AAP endangering people by editing out useful descriptions Why I completely dismiss Jon Stewart as a news source

Police leaving in droves while the New South Wales government sticks its fingers in its ears and screams la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la

May 4th, 2009 at 12:29pm

Two police officers are leaving the New South Wales Police Force each day, but Tony Kelly (who?) thinks it’s great news:

The State Government has confirmed New South Wales police officers are leaving the force at a rate of two a day, but describes the figure as low.
The state’s Police Minister Tony Kelly says the state has a low rate of attrition.

“The figure is correct, there are 50 leaving a month, but that’s down from 90 a month and it’s a lower rate than the rest of the public service,” he said.

1. Your comparison is not fair Tony. The rest of the public service does not have a similar number of staff to the police force.

2. In the police force, a healthy turnover isn’t a healthy turnover. Whilst new recruits are a wonderful thing, merely replacing experienced staff who are quitting, not retiring, with inexperienced staff is not a plan for success.

3. Tony, is the New South Wales government really in such a bad shape that you’re proud of these numbers? Oh, never mind, I forgot who I was talking to for a minute…you’re lucky that the entire public service hasn’t quit fifteen times over. After all, ministers doing just that (great role models) is precisely how you got your job.


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May 2009

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