Awww, I missed two protests in as many days
February 3rd, 2009 at 03:17pm
Yesterday there was a protest about the Northern Territory intervention which was held outside the High Court (the protest that is, not the intervention), but I got the date wrong and as such missed my opportunity to antagonise the protesters with “Support the intervention” signs.
Today there was some “let’s form a human ring around parliament house to stop global warming” protest. I remember hearing about the protest a week or two ago but didn’t take note of the date. Pity, I could have annoyed them with “climate change is natural” signs and, if I’d really been on the ball, one-page fact sheets outlining why the changes in our climate are perfectly natural…I would have had fun producing those fact sheets, and my use of paper and ink would have been of more use to the economy than the protest.
Oh well, the good thing about protests like these is that they will keep happening, and I will get my chance again. Oh, and listening to Sean Hannity talking about the tax cheats and the lobbyists in the Obama administration (Obama promised to not have any lobbyists) this morning on KXNT Las Vegas was much more interesting than any session of “antagonise the global warmers” could have been, although probably not quite as satisfying.
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