.
2. Samuel | January 29th, 2008 at 8:43 am
That’s a very strong opinion Pen. I like it when people are able to commit themselves to a strong opinion, even if I disagree with it.
3. mark | January 30th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
I agree with Pen’s opinion of Bolt to say the least.
Regarding the clip, the question is more obfuscatory than you allow. The question did not use the word for ‘orbit’, but the word for ‘gravitate’. So the question is “Which thing gravitates around the earth?” It’s approximately as weird a phrasing in French as it is in English, and I don’t doubt that the word ‘gravite’ confused people who are perfectly clear about the physical relationships of the objects in question.
4. Samuel | January 30th, 2008 at 5:12 pm
In that case, the question writer was nuts, and the contestant and audience were confused.
Based on your explanation Mark, I will assume that the question is even more peculiar in French than it is in English as “Moon” would have been my answer to “Which thing gravitates around the earth?”.
As for Andrew Bolt, he is a very divisive figure. The main reason I read his blog is that I find him to be entertaining, even when I disagree with him.