Samuel’s Musician Of The Week Persiflage, Blog, Me

Update on the Italian blogger

January 22nd, 2007 at 07:54am

With many thanks to Frankster for the translation services, I can finally bring you a proper translation of the email which the Italian blogger sent me in response to this post about blog design.

Who the hell gave you permission to publish on your site my post? Who gave
you authorisation? Please, if you have to respond, use the italian language.
(http:// address being referred to here). Immediately you are to delete your
post before I denounce you, and next time, ask permission to republish my
postings if you have something to laugh about at my expense. Did you believe
that I would not discover it???

A denouncement? That sounds like fun…bring it on!

Whilst I’m sure my previous attempt at communicating with this blogger resulted in nothing but confusion, I have decided to try again.


I am sorry about the delay in sending you a legible reply, but I do not speak Italian and as such require the assistance of a translation service to communicate with you.

I used a screenshot of the blog in question as an example of a widespread trend in poor blog design. Under fair use provisions of copyright laws, portions of copyright material may be used for critical analysis.

I am sorry if I upset you or anyone else, but I was merely pointing out an obvious deficiency in the design of the blog. I have no comment on the content of the blog as I do not understand it. I was not trying to “laugh at your expense”, but instead examine a trend in blog design which I find disturbing, apart from which, the image I used was a low quality reproduction, and as I have already stated, such use for critical analysis is permitted under Australian copyright law.

Your blog was one I stumbled on by accident and it reminded me that I was going to write something about blog designs, and as such I used it as an example. I was not making any comment on the content of your blog.

As for your comment about me believing that you would not discover my post, you are wrong. If I had not wanted you to find out, I would never have posted a link to your blog. As it happens, I believe that it is only fair for people to be able to find out if something is written about them or one of their publications.

Once again, there is nothing personal here, and I stand by my actions as I do not think I have done anything wrong.

Kind Regards,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Frankster translated that for me, and as such, the following email has been sent to the blogger in question.


Mi dispiace che devuto aspettare un momento per la leggibile messaggio, ma
non parlo italiano, e devo usare un servizio traduzione letterale per
comunicare con te.

Io usato un screenshot da la tua sito come un esempio da la popolare stile
di sventurato sito progetto. Soto la “fair use” provizorio da le legge di
copyright, parte da la copyright materiale po essere usato per anilisi

Sono spiacente se io sconvolto te o qualcuno altro, ma io soltanto stava
precisando una mancanza evidente nel disegno del tuo sito. Non ho comento su
la contenuto perche non lo capisco. Especialmente non ero “ridendo a la tua
spesa”, ma preferibilmente esamino una tendenzia nel disegno del tu sito che
disturba me, altre l’immagine che ho usato era un qualita cattiva, e come
gia ho fatto caso, e secondo legge Australiana di copyright.

Tuo sito era uno che trovato per incidente, e sono ricordato che stavo
andare per scrivere qualcosa di blog disegne, e po troppo ho usato per
esempio. Assoltamente non stavo facendo osservazione sul contenuto del
vostro blog.

Per quanto riguarda il vostro commento che credo che non abbiate scoperto,
tu hai fato un grande errore. Se non avessi desiderati scoprire, non
avrebbero invitato mai un collegamento al vostro blog. Ma come e andata, io
credo che sia soltanto giusto che la gente possa da scoprire se qualcosa è
scritta di loro o una pubblicazioni di loro.

Allora, non ce niente personale qui, e io te lo dicco asoltamente che io
credo che ho la ragione, e penso che non ho fato qualche cosa sbagliato.

Riguardi gentili,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

With any luck this will be the last we hear of this incident.


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  • 1. Mister_Stuttbutt  |  January 22nd, 2007 at 8:57 am

    Will Samuel be de de denouced by the nameless Italian?
    Watch this sp sp space folks.

  • 2. randombrainwave  |  January 23rd, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    DENOUNCE you? that’s an international incident, that is.

  • 3. Samuel  |  January 24th, 2007 at 1:27 am

    Absolutely! Next thing we know they will fly over here by spinning the earth in the other direction.


January 2007

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