Twitter Updates for 2012-03-31 The Sunday Bits for April 1, 2012

April Fools Day

April 1st, 2012 at 01:30am

An email to 2UE’s John Kerr

Good morning John,

Happy April Fools Day! What an interesting day for the daylight saving changeover to occur. There are so many opportunities to work daylight saving in to a prank by deliberately telling people to change their clocks the wrong way, or by the wrong amount, or better yet, tell the Queensland listeners that they will be joining daylight saving when we leave it.
Here's another one I thought of which you might be interested in using one year. In the "On This Day" segment, find out some really mundane things which happened and use them instead of the historical events. For example, on this day in  1904 the United States Surgeon General enacted a close quarantine in Texas. In 1932, "Mobsmen On The Spot", the ninth story featuring a fictional vigilante named The Shadow was published. In 1948, it was a Thursday. And in 1976, the overnight low in Canberra was 9 degrees, the top temperature was 20 and it did not rain.
Actually, there's another idea for you John, just give out different weather forecasts…so give Sydney's forecast for Brisbane, Canberra's forecast for Dubbo and so on and so forth.
Ahhh the possibilities.
Anyway, will you be on next weekend? If not, have a great Easter, and be good so that the Easter Bunny visits.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
P.S. The above historical data is accurate. I have been researching it while I have been writing this email.

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