Friday Funnies: Geography BBC Style and What The Teacher Says And Means When the people on-microphone can’t hear the main conversation

Michael Thompson heads to Pyrmont

August 1st, 2008 at 06:00pm

It’s 6PM, so there ends today’s 2CC drive show, and with it the tenure of Australia’s best provincial newcomer off-air for 2007, producer Michael Thompson.

Michael is leaving Canberra’s garden suburb of the north* (Mitchell) for the tropical island of Pyrmont (I was told that he was on a tropical island the last time he was in Pyrmont) where he will join the team responsible for Ray Hadley’s morning show on 2GB. At this stage it is unclear whether or not he will be taking any green mesh with him to Pyrmont.

The news came as a shock to me as I only found out today. I knew that my week or so of isolating myself from the world recently worked well, I just didn’t know that it worked that well.

Best of luck Michael, you definitely deserve the new job and I hope it all goes well for you. I don’t think that it’s within my power to turn Pyrmont in to a tropical island, but I could probably convince a professor to release a report in to global warming complete with a picture of Pyrmont floating in the ocean due to rising sea levels and an increase in temperatures by about ten degrees…not sure about the palm trees though, you might have to improvise by moving 2GB’s indoor plants to the building’s roof.

*Apologies to Mike Jeffreys for stealing his description of Mitchell…it’s the only decent description out there.

Due to my break from the blog, I’m a week behind on the Musician(s) Of The Week award and my plan was to run two Musician(s) Of The Week posts this weekend…I will still do that, but I may have to overrule the random number generator and pick one of the songs from the 101-song-list purposefully tomorrow. I know that Michael has been eagerly waiting for me to run this song for some time so I might as well do it before he forgets what Canberra’s average temperature is for May.


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1 Comment

  • 1. media_mistress  |  August 2nd, 2008 at 8:57 am


    What exactly do you do here? Are you a media monitor?

    Moved to Canberra at the start of last year, tried out 104 and 106 and couldn’t stomach it, why does Canberra offer so few AM alternatives?

    Was very interested to see about Thompson leaving 2CC though, do you know who his replacement will be? Do you have a preference?

    Jeffreys seems more amiable of late. Seems to get more callers that way…changes behind the scenes perhaps?

    Also, think the Can will get their own midday host? I hate that half the shows are streamed from Sydney on AM, FM and the regional TV stations. Please explain!


August 2008

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